Hero of Plants!

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Venti's face said it all as they entered Sumeru Academy. The bard was looking around, almost impressed, before the general chuckled.

"What is with you?" They glanced at her before smiling.

"So many stories capture this place like it's heaven for people of brilliance and creativity. I've always dreamed of just being able to simply be inside... I never thought it would come true!" The others giggled as they found their way to the chapel, which was a part of the academy. They waited for the scholars that were in there to finish before the teacher went over after an hour.

"So sorry we're taking so long. The order here loves to talk." Barbara gave a warm smile before they finally finished up. Barbara excused herself through the crowd before joining the order near the front.

"Ah. Hello sister. How may we help?"

"I'm here to get the prophecy from Lady Collei. I need to find the Hero of Plants." Zhongli frowned at the uneasiness of the order before the father smiled.

"Oh, that's right. Here, you get settled while we make sure no one barges in." Venti gave a noise as Zhongli pulled the two heroes back. The door closed as they hid around the corner.

"What was that for?"

"Something's wrong. I don't know what it is, but did you guys see it?"

"I may not be a frequent church goer, but you noticed how odd they were acting?"

"That too. But you could almost feel the darkness. If the sister needs help, we'll find another way in. Be ready."


Barbara wasn't stupid. She saw the darkness well before. It simply avoided her. So she waited as she prayed, awaiting Collei's message. Silence followed before she looked up. The darkness couldn't stop a message from the heavens. What was going on? Then it clicked. Nothing could stop a message... but someone could grab it before it arrived. She stood up and looked around. The order had vanished and the door looked locked. Typical. She went over and pressed her ear to the door, hearing Zhongli and the General talking while Venti no doubt listened for any trouble inside.

"So we don't know what they could be pulling."

"This is the first time I've heard of a church going against the light. I wonder what's happening." She gulped before softly speaking, talking loudly enough for her words to get through the door.

"Heroes, can you hear me?" Venti responded instantly.

"Loud and clear, Sister."

"Ok. I have a feeling that these guys already got the Plant Hero's note. So we'll need to figure this out another way."

"Can't you get out?"

"I'm going to play their game a bit. The darkness is up to something. So let's play their hand. You guys go and look around. See if you can get the darkness to reveal itself. I'll see if I can get the note."

"Got it." Barbara smiled before she went back to the bench and sat down, waiting for the Order's return.


Meanwhile, the others were alerted of the Darkness's influence. A scream filled the air as they entered one of the other rooms. The General's sword was out as she jumped over the panicking students before casting.

"Endless Heavenly Storm!"

Lightning filled the air before striking at the darkness. Zhongli had gotten behind her, activating his shield and guarding the students while Venti guided them out the door. Some guards joined them as the General scanned the area. The guards didn't see them as a threat as another scream came from somewhere.

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