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"Last night was fun. We should really hang outside of work more often," I said, standing in the shade offered by Easton's shadow, just outside the glass doors of the visitor center. The giant looked down at me.
"Yeah. Thanks for letting me tag along," Easton replied.
"Of course!! It was Dave's idea really, though," I replied.
"I appreciated it," Easton said. It was the height of the afternoon, and even in the shade, I could feel myself sweating. I wondered if the heat bothered Easton as much, or more - that was one of many things I wondered about the giant alien. I almost asked, then second guessed myself as I worried it might be rude.

"Can I take a picture with you?" The taller of two teenage girls asked as they ran up to Easton. He turned his attention to them as they did so. At the same time, I spotted spotted John standing in the shade of the building nearby, and walked over to him.
"How are you doing today?" I asked.
"Other than the heat, pretty well. That was nice of you two to invite Easton yesterday. He seemed excited."
I smiled. "Well, like I told him, it was Dave's idea."
"You know, I'm glad to hear that. I was a bit worried there was some tension between them."
"I think Dave is just still getting used to things," I said.
"Well, I'm glad he seems to be settling down, then," John replied.
"Lot of gall they have, letting you play with people like fucking toys." An angry, unfamiliar voice drew both John and I's attention over to Easton. As well as the tall, spindly, elderly man marching up to him. The giant, currently holding the two girls who'd been asking for a photo, looked taken aback at the man's sudden outburst.
"I'm sorry, sir, I assure you I don't think-" Easton started, only for the man to cut him off.
"Oh, cut the shit. I know all about what you are. How your kind thinks they're better than everyone else, that humans are just playthings or a snack. I read all about it on Facebook."
John shot me a look. "I'll be right back," he said. I gave a short nod, glancing up at Easton.
"Is it okay if I set you down on the observation platform?" Easton asked the girls. They nodded, assumingly assenting.
"Hey dude, fuck you! We asked him to pick us up for a picture! " The shorter girl shouted as she climbed off Easton's hand.
"You're blind to the truth!" The old man shouted back. "And you should be staying as far away from that monster as you can!"
"Sir, I'm going to have to ask you to either stop yelling or leave the park," John said calmly, but firmly.
"Oh, so now I'm the bad guy? For telling the truth?" The man turned, now addressing anyone in the immediate vicinity. "He came here to get information on Earth! So they can invade! They'll keep us as livestock!"
Aside from all the other issues with the man's words, I couldn't help but wonder what the point of Aphiria going to great lengths to concoct an elaborate plan of sending a spy when their military already likely greatly outmatched humanity's. Or why they wouldn't just, kidnap a few humans if they really wanted information. Or go with any number of other strategies that seemed a thousand times more effective than sending a botanist to tell humans information about Aphiria (and flowers).
"Sir," John repeated.
The man ignored him. "I'll bet you all anything people have gone missing in this park, and that the cause wasn't just some sprained ankle." He looked back at Easton. "What? You don't have anything to say for yourself? You're really going to commit to the whole friendly park ranger act? C'mon, show these people who you really are."
"Sir, if you don't leave, I will have to escort you from the premises. You're harassing a federal employee."
"Oh, that's rich," the man scoffed. "He's not a federal employee, he's a bloodthirsty monster!"
I saw Easton flinch slightly at that, hurt flickering in his eyes even though he stayed silent.
"He is! They're all vicious predators, Aphirials are! And you lot are walking your children right up to him like he wouldn't swallow them alive!"
John placed his hand on the man's shoulder. The man tried to wriggle free from his grip, but John was already pulling him towards the two law enforcement rangers that I hadn't noticed walk up. The man continued his rant even as they announced he would be escorted from the park, screaming obscenities at Easton and anyone else within earshot.
"He'll kill you! You and your parents!" He shouted at a young boy as he was roughly pulled past by the two officers.
"Sorry about that, y'all," John said, addressing the group of people that had gathered to watch the outburst. "Ranger Easton and Ranger Angie were actually just about to go on break, but Ranger Annie would be happy to answer any questions you have about the park!"
John walked over to me, offering a tight smile.
"I really don't need a break, if you want me to stay-"
John shook his head. "It'll look more natural if you both leave. And I think Easton does need a break."
"Right," I said. I looked over towards Easton, who was carefully standing up.
I couldn't help but wonder how he had to be feeling. "Can I ask him if he'd like company?"
John hesitated for a moment, then nodded. "He'd probably appreciate that. I'm going to have to go check in with the situation with that man, but I'll be quick."
"Hey, Easton, do you mind if I join you?" I shouted, getting the giant's attention as easily as usual. He looked down at me.
"Yeah, feel free. I was just going to go back to my place," Easton said.
"Do you mind giving me a ride?" I asked. Surprise flashed through Easton's eyes before he nodded.
"Sure," he said. He carefully kneeled down to let me climb onto his hand. Once we were out of earshot from the crowd, and nearly at Easton's front door, I broke the silence.
"Are you okay?" I asked. Easton nodded quickly.
"Yeah, I'm fine," he said. He opened the door to his place with his free hand. "Where do you want me to set you down?" He asked.
"The table by the couch is fine," I said. He did so, carefully lowering me to the table so I could climb off before sitting down on the couch himself.
"Did John ask you to come with me?" Easton asked after a moment. "You really don't have to stay if he did-"

I shook my head. "It was my idea. I thought you might want to talk. That guy was...pretty crazy. I know if he was yelling at me I'd be kind of shaken."

"Oh. I'm fine, really. I appreciate it, though," Easton said. We were both silent for a long moment.

"Do you think I'm a monster?" Easton asked quietly, breaking the silence. He stared at the ground.

", I don't," I said.
" I-I wouldn't hurt anyone. I wouldn't hurt children," Easton said, his voice breaking.
"I know you wouldn't," I said.
"I'm sorry," Easton said, straightening up and failing to hide the tears in his eyes. "I'm really fine. Do you-"
"It's okay to not be fine," I cut him off. He looked at me despairingly.
"It really isn't," Easton said. "I don't want to scare anyone."
I sighed, thinking back to me and Penelope's conversation about how Easton had to be friendly again. And not just friendly, but calm, and entirely composed basically 24/7.

"Well, you don't scare me," I said finally. "And I think talking about it might help."
I wasn't sure if Easton was going to answer her for a moment.
"I knew it would be difficult, that humans weren't really going to be used to me," Easton said after a long moment. "And that there'd be plenty who didn't like me or were scared of me and I get that, like I swear I'm not trying to say everyone should like and trust me or something. I just...I guess it just hurts sometimes? Especially when I know they're right. Like, I kind of am a monster. I have fangs. And I'd have claws, if I didn't file them down. The reason I can even hear humans alright is because I'm supposed to be able to hear potential prey. I mean, There's even an entire genre of movies about giant monsters! But the way that boy looked at me, when that guy told him I was going to kill him and his parents and-I just-" Easton trailed off, a tear running down his face. "I don't want to be a monster."

"You're not a monster, Easton," I said softly. "Not anymore than me or Dave or Penelope or anyone else."

Easton wiped his eyes, forcing a half hearted smile. "Thanks," he said, doubt still lingering in his eyes.

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