Learning to submit

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Tuesday morning, Olivia got a quick shower. When she got back to her room, she took her collar on, and looked at her phone, she had a message from an unknown number, she checked it, on her way to get some breakfast "Good morning, Olivia, I want you to eat breakfast with me this morning, in your new uniform. Jack" the message said. She coded the number in and called him 'Jack (Master)'. She turned around, and walked back to got changed to her uniform, then she walked down to get some breakfast with her Master Jack.

When she got down to the ballroom where Jack and she ate dinner, the night before. There were a couple of people, so she quickly found Jack, sitting on the same place as the night before. "Good morning, Olivia, come sit down, and eat breakfast with me" he said. Olivia got down next to Jack "Good morning, Sir" she said, "You look incredible Olivia" Jack said, "Thank you so much Sir, I surprisingly feel really good in this" Olivia said, "That's good to hear Olivia" Jack said, "I thought we should talk about some basic stuff today" Jack said, "Yes Sir, but I thought I had classes today" Olivia answered, "You had, but I talked to Mis Adams, and got permission, to teach you the stuff you have to learn instead. That way it would be more personal, and not so general, I also thought that it would be easier for you to open up, if it was just, you and me" he answered her, "Oh okay Sir, that's a great idea, and I think your right Sir" Olivia said.

"Are you finished eating?" Jack asked, "Yes Sir" Olivia answered, "Okay good, you can just follow me then Olivia" Jack said, "Yes Sir" Olivia answered. They got up and walked away, they came to a place on the school where Olivia hadn't been yet. Jack stopped "We are going in here" he said, and then he opened the door. Olivia walked in she was shocked when she walked into the room. The room was dark, there was extraordinarily tiny light in the room, just enough to see around, and see what there was in the room.

In the room there was a black and red canopy bed, with a couple of rings on it, there was a couple of different whips, rope, and cuffs, then there were a couple of bookcases with cupboards and drawers, there was also a couch with a small table.

Olivia just stood in the middle of the room, in shock. "Come and sit-down Olivia" Jack said from the couch, Olivia walked over there, and sat next to Jack. "I wanted to show you this room, because I think you would get nervous again, that's also why I think it would be smart to have some lessons here, so you would be more confident in this room, before we start using all this stuff" Jack said, "I think your right Sir, that would be a good idea" Olivia answered.

"So, you must learn to give you self to me. Right now, we will be starting with the basics, and when you understand that, and feel ready to it, we will create a contract for our relationship. So, the next couple of days you will have your classes here with me. They will probably be longer then usual, therefor you will have to eat your meals with me Olivia" Jack said, "Okay I think I'm ready to get started with the lessons then Sir" Olivia answered.

"Okay do you know what it means to submit Olivia?" Jack asked, "It means that the person submitting, accepts the control someone else has over you" Olivia answered, "That is correct" Jack said.

They talked about submission until lunch break, "So, now it's time for lunch, are you ready for that?" jack asked, "Yes Sir, I'm pretty hungry Sir" Olivia answered. They left to go to the ball room, where they will eat. When Jack opened the door and Olivia walked in, the ball room was packed with people, and Olivia could feel all their eyes on her, she got a little shy, but she followed Jack up to the desk, where they got their lunch, today it was sandwiches, Olivia got one with chicken and BBQ.

When they got back from their lunch, they started talking about the different toys and other stuff in the room. "Do you know what a 'flogger' is?" Jack asked her, "Yes it's a whip whit several strings Sir" Olivia answered, "That's right, do you know what difference there are, between one with a lot of strings, and one with a few strings?" Jack asks, "Isn't that how hard they hit, one with a lot of strings will hit softer than one with fever string" Olivia answered, "That's also right". The rest of the day, they kept talking about the toys and other stuff there were in the room, every time they had talked about something, Jack asked Olivia, if she wanted to try it at any point.

Suddenly there where a knock on the door, Jack walked over and opens up the door, "Thank you" he says, and returns to the couch, "There is dinner" Jack says, he puts some boxes on the table in front of them, then he gives a small plate, and some sticks to Olivia, he puts a cup with a straw on the table in front of her, then he puts the same on the table, where he sits, and gets into the couch again. "I hope you like sushi, and Coca cola, because that's what we're having today" Jack said with a smile, "OMG I love sushi" Olivia answered, with the biggest smile ever. They started eating while they talk to get to know each other better. "Can I ask you about something from today, Sir?" Olivia asked, "Yes, what do you want to ask about?" Jack answered, "I noticed that you've been writing something down all day, I just wanted to know what it was?" she asked, "It's just notes from today, it's for the contract, that way it will get easier for me to know, what should be in it, and what shouldn't be in it, also to know where your limits are, and your hard limits" Jack answered "Ohh that makes sense" Olvia said. After dinner Jack walked Olivia back to her room, and said good night, then he left to go to his own room.

The next couple of days they kept talking about different stuff so Olivia could be ready to make the contract with jack, and then also ready to fully submit to Jack.

Oliva woke up, took a shower, and then got ready to eat breakfast with Jack, so she took her uniform on. She was on her way to the ball room, when she got at text from Jack, "We will be eating breakfast in our room today, and I will recommend that you take a good book with you today" it said, so instead of walking to the ball room, she walked to the break room, where there was a lot of books, she found one, and walked to the room, they've been sitting in the last couple of days.

Olivia knocked on the door, and then walked in, Jack was sitting on the couch with breakfast on the table, it looked delicious, Olivia got down into the couch, and they started eating, "So Olivia, we've been through all the stuff we have to before we make the contract, and I also think that you are ready to make the contract with me, therefor I think that would be what we are doing today, what do you think about that?" Jack said, "I think that sounds fine Sir" she said, "That's good, you will get a chill day then, that's why I recommended that you took a book with you today, because it will be me who will make the contract, you will just have to answer some questions. When it's done, you will get to read it, and then we will sign it" he said, "Okay Sir" she said.

Jack found his laptop and walked over to the bed, then Olivia laid down on the couch, and got comfortable. While Jack typed on his laptop, Olivia found her book, and started reading it. When Jack asked her some things, she thought about it, and then answered, she wanted to be sure that the contact would be right, therefor she didn't jus answer right away, but she wanted to think a little about it, that way she also figure out if the answer felt right or wrong to her.

Jack kept working on the contract, and Olivia kept reading the rest of the day. The only breaks they got, was for lunch and for dinner. Short after dinner Jack stopped tapping on his laptop, and looked at Olivia, "I think we have worked enough for today, I think we will work at it again tomorrow, so you can just keep the book here, maybe find one more for tomorrow, depending on how long you are with that one" Jack said, "Okay, where do we meet tomorrow?" Olivia asked, "I think I will bring some breakfast in here, so you can just find a book, and then come in here" Jack answered. They said good night and walked to their rooms.

Olivia woke up really happy, she took a shower, got ready, and then she left her room, to find a book. She got down in the break room, where all the books where, but it was really difficult for her, to find a book, she wanted to read. After a long time, she finally found one. Then she hurried to the room where her and Jack, should meet. She walked into the room "I'm sorry I'm late Sir" Olivia said, then she looked around, she couldn't see Jack in there, so she got to the couch, and started reading. After a few minutes Jack wasn't there yet, Olivia found her phone, "Hej Sir, are you okay?" she texted to him, after a short time, she got a text, "Yes sorry, I'm on my way" Jack answered. She kept reading till Jack walked into the room "Sorry I'm so late Olivia, I just had to help one of my friends, but I've got some delicious breakfast for us" he said, he served the breakfast for Olivia, and got down into the couch.

After they had finished their breakfast, Jackfound his laptop and started working on the contract again, Olivia got into herbook again. After a part of time, Jack stopped typing on his laptop, "Are youready to read the contract Olivia?" Jack asked.

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