The other place

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It was Thursday morning, Olivia and Amelia just got back from breakfast. They had to start packing up their things today, because the room had to be clean and empty, the next Monday.

Olivia and her friends didn't do much the rest of that week, they mostly used the days to pack up their stuff and talk when they needed a break.

Saturday was the day where the girls had to say goodbye to William. So, they were all extra sad that day. But they also had to clean the rest of their rooms, luckily that went smoothly and quickly.

It soon became Monday, and Olivia, Amelia, and Jessica had to get ready to be moved in the afternoon. They had to meet with a part of the teachers, in the other building at the school. That building Olivia always wanted to see, now she finally got to see it.

When they got over in the other building, with all their stuff, it was all dark and pretty scarry. They got as close as they could, and then they walked till the classroom, where they should meet up with the teacher, and the other students, that also failed the exam.

When they finally had found the class room, they looked at each other, and waited for someone to open the door, when either Amelia or Jessica did it, Olivia finally got the courage to slowly open the door, when she had open the door all the way, there was no one in the room, so they just each found a place to sit, they was just sitting there all quiet, and waited till something happen. After a couple of minutes, a group of other students came in, that happen repeatedly, with a minutes gap, until the classroom was full of a lot of young women's. After a long time, a teacher finally walked through the door.

The teacher was in her 30, she had long black hair, and some sexy black leather clothes based on, black leather pants, and a black leather corset. After the teacher had looked out over the class a couple times, she turned around to the whiteboard, she wrote something on it, then she turned back around, to face the students again.

"My name is Claire Adams, but to you it will be mis Adams. I'm one of the teachers you will meet in this house. Today is all about where you will be living, with who and a short tour around, only to show you the most important rooms for you for now, just so you know where you will be eating, where you can talk to the other students, and of cause the bathrooms." Mis Adams starts, "We will start the tour now, first I will show you all where you will live, so you can put your bags and suitcases in your rooms." Said Mis Adams, Olivia and the other students starts picking up their things and follows Mis Adams, when they got to the girl's corridor, Mis Adams opens a door, then she said who would be living there, the group of creatures got smaller and smaller, until it just was Mis Adams and Olivia back. They came to the last room, Mis Adams opens the door, "This is where you will live Olivia " said Mis Adams, "You all have 10 minutes, then you all have to be staying outside of your door, is that understood?" Yells Mis Adams, "Yes Mis Adams" Yells all the students back.

10 minutes later all the students were standing outside the door to their room. "Now I will be showing you, your bathrooms, the lounges where you can talk and that stuff, and the I will show you the dinner room, where the dinner will be ready for you when we get there" Mis Adams said.

They all walk through the corridor, then they got to one of the bathrooms. It was almost like it was split in two, in the first half of the room, there was the toilets, there was 10 toilet booths, in each booth, there was a trash can to girls stuff, like tampons and pads, there was a sink, paper towels, a trash can to the paper towels, and then there was a mirror, in this howl section, there was the perfect light to lay some makeup, both in the toilet booths, and outsit of the booth. In the back half of the room, the showers were, there was also 10 shower booths, with a stand to shampoo, balsam, soap and all that stuff, towards every booth, there was a wall where you could hang all your stuff.

Mis Adams and all the students walked out of the bathroom, "A bathroom like this is the same place in the other end of your corridor, now we will go to the lounge." Said Mis Adams. Al the students were following Mis Adams trough another corridor, and then down some stairs, "this is the lounge section, there is some tv's, with either a PlayStation, an Xbox, or a Nintendo switch, some boardgames, books, and behind that door there is a music room" said Mis Adams, and was pointing left, in the direction at a door. "The dinner is ready, so now we will go to the dining room" Mis Adams said, while she was walking longer into the lounge, she walked through a door, and behind the door, there was a big ballroom, with a lot of round tables, there was already some students sitting at some of the tables in the section farthest away from the door, they just came in through, "I only though there would be females students here, when we all where females in that class rooms. It could also be because all the male students, got here before us" Olivia though, they got their food, and found a place to sit, Mis Adams knocked on a glass with a spoon, "Students, when you are done eating, you can go to your rooms to get unpacked, or you can go to the lounge, tomorrow will you get a lot of information about what will happen" she said.

When Olivia was done eating, she chose just togo up to her room, and started unpacking a little, while she listened to somemusic. She didn't have that much to unpack, so she was finished quickly, thenshe just laid in her bed, and fall asleep.

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