A new kind of ecstasy.

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Fire was everywhere.
The sound of the building crumbling down and distant shots filled my ears
As I ran around trying to find an exit.

My throat felt like i had swallowed a cups worth of chalk dust,
I was breathing manually at this point.
I tried my best to find any door I could
But all the handles had been so hot
To the touch that I could guarantee I had no fingerprints left.

Finally I find a hallway.

running for my life as I breathe to the best of my ability, I suddenly see a figure form in what looks to be a doorway that leads outside of the building.
No matter how far I run, it seems the distance from the doorway
Stays exactly where I started.
It almost felt like the hallway was growing longer.
Crashing noises all around me made my ears ring but
I finally am able to hear a voice over all the chaos.
It was distant and seemed to have been coming from whoever was down the hallway.
The more I ran closer, the easier it was to understand even though I never made any progress from the distance of where I was.

Finally the words of the voice shouting to me came through,
Whoever was there was warning me of the building being on its last few feet and begging for me to make my way to the door.

But the more I ran, the more my legs started to give up.

My lungs had felt like raisins,
There was no air left for me to breathe and I felt my body start to give up.

I start to give up my pace,
Going from full speed to a slow walk to stumbling over myself.
I look down at my blistered fingertips and ash covered hands, tears streaming from my face.

I felt my body hit the floor.

I try my best to scream to the person at the end of the hallway,
Trying to tell them that I wouldn't make it and that I tried my best...
But my words came out in a hushed tone.
Crackling like a wineglass to a high note, my voice had been done for.
Taken over completely by the smoke surrounding as I watch things continue to crumble,
Faster and faster as the flames consumed all it could reach.

My eyes become heavy the more I cry,
My tears against my cheeks feeling almost as hot as the flames that now covered the walls.
My breathing had slowed drastically,
My sobs burning at my throat.
I had wished for some magic way out but this was my reality now.

I was going to die and I had no say in it.

Never had I thought I would go out so weakly,
So uselessly.
The mission we were on hadn't had a chance to be completed yet and ide never see the day it did...

A voice suddenly filled my ears,
Whispering and reassuring that I was okay...

I woke up in a panic to könig sitting on my bed and wiping tears off my face.
I just have dozed off waiting for my time to shower.
König's face was full of concern,
He took my face in his hands and kept reassuring me that I was okay and that I was safe.
I looked him deep into the eyes
And that's when I finally broke.
I began sobbing,
Curling myself up into könig as he held onto me tightly, rubbing my head and rocking back and forth with me in his arms.
After a few minutes had gone by,
I had successfully gotten myself to stop crying and looked up to könig.
He had raised his hand to my tear soaked face and started to wipe away what he could.
"I understand y'know..
I have nightmares often too."
His voice was crackly, like he had been holding back from crying himself.
I sit myself up on my knees and wrap my arms around his neck, hugging him tightly before thanking him for dealing with me in such a messy state.
"It's no problem my liebling,
I Will always be here for whatever you need.
I promise."
I took a deep breath and looked at the clock,
I had only fallen asleep for a little over an hour.
"I should probably really shower now..
Dreams like that make me sweat like crazy."
König looks at me and stands,
Placing a kiss on my forehead and grabbing my clothes for me.
He reaches a hand out and walks me to the showers holding my hand.
The hallway from the rooms to the showers had given me a panicked feeling, I had realized why my dream was all too familiar.
König must of noticed that I had started to space out because he had nudged me with his elbow to bring my attention to him.
I saw his eyes scrunch, showing that he was smiling at me.
He led me into the showers and started one up for me after making sure the coast was clear
"Are you sure you'd prefer to be alone in here?
I could sit in here with you and face the door or I could even help you wash your hair or.. anything.
I don't want to leave you alone right now."
I took a deep breath and considered it,
I wasn't sure I wanted myself to be alone either..
And nobody has washed my hair for me in years.
The idea was so relaxing and comforting I couldn't pass up the offer.
"I... ide like that.
Thank you könig."
I could tell he was smiling silly under his hood,
His eyes were in a squint and he giggled with excitement.
He checks the temperature of the water and turns to me
"So... are you.. comfortable with me seeing you undressed or would you prefer to keep your underwear on?
Either is entirely okay with me.
I won't force it one way or the other"
He smiles at me.
"I think I'll keep my underwear on this time"
I say shyly with a small smile.
König nods and turns around as I take off my top layer of clothing,
I step into the warmth of the water and sigh with relief.
I look over my shoulder to see könig taking off only his shirt and pants to join me without being completely soaked.
He stands behind me, pulling me into his chest and holding me with his arms across my chest.
I close my eyes and feel all the anxiety fall from my chest, I felt nothing but utter happiness in this moment.

More Than Deserving. - König X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now