The Devil And Her

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Here's the next chapter......


It's annoying.
Eating human food makes me urinate and defecate, and I don't like it.
Lucifer thought to himself as he was in the bathroom, him washing his hands after urinating and defecating.

Lucifer then left the bathroom after using the febreeze cranberry spray, spraying one squirt of it in the bathroom, and he turned on the bathroom's fan, then closed the door behind himself.

Lucifer was curious where the woman went, and wanted to know her name.
She was entertaining him so far with her thinking he's an alien from outer space, which is the kind of entertainment he's looking for at this moment.

He could hear voices in another room.
"Mom, he keeps stalking me.
I checked my surveillance footage from yesterday, and he's still at it, and I could tell he was in my car, him breaking into it, since sand was in it, and pictures I put on the dash, which I taped there, was stolen, as well as my tires were slashed.
Yes I filed a restraining order, but he's ignoring it, and to be honest I don't feel safe at all home alone, and no I'm not moving in with you Mom.
Cause I don't want to.
I'll be fine.
Don't worry.
I have a security system in place too other than cameras."
She says to, he guesses, is her mother.
She sighs.
"Mom I'll be fine.
Yes I have a weapon just in case, but you forget if I kill him I would go to prison longer than a rapist or pedophile would in our corrupt judiciary system, so I won't kill him, I'll castrate him maybe, but not kill him."

I like her."
Lucifer muses out, him muttering that.

Lucifer walked into the room she was in, and she slid her thumb to end the call on her touchscreen phone.

I sigh as I lock my phone back up, and I jump when Lucifer says.

My heart lurched into my throat as I turn around and glare up at him as he laughed at me.
"Lucifer that wasn't funny!"

"It really was."
He laughed more.
"You jumped like a jackrabbit."

I sass him.

"I am glad to be an ass."
He smirked at me.

"Why did you sneak up on me?"
I ask him, folding my arms to my big breasts.

"Because I was bored."
Lucifer flicked my forehead, and I flinch at that, and I slap his hand away.

"Scaring people isn't nice."
I scold him.

"I terrify people all the time, so I am used to it."
Lucifer tells me, and I give him a look of empathy and sympathy.

I reach up, and put my hand upon his right cheek, making him blink in confusion.
"Poor guy.
Were you bullied growing up?"

He shoved my hand away, him glaring down at me since he's taller than me by far.
"Don't you touch me!"
His eyes glowed brightly red, and he took a step back, a look of disgust upon his face.

I merely warmly smile at him, me not afraid, me only wanting to soothe his anger, his hate, his despair I see in his eyes, like I'm filth beneath him.
"It's okay.
I know how you feel."
I assure him.

"I don't think you know what you're talking about girl."
Lucifer sassed me.

"Did someone abandon you?
Someone you love?"
I ask him.

"Shut up!"
Lucifer growled at me, him clenching his hands to his sides.

"Lucifer I only want to help you.
I mean I have abandonment issues too.
Daddy issues as well.
You look like you know from experience like me."
I say to him.

The Devil's Heart (SPN/Lucifer{18+}Where stories live. Discover now