Chapter 2

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"thats would be Bumblebee, he's the half-brother, I've always told you about, remember? he's the one that went missing before you were sparked." Wheeljack explains. Burns stares a moment, before grinning.

"brother...? I have a brother!? my brothers alive!" she asks, barely containing her excitement. she immediately sticks her servo out towards Bumblebee. "holy shit, hi I'm Burns. I've literally heard about nothing but you for years!" she murmurs. Bumblebee smiles hesitantly and shakes her servo. he's clearly overwhelmed with the current situation. he hadn't realized this would make him so anxious and nervous. Prowl steps up behind him carefully.

hey, its alright Bee.

Bumblebee nods, smiling hesitantly at his sister once more. Prowl was right. he can handle all this, everything would be alright. and if everything was not alright, Prowl would take him away from the situation as fast as he could and help him to calm down.

"Bumblebee... wow this has been a weird and kinda... nervewracking day." Bumblebee murmurs, looking around the room. Bumblebee feels as though he's about to be sick, but he's attempting to remain calm. Burns snorts a little.
"yeah, though I can imagine its weirder to you than me. I mean... I knew all you exsisted, but thought you were dead... did you even know about us?" Burns asks. Bumblebee shakes his head.

"I'd never even heard of you guys until this morning... I didn't know about any of this... kinda... y'know, overwhelming..." Bumblebee trails. Burns nods slightly.

"wow.... thats gotta be alot for one day. a whole ass family coming out of no where, thats awesome!" Burns grins. she turns around and looks at Wheeljack expectantly. "okay, so what was that other surprise you told me you had for me?" Burns asks. Ratchet frowns slightly, looking over at Wheeljack.

"Primus Jack, what the hell happened to her? she wasn't that young when I left to be a field medic." Ratchet frowns. Wheeljack gives him a small smile.

"she just doesn't remember, she was still barely a youngling at that time." Wheeljack murmurs. he turns to Burns and grins at her. "Burns, this is Ratchet." Wheeljack says, smiling at her as he motions to the medic. Burns immediately squeals excitedly, launching herself at Ratchet and latching onto him.

"creator! you're alive! you're really alive!" Burns squeals, hugging him tightly. Ratchet yelps, stumbling backwards and struggling to catch himself.

"hey! easy kid! I'm too old for this slag!" Ratchet huffs. Wheeljack chuckles softly and easily props his bondmate up. Ratchet struggles for a second, before giving in and letting Wheeljack hold him up.

"she knows exactly who you are, she's been missing you for years. ever since I found her. she just doesn't remember what you look like." Wheeljack chuckles, softly. he watches his bondmate and daughter again for a few moments longer, before turning his head towards Bumblebee. he doesn't step away from holding Ratchet up, but he does smile at Bumblebee. "hi, I have never met you, but I'm Wheeljack, I'm bonded to your creator." Wheeljack says, watching him. Bumblebee nods slightly.

"oh yeah, I know exactly who you are. you're the reason I managed to escape the Decepticons... so, thanks." Bumblebee says. Wheeljack looks confused.

"huh? how did I help you escape?" Wheeljack asks. Bumblebee shrugs.

"long story short, one of your bombs exploded near the cell I was trapped in. took down the exterior wall and I managed to escape." Bumblebee says. Wheeljack looks more confused.

"how do you know it was one of mine?" Wheeljack asks. Bumblebee snorts. while the attention is drawn to Bumblebee, and the little family doesn't notice them doing so, Optimus escorts Bulkhead, Jazz, and Sari out of the main room. he wants to give them some privacy.

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