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I pulled into the first empty parking space he saw, glad I'd chosen to wear sunglasses today. The sun was still nearly blinding as I stepped out of the black SUV. I took a moment to look around. So this was Marfa. I'd been given some information about the area surrounding Big Bend, and done more research on my own. This was my first time actually stepping foot in the town. It looked similar to any other small town I'd been to, though it did have a distinct artsy vibe.

Grabbing a basket on the way in to the grocery store, I browsed the isles. I had planned to just grab some essentials, but looking around didn't seem to be a bad plan either. It was my first day off since arriving at the park; might as well explore the area a little. Especially given the drive it had taken to get here, I thought.

I stepped onto the canned goods isle. It was empty, save for a woman about my age. She had messy brown hair pulled back in a low ponytail, and wore a simple cotton blouse. When I rounded the corner, she was trying to balance on her tiptoes to grab a can on the top shelf.

"Need some help?" I asked. She looked over, a sheepish expression on her face.

"Honestly, I'd appreciate it. Seems like they all got pushed to the back of the shelf," the woman said. I smiled, reaching up and grabbing a can. I handed it to her.

"Thanks. I was about to start trying to climb it," she said with a laugh.

"No worries," I replied.

"Are you visiting the park?" The woman asked.

"I work there, actually," I said. "Just started."

"Ah! I guess it is about that time of year. Spring always seems to bring in some new folk," the woman said.

"You sound like you're pretty familiar with the area?" I asked.

"Born and raised here. For better or worse. I'm Hannah, by the way." She stuck her hand out. I shook it, introducing myself in turn.

"Mind if I ask what you're doing at the park? Ranger, tourism?" Hannah asked. I wondered if people in this neck of the woods were normally this talkative. I had had very little conversation over the past few weeks that wasn't with Easton or Dan though, so I couldn't say I was opposed.

"Operations oversight," I replied. A hopelessly vague description, as it was intended to be. "IMA Agent assigned to oversee an Aphirial working in the park" was both wordy, and not something management had thought was a good thing to lead with. Of course, the plan was to have Easton work in a public-facing role, which I suspected was at least partially to draw visitation. They had yet to actually make an official announcement regarding that. And I suspected that even once they did, they'd probably still advise me to keep my role fairly quiet.

"Hm, like for one of their new projects? We've all heard a bajillion rumors about that," Hannah said. I shrugged.

"I'm sure most are more interesting than the truth," I said.

"I suppose it's always that way. Well, if you ever have any questions about the area, I work at the thrift shop just down the road. You can't miss it," Hannah said. She smiled, and turned to leave. Before she'd made it five steps, we were interrupted by someone yelling. Angrily, by the sounds of it. Hannah turned around, towards the commotion. I raised an eyebrow. I walked to the end of the isle slowly, hoping to get a better grasp of what was going on without being spotted. I relaxed as I realized it was just someone yelling about an expired coupon. Bit of an overreaction, I thought. Hannah came up next to me. She rolled her eyes.

"Sounds like Joy's at it again," she said.


"Yeah, she's-" Hannah stopped as a tall, lanky woman with bleach blond hair stormed into view. She stopped when she saw Hannah.

"Would you believe they wouldn't let me use this coupon? Like they weren't the ones to give it to me!" Joy shouted the last part over her shoulder.

"That's, uh, rough," Hannah said, tone decidely noncommittal.

"Yeah, whatever-who's this?" Joy asked, turning to me.

"John O'Riley," I said, extending a hand. She ignored it.

"He works for the park," Hannah explained. That seemed to catch Joy's attention. She raised her eyebrows.

"That so?"

"Yes ma'am," I replied.

"You wouldn't happen to know anything about the park's supposed plan to employ an Aphirial, would you?" Joy asked, gaze glimmering with sudden interest.

"I'm not at liberty to discuss park-"

"Oh, cut the bullshit," Joy said. "My family owns a ranch near the park. We know there's a plan."

"Then you'd be better off directing any questions to Dan," I replied evenly. "I'd assume you know how to contact him already?"

Joy glared at me, but seemed to realize she wouldn't be getting anything else from me. "Thanks. I'll do that."

She walked - no, stomped - off as quickly as she'd appeared. Hannah and I stood there for a moment in silence. Then, Hannah burst out laughing. I gave her a look as if to ask 'what's her deal'.

"That," she nodded towards the door Joy had just disappeared from. "Is what happens when spoiled kids grow up. She's the daughter of a local livestock magnate, thinks that makes her the second coming of Christ. Most people in town are kind of terrified of her."

"Not you?" I asked.

"We went to highschool together. Unless Jesus also pukes in the girl's locker room on prom night, mean she may be, but divine she is not." Hannah responded. "Sounds like this might be the exception to the whole rumors are always more exciting than the truth thing, though?"

"I really can't speak further on that," I said.

She nodded. "Can't blame a girl for trying."

"Well, I'd best be getting back to the park. Long drive," I said. "It was nice meeting you."

"And you, mysterious operations guy-I mean, John," Hannah said jokingly. I chuckled, and headed out, making a mental note to tell Dan about Joy's inquiries.

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