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After they had finished their breakfast, Jack found his laptop and started working on the contract again, Olivia got into her book again. After a little time, Jack stopped typing on his laptop, "Are you ready to read the contract Olivia?" Jack asked, "Yes Sir" Olivia answered, she got the laptop, and started reading the contract. "Sorry sir, but what do you mean about, that I should study BDSM?" Olivia asked, "That will be like we have done until now, I will teach you. I know what you shall learn, but if you find something outside of what I teach you, you would like to learn, you can always ask about it, then we will look at it" Jack answered, "Okay Sir" Olivia said, and got back to reading the contract.

Olivia finished reading the contract, "Are you done?" Jack asked, "Yes, I'm done reading it Sir" Olivia answered, "Do you have any changes or anything for it?" he asked, "No, it sounds good to me Sir" she answered. They signed the contract, "The contract is valid from tomorrow, so you are free for the day, you can do whatever you want, but tomorrow, you will meet in here, after you've got some breakfast, and then we will start" Jack said, "Okay, thank you Sir" Olivia said. They said goodbye, and Olivia got back to her room, she put on music.

Olivia decided it was time to get her lunch, she walked to the cafeteria, she got mac and cheese and a salad, when she was done eating, she decided to get back in the book sha was reading. The time flew away, and before she new it, it was time to get in bed. She got ready for bed and fell asleep.

Olivia woke up by her alarm, she turned it off, looked at her phone, the time was 7 am, she had no messages, she grabbed her things, and walked for the bathroom, she brushed her teeth, and took a quick shower, dried her hair, and put it up in a high ponytail, she got back to her room, she found her uniform, immediately when she found it, she got nervous, but she took it on anyways, then she got her collar and, got more nervous, she took it on. Now she was ready to get her breakfast, before she was meeting with Jack.

Olivia got to the cafeteria, and took some eggs and bacon, she found a place to sit, she ate her breakfast, and got more and more nervous. It was the first day they hade a contract, and she didn't know anything, about what her Master had planed for the day. She finished eating her breakfast, and walked to the room, where she was meeting her Master.

Oliva got to the room, Jack wasn't there yet, so she looked a little more around. "Do you find any interesting things Olivia?" Jack asked, after he got in to the room, Olivia got a huge chock, "OMG you gave me a chock Sir" Olivia said , "I'm sorry about that, but I asked you a question Olivia" Jack said, "I'm sorry Sir, but no, I didn't get the chance to look at anything, before you came" she answered, "That's okay Olivia" Jack said. "Can I ask you something Sir?" she asked, "Yes Olivia" he answered, "What are your plans for today, Sir?" she asked, "Oh that's a good question, but I will not answer that, you will have to wait, and find out yourself" he said and winked at her, "Okay Sir" she answered.

"Today we will start training some positions, and then we will see what happens, okay Olivia" Jack said, "Yes Sir" Olivia answered, "You may take notes, if you want to" he said, "Thank you Sir" she answered.

"There are 12 positions I want to teach you, I will tell you what to do, when you've done it right, you can take notes about it, while I tell you what the particular position mostly will be used for. Is that understood Olivia?" Jack asked, "Yes Sir" Olivia answered, "That's good, we will start with the first position, are you ready Olivia?" Jack asked, "Yes Sir".

"Position One is called 'Present', you will be sitting down on your knees, with your knees spread wide, and your hands on your thighs, with your palm pointing up. You can do it now" Jack said, "Yes Sir" Olivia said, she gets down on her knees, with her knees spread, she put her hands, on her thigs. "Your knees should be spread more, they should almost be spread as wide as you can" he said, Olivia spreads her knees wider. "That's good Olivia, but our palms must be pointing up" he said, Olivia turns her hands, so her palm are pointing up, but still are laying on her thighs, "Like this Sir?" she asked, "Yes Olivia, that's good, this is the first position, how does it feel?" he asked, "It feels good Sir" she answered, "That's good, you can take notes now, Olivia walks over to a table, and start noting down. "That was position One, it's called 'Present', and it will mostly be your starting point, which means, that when you are trained a little more, this will be the position you will sit in, when you come in here" he said, "Okay Sir" she answered, and writes it all down. "I'm ready for the next position now Sir" she said, "Good" he said.

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