Ready to go.

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!hope you all enjoy as I'm going with the flow and not sure how I'm gonna turn this story out!


You wake to the shake of the helicopter as it gets ready to land on the pad, you rub your eyes and look around below to see who'd be there to greet you.
The only ones you saw were price and Alejandro.
You were nervous and yet overly excited,
You wanted to show what you had to offer and clearly they had seen something impressive enough from your file that you, of all people, were who they chose to help them out.
You know the ropes around pretty much anything, from hand-to-hand combat, all the way to sniping.
Maybe they needed someone so flexible to fit wherever they found me necessary for.

The helicopter finally raddles as it's landed, the pilot gesturing me that I'm good to get off and stretch my legs finally.
I practically rush out of my seat and grab my bag as I step out and turn towards the two men making their way up to me.

"Nice to finally meet ya in person" price says, reaching out a hand and me happily shaking it.

"I hope the ride wasn't too much of a bother, we'll have you headed to your room in no time"

Price smiles and starts to walk towards the large building ahead.
"Welcome to las Almas, we hope to show you a good time while you're on this mission with us.
Let me know if anyone gives you problems, I doubt you need help if it comes to it but I'll still be here for you regardless." Alejandro gives me a big smile and pat on the shoulder before opening the door to the building and gesturing for me to head inside.
I give him a thankful nod and wait for price to show the way.
We begin walking down the long corridor and Alejandro begins explaining where the rooms, lounge, and kitchen were.
Most rooms were on the right side closer to the armory past the kitchen and bathrooms with the living area across from them while prices office, infirmary, and their rooms were to the left.
Price had reassured me that even though there's public bathrooms and showers, each room still has their own personal half bathroom 'to do our business in peace' as he put it.
As we were walking, a man came up to introduce himself as gaz.
"It's an honor to be the first of the group to meet you, would you mind if I took your bag to your room for you? It looks like you could use it out of your hair."
He gestures to my bag lazily being held to my side.
"Ide appreciate that, thank you"
I give him a thankful nod and hand it over as he smiles and trots off to one of the bedrooms to set it down for me.
Price, Alejandro, and me all continue to walk down to the living area to meet with the group there.

As I walk in, I notice the two tallest of the bunch first, both standing behind the couch watching the TV in front of them.
One I recognize as ghost, you wouldn't be true military if you didn't know who he was.
He was all everyone looked up to back where I was originally based in.
The slightly taller one next to him I believed to have been named könig as I heard the man I presumed to be soap joking about with him.
Soap pats him on the shoulder as he walks past looking to be heading for another beer.
"Well look who's arrived!"
He says raising his arms in excitement.
"What a true honor"
He reached for your hand and gives you a quick kiss on your knuckles and winks at you as he walks around to presumably head to the kitchen for his beer.
Ghost and könig both turn and a man named Rodolfo who was sitting on the couch turns in his seat to look at you.
Gaz finally has made his way in to the living room holding two beers and offers one to you which you take happily. It had been awhile since you had anything to drink and your slight anxiety was drying you out.

"It's nice to have you join us" ghost says gesturing his bottle towards you before taking a swig and returning to the program on the TV.
"I hope you get settled in well, it's gonna be a long mission" Rodolfo adds before also turning back to the TV.
Gaz looks at you and shrugs his shoulders
"Must be something extra interesting for them to not look at someone like you" he jokingly whispers to you causing you to let out a chuckle.
Soap finally makes his way back into the room and hops into a seat on the couch.

"Alright, everyone's attention c'mon boys.
This is no way to introduce a new member"
Price claps his hands to gain everyone's eyes on him.

"As you all know, we have introduced y/n l/n into the team for our current mission to hunt down Hassan.

As I've said before, she is not a force to be reckoned with. She's been doing this for quite a bit so she is not someone you want to be on the bad side of.
If anyone has a problem with anyone you report back to me.
All the men nod in agreement.
"Alright, I'm going to let y/n get some rest but we do have training tomorrow. We are gonna have her show us how it's done."
Price nods at me
"Welcome to the team"
He says before leaving the room, likely heading to his office.
I take an awkward look around as I watch all the men immediately snap their heads back towards the TV as if I was never there in the first place.
Gaz had now taken a seat on the loveseat and noticed you standing awkwardly as though you felt unwelcome.
Before he could invite you to sit with him, soap takes that as his chance to offer you to sit in the middle of him and Rodolfo on the couch.
"We don't bite, come get cozy with us over here" he pats the seat between them.
You noticed könig had never fully turned his focus back on the TV, he had been watching you in an understanding kind of way.
He could tell you felt overwhelmed by being around new people.
You walk over and sit with soap and he wraps an arm around you.
You noticed they hadn't just been watching TV but playing a fighting game, ghost and Rodolfo were both fighting and blabbering at eachother about their hits being unfair and how the other is button mashing.
"Give the newbie a turn"
Soap smirks and pats your shoulder and ghost hands a controller over your head.
"You ever played before?" Ghost asks leaning in towards you as if he was prepared for you to say no and ask him how to play.
"I played games like this alot as a kid before my dad moved out."
He nods at your response and straightens his stands and goes to watching the screen as you go through characters.
Rodolfo hands a controller over to soap causing him to get excited and have a huge grin.
"Prepair to have your ass kicked little lady"
You giggle with sarcasm and put extra focus on the game, no one threatens to kick your ass and NO ONE calls you little lady.
You both play about 6 rounds, you end up winning 4 out of 6.
Each time you won the whole team would let out a hurray and start teasing soap around about how he was clearly eating his words.
You ended up having another beer and moved over to the seat next to gaz and let ghost take up your previous seat.
The rest of the time you hung out you couldn't help but notice the tall Austrian man still seeming to watch you on occasion, he seemed to have been fascinated with you.
Every now and then you could feel his eyes on you but everytime you'd look over his eyes were immediately darted to the TV screen again.
You shrugged it off as him maybe just not meeting new members often.
You eventually told everyone goodnight and finished off your drink in one chug and looked over at könig before exiting over to head to the bedrooms.
Walking down the hallway you realized you weren't quite sure which room was yours.
As if on que, gaz walks up behind me and points me to my door
"That one's yours, all rooms are separate so you won't have a roomie so let me know if you get lonely at night and we can have a little sleepover" he lets out a small chuckle as I nod in thanks and we both head to our rooms.

The room was a lot nicer than your previous one, it had a full sized mattress and a half bathroom as price had said.
You walked over to your bed and started going through your bag gaz had set on it.
You put away a few things before grabbing your toothbrush and toothpaste and head to the bathroom and finally get ready for bed.

You were shaking with excitement for training tomorrow, you were nervous to try and take down the two beasts that call themselves men but you had no doubt you could atleast get a few hits In on em both.
You think of how training will go before finally drifting to sleep.

I hope you enjoyed this chapter.
I'm really excited to be writing again but honestly really need a warm up, I went back and rewrote almost the entire chapter 3 times.
I hope the third time was the charm and you all get excited for more to come!
Will see y'all next chapter❤️

Give me suggestions for future chapters!

1666 words (hehehe)

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