"Its dark in my room"- Chris

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its only fair to do both(its not js sad rn☺️)READ THE MATT IMAGINE IF U R CONFUSED WHAT "its only fair to do both" MEANS, IF U DID ALREADY IM SO SORRY I HAVE TOO AND BC I LOVE THE SONG 'its dark in my room'

it was known that the reason the triplets were doing youtube was not only for them, but for her.

"Who's her?" you may be asking
Y/n. She was the most beautiful soul ever to walk on earth was how they described her.
At the start and end of every video from the last 5 months, there would be a blank screen and their would be a sentence typed out saying:

"For our gorgeous angel, Y/n.
Forever 4.
Mental Health Matters"

but before she passed away it said:

"For Y/n, we love you!💕"

'Forever 4' had a simple meaning yet it meant so much. It was simple because it was the 3 brothers and her. None of the fans really knew her, but they know who she is and quickly became aware of her. Its only been 5 months since she passed but as the triplets were at 5 mil, they might as well address who she was as they were growing, thanks to her.

y/n didn't like the idea of social media thats why she was never in the videos, but she always supported them and in fact was their #1 fan. Shes the reason they started because she gave them the ideas and came up with the idea of them becoming youtubers.

She bought them their first camera, helped them find a manager and even helped them move to LA. It was only fair that she moved in with them, so they surprised her with a ticket to LA, did her room and made her feel at home with them. Y/n was their family, friends since they were 4. They honoured Y/n in everything, every sunset they saw, they didn't hesitate for a minute to take a picture and post it on their story "Our beautiful angel"
It was known that their was a girl behind the scene of their videos. Some fans were rude, others were accepting.

As the triplets were starting their video for their new video to be posted on Friday. They knew it was time to address who y/n was.

"hi guys, so as you can see by the title of this video um this is not going to be like our regular videos u see on wednesday and friday." Nick said

They were all in their usual spots, their happy expression u see every video, now replaced with a dull face that if u saw them off camera, this is the expression they would always have. A numb face.
Chris being more sad.

"yea so we thought its time to address who Y/n is-"
Matt says before being interrupted by Nick

"full disclaimer, when we put this video up, the blank screen that has the angel sentence for her will still be there for every video until our last video"
Nick says, Matt doesn't even argue because this was a serious and sensitive topic to them, mostly Chris.

"Chris you can start" Matt says as him and Nick rub his shoulder. They knew how much she meant to him. Oh how they found the poor boy many nights sobbing and asking why she had to be taken from them so soon.

"uh sure" he says looking up at the camera for the first time since the recording started

"so as you all know by now, Y/n is- i mean was a very important person in our lives. She impacted me and matt and nick so much. from just every sunset or night photos to just random photos u see we post of her, we adored her so much." he said looking at his brothers as they nod along what he says

"not only was she our best friend, but she was my girlfriend" he says chocking out the last word before wiping a tear that almost rolled all the off his face, he didn't want to seem weak to his fans or friends watching but to his friends it was normal for him to get emotional about her

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