The Orphan Maker (P13)

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Warnings - serial killer, kidnapping, toxic, obsession, pregnant, lots of kids, Mentions of sex, panic attack, surgery, stalking, worried about abuse, psychopathy, scaring children,

Two months had passed by quickly, and I didn't consider leaving anymore. Timothée had possessed me and I was fine with that. I was smiling so often now. I didn't have morning sickness, or any odd cravings. This pregnancy was easy.

One thing had changed drastically, the house. The house was now baby proofed and some of the children had been moved upstairs. Sweet Savana had a bassinet in Timothée's room, sorry, our room, it was still so weird to think how far we'd come in half a year.

We now had a smart system installed all over the house. The kids called it Robot Nanny. Robot nanny was a safety system. The rooms were monitored, other than the bathroom, and buttons were labeled for the children to press if they needed something. This had been done so Timothée and I could enjoy alone time and not be worried about them. It was usually shower sex for us, saving water together. The system could also entertain them, and keep them active. There were also buttons for food and diaper changes the older ones could press for their siblings if need be.

"I'm going to get some fresh air," I said, kissing Timothée's cheek. He didn't answer, too concentrated on wiping the squirming EJ. I told the kids I needed some Mommy time, and walked outside.

While outside I remembered that Timothée told me one of the children's birthday was coming up. Timothée kept my purse filled with bills and credit cards. It wouldn't take me long to go out and buy something. Plus, I hadn't been out of the house in two months. I wasn't caged, but I did want a little time to myself.

I still had no idea what Timothée's ultimate plan was with these children. He had to have something. He wouldn't be able to keep them stable and healthy on his own. They needed educators, doctors, careers, lives of their own.

I walked into the Toy store happily. I gathered stuffed animals and such.

"Y/n! Long time no see!" The cashier said. It was an old friend of mine, Tiara.

"Hello Tiara," I said happily. Seeing someone from my old life was odd.

"When did you get pregnant?" She asked.

"Six months ago," I smiled.

"What's the gender?" She asked eagerly.

"I'm waiting to find out," I smiled.

"You and your secrets," she waved. "I have my lunch break in ten minutes. Want to catch up?" She asked.

"I'd love to," I smiled. I checked my phone, no message from Timothée, I was fine. He knew where my loyalties lied.

I paid with cash out of habit. We walked to a small tea and coffee shop a few doors down. It was nice to be able to speak to an old friend. I adored Timothée, but I did miss having friendships.

"You seem different, but happy," she smiled.

"I am," I said, rubbing my belly.

"Did you hear, two months and The Orphan Maker hasn't made an appearance," she said in a whisper. I felt pride grow inside me. My boy was loyal and honest.

"I think-" but a shadow towered over us. Timothée looked like how I imagined he did when he killed.

"Come with me now," he demanded.

"Who are you?" Tiara asked.

"This is my boyfriend Timothée," I introduced her. She looked skeptical and worried.

"Come," he said, and took my hand harshly. I called goodbye over my shoulder. Timothée had found his car. He never bought me one, not wanting me to have that option. He was silent on the ride.

"It was just a shopping spree, I'm sorry if I spent too much," I said.

"You think that is why I'm angry?" He snarled. He'd never used this tone on me.

"You sound awfully mean," I said.

"Yeah, well, I feel mean. Do you really not know what you just put me through? I went into a panic and all the kids saw. They were frightened and that's your fault!"

"I had an afternoon with a friend," I countered. "That's normal."

"You know we aren't normal, stop faking it," he seethed.

"You know our brains work differently," I started.

"They sure as fuck do, because while all I need is you, that seems to not be enough. What can you possibly get from someone else that I can't give you? Huh? Are my heart, soul, spirit, and mind not enough for you?"

"It's not that," I touched his arm and I was hurt when he pulled away. "It's just, everyone is different. I like variety sometimes. I love you and the kids with all my heart, but like I said we function differently. Sometimes I need alone time or a friend, you have to let me have that."

"Fine, I'll get Tiara, she can stay with us," he said.

"What! No!" I said, horrified that he would propose kidnapping my friend.

"Then something has to be done!" He snapped and car turned viciously.

"Come out with me," I said.

"And leave the children!"

"You did it find me," I countered.

"That's different, that was an absolute necessity!"

He grabbed my arm now that we were parked in front of the house. I cringed from him and he looked miserable.

"A-are you going to punish me?" I asked under my breath.

"Huh?" He asked.

"Like those bad people, are you going to h-hit-" I couldn't finish because he was kissing me now.

"I would never hurt you," he sighed into my lips. "I can be an asshole, but I'd never touch you."

"I'm sorry Timothée, I really didn't think you'd mind, you have trackers on me."

"You've escaped before," he said dismally, kissing all over my hands, remembering the dark times.

"And you always found me, we can work this out."

"If you do something for me," he demanded.

This was the reason I was under a bright light in the kitchen. The children were still downstairs.

"I numbed it, you shouldn't feel much," he told me. "Let me know if you did and I'll put more on."

I nodded, pulling my hair back for him. He took the tiny scalpel, and made a cut behind my ear. I could tell it was deep, but it didn't hurt. Then he picked up the small piece of technology. It was so small, but it would control me now, just like he did, and I'd let it, willingly. He pressed the piece into the wound. Next came the stitches. I wondered how he knew to do this, I thought he knew how to kill well, not to heal.

"Done," he said finally. I felt the spot. I couldn't feel the device, just the wound and stitches.

"This means we can have dates with other people?"

"Yes," he nodded.

"Okay, thank you," I sighed in relief.

"Also, will you marry me?" He took out an ornate ring, with a rock that would make anyone notice.

"Yes!" I said happily. He didn't need a speech, or a reason. I was so totally in love that it didn't matter.

Timothée's POV

We laid in bed after wild love making, the ring on her finger. I rubbed her belly to calm myself. My heart still ached from left over fear. She'd scared me so badly.

The tracker inside her did alleviate some anxiety, but there was more that needed to be dealt with. If she could bend the rules, I could too, and my target was already chosen.

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