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Every footstep seemed to echo off the walls of the harshly lit walkway. I followed close behind a tall, well-dressed man as he strode down the hall. We reached a metal door halfway down. He opened it, motioning for me to go inside. I did so, scanning the room as I entered.

It looked akin to an office breakroom. Chairs with faded red cushions surrounded a folding table. Three men sat at various positions around the table. I recognized one as Dave - a seasonal ranger she'd worked with a year prior. I hadn't been super close to him, but we had been on friendly terms, and any friendly face was nice to see. A seat over from him sat an older gentleman who reminded me of Santa Claus. Two seats from them, a tall, pale man with a neatly groomed beard sat stiffly. Finally, at the head of the table, an older, tan man sat.

"I take it you're Angela Smith?" The man at the head of the table stood up from his seat, extending his hand for a handshake.

I nodded.

"Daniel Perez. Head of Operations at Big Bend National Park," he said. "This is David Goodman and Gus Stevens, interpretive rangers like yourself, and John O'Riley - a senior agent from the Interdimensional Management department."

"It's great to meet ya!" Gus said. Dave gave a restrained wave, and John a professional nod.

"It's a pleasure to meet you all," I said. She took a seat across from Dave. Daniel stayed standing.

"Well, now that we're all here, I suppose we can get this meeting started." Daniel said. "I'm sure you're all aware of the Interdimensional Management Agency, and what they oversee, already?"

The three of us nodded. I glanced over at John, who gave me a tight smile.

"Was there an incident?" Dave asked. I was wondering the same thing - it was usually incidents of some sort that drew the attention of the IMA. Despite their name, they did handle more than cases that were strictly interdimensional. Anything sufficiently strange typically got tossed their way, from unauthorized interdimensional travel to kids who thought they were psychic. It was something of a kitchen sink of an agency. If the kitchen sink in question was hidden behind a nearly infinite layer of red tape and heavy black curtains, that is. I had dealt with them a couple times in the past, albeit only in passing. I had never been called in for a meeting with one before.

Stranger still, I didn't have the faintest idea of what this meeting could be about. The other times I'd talked to them it had been to ask me about something I'd been tangentially involved in. Something in a ranger station levitating, once. Someone claiming they saw a river siren in a resort swimming pool another time. I couldn't recall anything like that happening recently though, especially not with the other two rangers here. I hadn't even met Gus prior to this.

"Not an incident. More, an opportunity. You three came highly recommended - I believe all of you have had some level of interaction with various beings that the IMA oversees," Daniel responded. My brow furrowed. The looks on Dave and Gus's face revealed they were just as confused as she was.

"I believe you're all familiar with - layman's terms - giants."

If I had felt confused before, she was entirely lost now. I had, of course, heard of giants. Beings from another realm who looked mostly human, save for their comparatively ginormous size. 'Giant' was indeed the layman's term for them, though it was also something of an umbrella term. There were technically several kinds of beings from various realms that were referred to as giants. Some more humanoid than others, some larger than others. That wasn't what I was lost on. It was more 'what did giants have to do with this?'

"Yeah, I'd say we all are. Where's this headed, Dan?" Gus asked. He leaned back in his chair.

"Well, more specifically, how familiar are you all with Aphiria?"

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