Chapter 5

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"thanks for the help Wheeljack." Prowl mutters, wrapping an arm around his bondmate gently.

"sure no problem." Wheeljack smiles, with a wink. he heads over to Ratchets room happily. Prowl snorts and cuddles Bumblebee happily, kissing his helm gently. Bumblebee cuddles closer, holding tighter to Prowl. the scout is half asleep but the time Ratchet comes storming back in, grumbling. he hadn't found the perpetrator of the prank. he pauses catching a glance at the two.

"I told you slaggers not to move! how did you get over there with Prowl?" Ratchet growls. Bumblebee curls up more.

"Wheeljack." Bumblebee mumbles with a yawn. he cuddles closer to Prowl, who Ratchet thumps in the side of the helm again.

"I said no meditating." Ratchet growls. Prowl growls, huffing.

"I can't help it. my CPU automatically goes into meditation while I'm recharging. have you never, in the times I've had to stay over night, noticed this? stop thumping me in the head." Prowl growls.

"be nice to my creator." Bumblebee warns. he turns and glares at Ratchet. "and you be nice to my bondmate." Bumblebee huffs. Ratchet glares at them, but heads to his room to curl up with Wheeljack, intent on a nap.

its only silent for a few minutes, Ratchet happily curled up with Wheeljack and Bumblebee happily snuggled against Prowl. the silence doesn't last long though.

"RATCHET!" Bumblebee shouts, panicked from the other room. Ratchet jerks up immediately, running out of the room, quickly followed by Wheeljack. they both race to the main medbay, where Bumblebee is standing in an absolute panic next to Prowls berth. the monitor attached to Prowls spark is going nuts, Prowl is clutching his chest with a look of pain on his faceplates.

"what happened!?" Rathet orders.

"I-I.. I dunno! I don't know! we were just laying here and he told me to get you!" Bumblebee whimpers, shifting from ped to ped anxiously. Wheeljack immediately rushes over to Bumblebee in an attempt to sooth him. he pulls the smaller to his chestplates and holds him tightly. Bumblebee doesn't resist, clinging to Wheeljack while he watches Ratchet set to work on Prowl. the medic immediately attempts to force Prowls chestplates open, he doesn't have time to be nice about it. Prowls spark needs his attention and fast.

"Prowl stop fighting me and open your chestplates." Ratchet orders.

"m'not! its just refusing to open!" Prowl snaps through gritted denta.

"the latch on his chamber is bent its been bent since before we bonded, it just needs a little force." Bumblebee mumbles. Ratchet nods makes quick work of forcing the mechs chamber open.

"whats happening?" Wheeljack ask.

"not sure the hole in his spark appears to be pulsing separately from the rest of his spark." Ratchet says. "thats whats causing the pain what in pits could be causing it, I have no idea." Ratchet frowns. "c'mere kid." Ratchet says, waving Bumblebee over as the pulsing on the hole of Prowls spark slows. Prowl hisses, clenching his denta when Bumblebee takes his servo gently, while standing in front of Ratchet. the Ninja grunts, back arching up off the berth with another loud hiss. Bumblebee yelps letting go and stepping back quickly as the hole in Prowls spark starts flashing quickly.

"Prowl!" Bumblebee cries.

"go stand by Wheeljack, get back." Ratchet says quickly. Bumblebee scrambles away, clinging to Wheeljack worriedly. the inventor wraps an arm around him gently as Prowl goes slack on the berth, groaning. "I don't fragging believe it." Ratchet mutters.

"what?" Wheeljack asks curiously.

"these two slagging idiots, accidentally figured out how to fix a spark, by being idiots." Ratchet says, watching Prowl.

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