Prophecy of Heroes.

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Clouds covered the sky as people gathered in a large building. A large group had gathered in the back, holding folders and waiting patiently. An elderly male stepped forward and to the center of the group. They all straightened up as he led them in a song.

Meanwhile, a female priest was gathering a small group at a smaller version of the large building. She gulped as she listened to the larger building's song echoed through the kingdom.

"Ready?" The group nodded as she paused. The sound finally ended before she started.


Meanwhile, a young female laid silent in a large bed, listening to the sounds from a small magic orb. The first song merely got a sigh as she turned away from it. Then the second song started, surprising her. Her surprise grew as she recognized it.

"Cana-ari. Cana-ari. Cana-ari. Cana-ari."

She turned over again, this time to face the orb. The song lifted her spirit as she sat up and gently picked it up.

"Cana-ari... You rise again-" She hugged it close. "Oh darling sight, heed me."


A small group waited patiently as a blonde slipped out to check something. They circled a large table, which had a realistic map on it. Everyone was quiet before the blonde returned.

"Clear the sky. Lady Gospel won." One of the males nodded before waving their hand over the map. The dark clouds faded as they sighed.

"How is she?"

"Stable. And it seems the future calls."


The female stepped out and into the main room, where everyone greeted her.

"Lady Gospel... How are you?" She smiled as she sat down in a chair.

"Much better." She took a deep breath. "Well... I have word from the future." A male blonde knelt in front of her.

"We are ready for it." She smiled as a small glow covered her. Silence filled the air as she spoke in a mysterious tone.

"7 heroes, bound by light.
Guided by the Holy Order's Sister of Waves.
Seek out the Dark and End the war with thy Fight.
By the song that weeps against the Dark Fate."


The group had changed rooms after hearing the Prophecy. Lady Gospel had gone to lie down since she was a little tired, giving them a chance to reflect. A green haired female finally spoke up.

"So... what now?" The lead blonde sighed as his female look-alike smiled.

"Simple. We shall not leave our people in the dark. Especially since we have a chance to open the gates to end this Darkness all together." A ginger haired male stood up.

"Then we should start deciphering the Prophecy before we have to announce it. Obviously to find the heroes, we would need more info." The female blonde nodded.

"I'm sure Lady Gospel will give that info as she regains strength. It'll be slow, but it's unlikely we'll find all the heroes at once." She hummed. "Actually... it's that second line. 'Guided by the Holy Order's Sister of Wave'. I wonder." She turned to the ginger haired male. "Are there any sisters in the Order with a water blessing?" A scoff came from her male equivalent.

"Are there any who aren't?" A chuckle filled the room as the ginger haired male's head dropped. "I'm sure if you could name me two without that, they'll get one soon. And that's not including anyone else of the order." A sigh followed as he picked his head up.

"I don't think that's the problem. Lady Gospel's Prophecy was pointing at a specific sister. Song that Weeps? Cana-ari." A dark haired male beside him paused.

"You're right... That's no doubt what got her back on her feet. But wouldn't that be in the main church?" Another blonde female chuckled as a crow on her shoulder spoke.

"My Lord, the main church hasn't sung Cana-ari since the Bard Commission was created." The lead female blonde smiled.

"That'll lower our options. We are now looking for a Water-blessed Sister that knows Cana-ari." A redhead male, who had yet to even chuckle, stood up with a hum.

"Then the winds will know." They nodded as he held a hand out over the map. "Oh graceful winds. Bless us with the past and seek the forgotten song of the Goslet." A faint glow followed before he hummed. "Mondstadt." The blonde male hummed.

"Now that comes as a surprise. Mondstadt has been silent on a lot of things in the last 100 years. I wonder who started this push to breathe life into it." He hummed thoughtfully. The ginger haired male paused.

"My aura feels only one Water blessing in that church."

"Oh, so you didn't bless the whole crowd, eh?" His head dropped again, making the chuckles go unnoticeable. He picked his head up and fired back.

"Or. There's not that many members in that church! Remember, this is Mondstadt, not the main church." The green haired girl hummed.

"Whatever keeps your boat floating down the waterfall." He went to argue when she shifted the topic. "So what now?" The blonde male hummed.

"Descension of Throne. That is coming up. We alert the people about the Prophecy then." His female look-alike hummed.

"I assume you'll descend?' He nodded.

"Yeah. I'd be interested to see who in Mondstadt has the guts to pull the holy song of Lady Gospel."

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