Showing a little skin

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Welcum back for another chapter, enjoy😎
!NSFW (masterbation)


König follows you back to your room like a puppy and waits outside as you get some clothes ready and undress yourself and wrap up in a towel and grab an extra for your hair.
You open the door and walk out making könig wide eyed at you standing in nothing but a towel.
He looks away once he realized he was staring too long and turned on his heels towards the showers.
You tell him thank you before heading in and making way to one of the showers, setting your clothes and extra towel on a bench near by.
You look around before setting down your towel and finally stepping into the shower and rinsing off all the sweat from training earlier that morning.
While washing your hair you accidentally bump your elbow into a bottle of shampoo that had been set up on the ledge, causing a loud thud as it hit the floor.
You bend over and pick up the bottle, setting back where it was, before hearing footsteps rush in and turning to see könig wide eyed staring at you,
He takes a second looking at you before realizing what he was seeing.
"Scheiße, es tut mir leid (shit, I'm sorry)
I thought you might had fallen or something...I'm sorry"
He immediately turns around and practically bolts out the door.
You were thankful that atleast the walls of the shower were tall enough that he hadn't seen anything too low below your shoulders.. although maybe he had, you had no idea what angle he had with his height.
You continued to rinse out your hair while thinking of the horrifying thought that a member of your team may have seen your chest on full display.
You wrap up in your towel and dry yourself off, using the other to wrap up your hair after getting dressed.
You hang the towel on a rack before heading out the door to see könig crouched next to the door looking a bit stressed out.
You place a hand on his shoulder
"Hey, are you okay?... It was really fine that you came in, I appreciated your concern even though I was okay.."
He stands and looks at you
"Really?... Are you sure... The whole reason you had me stand here was to avoid that happening..."
He looks down at his feet
"Really. It's okay, you didn't... See anything though.. did you?"
König looks over to you and looks down at your chest before back up to your eyes and then darting his focus around the hall.
"Nothing.. I saw nothing... Just... You."
His unreassuring assurance made you feel embarrassed and blush abit.
"It's alright.. I think I'm gonna head back to my room for a bit, I'll join you guys in the living room soon"
you pat his arm and he nods as you walk off to your room.

You take the towel off your head and hang it up on the hook of your bathroom door before flopping down on your bed.
You layed there thinking of how könig had seen you both wet and naked standing in the shower.
You were almost ashamed that it was kind of exciting to you..
You hadn't talked to him much but something about him didn't bother you that he saw you.
You were curious as to whether or not he might of enjoyed what he saw, you almost wanted to ask or give him a reason to tell you...
Something in you wanted him to want you.
You squeeze your thighs together and roll over to your side and sigh.
You were getting a little too excited over this idea.
You rolled over back onto your back
And thought for a second before deciding to get up and grab your toy out of your bag. You nearly didn't bring it as you thought you wouldn't get around to using it much but you were revved up and needed to fix it before you looked könig in the face again.
You get yourself situated under your sheets and turn on your little machine and let out a small gasp as it touches you.
You tried to think of any ol thing to get off on but your mind couldn't help but make it's way back to the thought of könig fidgeting with his hands at the table..
His hands were soft but still very put to work, scars and cuts scattered around both sides.
His fingers were far bigger than yours, his hands in general were that of a giants.
Your curiosity got the better of you as you thought of what it would be like for him to slip his fingers inside you.
Him gently thrusting them in and out as you grip his arm and watch his muscles flex as they work together to get you off.
You wondered What he'd do when you'd finish, if he'd clean off his fingers or if he'd ask of you to do it for him.
You suddenly felt yourself sprung back into reality as you got close and released before even having a say so.
You layed there, taking in deep, heavy breathes as you felt ashamed that you had just thought of könig in such a way.
You rolled back over to your side, leaving the toy on the bed, and start to doze off.

You suddenly jolt awake as you head knocking on your door.
You jump up out of bed and open up the door to find soap standing there and giving you a small smile.
"Looks like someone was a bit tired after training. Did I really work you out that much?" He laughs and starts to look around the room behind you as you stand there rubbing your eyes not even thinking twice about it.
"Geez... I thought you were just tired but looks like someone wore themselves out with a little fun. I mean I was gonna offer you dinner but it seems you're busy"
Your eyes go wide and you look over to the bright red toy casually layed upon your bed and you rush over and toss it into the drawer of your side table as if it made any difference.
You walk back over to the door with an embarrassed look and look up to soap
"Well.... What's for dinner?..."
Soap smirks
"Price picked us up some Chinese"
(Sorry to anyone who doesn't like Chinese food)
You look up at him giving him an awkward smile and close the door behind you before following him over to the kitchen.
Everyone wasn't as chatty this time which made you have a twist feeling in your stomach,
It felt as though soap would tell on you any second for having that vibrator in your bed and he'd somehow know who you thought about while using it.
Your eyes went all around the room, looking at everyone sitting down or grabbing seconds already.
Gaz looked over at you with a slight worried expression and you decided to walk up to him.
"Are you okay?.. you look so nervous"
You look at him with a slight frown
"I just woke up, I'm just about frazzled at the moment. Still getting used to being around new people"
Gaz gives you a warm smile and stands to give you a hug
"Well I'm no stranger so don't feel nervous around me, I got you"
You look up at him with a smile and head over to get yourself a plate of food.
You decided to sit at the island counter as nobody seemed to sit there much.
You sat there hunched over your food as if you were a wolf protecting its kill.
You were so out of it and nervous you didn't even realize how tense you looked.
König walked over and struggled sitting in the stool next to you and put his hand on your shoulder, dragging you out of your thoughts and making you flinch abit.
"Are you alright liebling?
Why so tense.."
"O-oh.. I'm not sure. Just anxious is all"
You give him a weak smile
"Anxious of what? Is it because of the shower earlier...." König looks down and starts fidgeting with his hands again.
Your eyes quickly look over to his actions and what you thought about earlier had suddenly rushed to the forefront of your mind causing you to take an extra deep breath of air that makes könig look over at you with concern.
You look up at him and realize your lack of response probably didn't make him feel any better about the shower situation.
"It's not strictly about that könig.. it's more that I feel embarrassed that I let that happen. I wanted to make a good first impression with everyone and yet I feel like I made it awkward for even asking you to do that for me because that wouldn't have happened otherwise..."
König looks at you sadly and grabs your hand causing you to look at him.
You hadn't really looked at him this deep in the eyes..
My god were they beautiful.
They were such a perfect icy, almost gray, kind of blue.
I had never looked at something and felt so at peace.
"Don't blame yourself, and don't let this make you afraid to ask me or anyone for anything. You wanted to feel comfortable and you aren't wrong for that liebling.
I'll make sure to wait until you yell for me to run in next time"
He laughs, but I can't say my mind didn't run to the darkest dustiest corner of my brain with the thought of yelling out for könig.. now was not the time to work myself up again.
I give könig a big hug and stand from the counter to throw away my garbage.
I thank him and tell him I'm going to head to bed and that we'd talk more tomorrow.
He smiles under his hood and tells me goodnight before I head on over to my room and ready myself for bed.
After brushing my teeth I lay in bed and think of what könig said....
He'll wait until I yell his name..
I wonder if that goes for more than just his shower guard duty.
I close my eyes and fall asleep to those very thoughts.


Yeeyee another end of a chapter.
I found a way to make it dirty without being fast about it too!
I figured it would be fun to get the thoughts flowing before the juices.
Also sorry for any German that isn't correct, if only my German grandparents were alive to teach me so It could benefit my stupid little book.😭
I hope y'all enjoyed the dirty thoughts of this chapter,
See you in the next one!

Words: 1808

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