listen before i go, i love you-Chris

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based on 'i love you' and 'listen before i go' by Billie Eilish<3

in which, everyones favourite social media couple, don't know whats behind the screen.
Her mental health issues interfering with their relationship but him doing everything to save their relationship.

Chris and Y/n have known each-other for 10 years, meeting in 5th grade to moving to LA with him and his brothers. When they were just 16 they started dating, her supporting him and his brother in their dream and him supporting her in school since the 3 boys didn't go to school. Chris was well aware of her mental health, her household and the people around her weren't the best. Chris loves showing her off on social media, everyone loved her, well not everyone but you get it. Y/n only needed the boy and his family, those were the only people she loves and needs.

Y/n was at her desk in the office room they have in her shared apartment with the triplets, she stopped studying 5 minutes ago, looking at the window as the clock read '2:30 am'. The boys were filming so she took this as her opportunity to study, she has been for an hour or so. Checking her phone, she goes on instagram and looks through all the rude comments, it didn't bother her at first but as the boys grew bigger, the hate grew bigger. She couldn't help but think 'what the hell did i do?'. Sighing, she puts her phone down trying to concentrate. Over the course of 2 months, Chris couldn't help but take in notice of how she doesn't put her self first, his heart breaks at the fact that he would wake up at midnight and find her in the office room half asleep studying. Her uneaten meals, her messy closet, and her messy desk. Being a student wasn't easy in university, even tho the boy didn't go, he could tell Y/n was mentally drained because of it. But he knew she wanted to finish university, it was her dream to be a lawyer or just go to university.

(please tell me im not the only one who wants to go to university, like finish school. like i dont judge people who dont bc thats not my place but like i want to finish school yk)

Chris was there at her lowest point, he was scared there was going to be a part 2 of it. The thought of losing her made him go numb. He wanted to marry her and grow a family with them doing the things they love.
He just got back to filming when he couldn't find y/n in their room, he knew the one place she would be, the office. He mentally cursed the girl in his head for staying up this late again. He leans against the doorframe,  watching her head laid against the desk, her chubby cheeks tear stained. She loves her chubby cheeks, he found it cute whenever she smiled, speaking of- he hasn't seen her genuinely smile in awhile. taking a deep breath and letting it out, 'crying isn't like you' he thought to himself, he encouraged her to do it if needed so but she was afraid if she did, she wouldn't stop. She hated dumping her problems on him knowing he has problems of his own, and she should be the least of his problems right now.

He hangs up his grey sweater in the coat hanged in the office, putting his phone in his sweatpants pocket. He walked over to the sleeping girl quietly, shaking her a bit to wake her up.

"Y/n" he said quietly kneeling down
and that was all it took before she woke up startled
"huh" she said confused
"come lets go to bed" he said putting her hair out of her face
he stood up, putting his hand out, and she took it without questions. He turned the light off, putting his hands on her waist guiding her to their shared room.

As they both laid in bed, her head on his chest and his arm wrapped around her as his other hand played with her hair. He looks down and sees her fully awake.

"whats wrong?" he asked genuinely worried about his girl
"hm" she said
"whats wrong y/n" he said sitting up and his back against the headboard and her head now in his lap

she smiled, faking it. she only did this smile, once with him, he could tel the difference between all her smiles. This familiar smile, the smile that she gave him even when she felt like dying, he knew she was at her lowest, tears now falling down her cheeks. 'i didn't mean to make you cry'- he thought.He pulls her up so now she is sitting in his lap, her head on his shoulder sobbing and his arms wrapped around her waist. He mumbles comforting words.
He would do anything for her, he just couldn't escape the way he loved her.


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