what about your mask?

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My motivation has been completely drained.
I have been working on commissions left and right so my brain has been exhausted 😭 I didn't mean to take so long to get back to this but I hope you guys don't hate me and enjoy this chapter🖤


I had been sitting at the corner of my bed with a notepad and pencil in hand for more than an hour now,
I haven't worn a dress in forever... How the hell was I meant to know what size I am in one?
I look down at my small notepad, only a few things scribbled down in it.


Shoe size: (your shoe size)

Ring sizes: (your ring sizes)

Jewelry preference: (silver or gold or whichever you prefer)

Dress size:                   

What do I do with my hair?....

I was absolutely clueless.
I decided to go on a hunt for some measuring tape, I didn't wanna risk guessing and ending up uncomfortable throughout the whole mission.
If I was uncomfortable, everyone else would be too.
I toss the notepad down on my bed and head out into the hallway, I try and rack my brain of ideas as to where and why a military base would need a measuring tape.

The infirmary? I mean.. maybe?

I walk my way over and open the door slowly, peeking into the dark room and switching on the light then heading in.
I look around confused at the shelves and cabinets surrounding a set of sinks on the back wall.
The room had around 8 medical beds filling the right side of the room,
My nose was filled with the smell of various forms of disinfectant, both generic cleaners and medical.
Along with the plastic smell of the curtains that hung from a track attached to the ceiling around each bed.
I look around at the empty metal roller trays in hopes that ide be lucky enough that they'd just do happen to not only have measuring tape- but left it out conveniently too.
They did not.
I sigh and continue my walk over to the cabinets.
There were two larger cabinets on either side of the sinks, and then some smaller ones paired with drawers underneath.
I scanned over the shelves above but saw nothing but various bottles of alcohol and containers filled with cotton balls, swabs, and tongue depressors.
I begin to open and shuffle through some drawers but sadly to no avail, just some packaged and sterile tools alongside small metal trays.
I stand staring at the drawers in defeat before hearing a knock on the door behind me, I turn to see price standing in the doorway and looking at me with confusion.
"Need a bandaid?"
He raises an eyebrow at me.
I laugh awkwardly and start to walk up to him
"Nah, I actually... I have no idea what dress size I am and was hoping to find a measuring tape and thought maybe Google would be helpful in figuring it out..."
I confess and cross my arms as I stand defeated.
Price raises both eyebrows and nods
"I see, well I uh... Can't say I've seen one on base however if it would be more helpful, you could just... Go along with them to try the dresses on instead?"
I sigh in relief and nod
"That would be incredibly helpful"
We both chuckle and he moves to the side of the doorway so I can walk out, he turns the light off for me and closes the door
"Well then when they go out tomorrow, I'll just give you a budget and you can enjoy searching around for yourself instead of being forced to wear whatever they'd make you wear"
We both walk down the dimly lit hallway past the lounge area and bathrooms.
"I appreciate that a lot, I promise I won't go crazy. It's really not my thing otherwise i would have known my size"
I say jokingly.
We both stop at the door of his office
"Good, I'll have them come get you when they are about to head out. For now, go get some rest. We got a lot to do in the next two days"
I nod as price gives me a smile and heads into his office, closing the door gently but a loud 'clink' still filling the hall.
I head back to my room, throwing the notepad and pencil to my side table and tossing off my shoes, sliding into bed and falling asleep for the night.

The idea of shopping was kinda exciting, it wasn't my thing but I still enjoyed it whenever I had the chance for it.
I wasn't really looking forward to trying on dresses though, I wonder if they'd let me bring gaz to help hype me up and feel better about the awkwardness of the situation.

The next morning

I wake up to my alarm buzzing, I start brushing the hair out of my face and rubbing my eyes as I yawn and stretch my way out of bed.
I do my morning ritual and make my way to breakfast.
I make my way sleepily down the hallway as I watch everyone make their way into the kitchen/dining area.
I yawn, shuffling my feet as I walk into the kitchen and sit myself down at the barstools next to the tall island counter.
The countertops were all a dark granite, the cabinets all a dark cherry wood to match.
The cabinets were all set in an L shape tucked into the corner of the left side of the room, the black fridge was placed against the left wall while the sink was to the right wall next to it with a corner counter filling in the gap between them.
That was the coffee corner of course.
I rest my head on my hand, closing my eyes due to being exhausted.
Suddenly I feel a tap on my shoulder, I flutter my eyes open and look to könig sitting on the stool next to me and giving me a smile through his hood.
"Good morning leibling"
He adjusts himself in the stool and rests his crossed arms on the counter
"Good morning"
I give him a weak smile and rest my head against his shoulder
"I have to go out shopping for the mission later, I was up late trying to figure out what I needed"
I close my eyes and sigh, sleepily rested against him
"They are.. letting you go out shopping? I'm surprised.. did price say who was taking you?"
He looks at me curiously
"Not really, I didn't really think to ask. I was more worried about trying dresses on"
I look up at him and start to think, I hadn't really considered who'd be taking me.
"Well.. I wonder if price would let me join you, I would love to help you choose a dress!"
König smiles as he responds enthusiastically.
I smile and sit myself up, resting my elbows on the counter.
"That would be fun, but.. what about your mask? Don't you think people would be... Kinda suspicious?"
König sighs with disappointment
"Yah... I didn't think about that"
I take a deep breath and think for a minute
"I mean... I don't Care if you dont, I just don't want you to feel any type of way with people looking at you."
König smiles under his mask and rests his hand on mine
"I don't mind if you don't"
I smile at him and give him a kiss on the cheek through his hood
"I don't mind at all"
He laughs softly, I stand up and make my way to the door of the kitchen
"I'm gonna go talk to price, okay? I'll see what he says"
König nods.
I smile and turn to make my way down the hallway to prices office

This could be a cute first date


Howdy hoes

I apologize again for being gone so long :')
I will try my best to drag myself out of this writing block so I can entertain you all once again🙏
I hope all of you are doing good and lemme know what you guys think as always! Love you guys😌🖤

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