Chapter 16- What about me!?

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I went outside and heard, "I have good news and bad news. The good news is that they promise to leave you alone.. While u prepare." Mr. Han said.

"Prepare for what..?" Dre questioned.

"You have to prepare for a turnoment. And u have to fight them, and 1 to 1." I spoke while smirking.

"She is correct." Mr. Han said.

"Oh, Mr. Han, did they promise to leave me alone or not..." I said while lowering my voice.

"I forgot about you.." He murmured.

"Just great...I'm going to go home. See you at school on monday, Dre." I waved.

(Not even a minute later)

"Oh Sh¡t I need to text Chin-Sun." I said to myself.


"IM HOME." I yelled.

No answer...

Why is she always not at home, like what is she doing? I thought.

I grabbed my phone and texted Chin-Sun.


Chin-Sun: Aish y/n I thought u forgot about me. T^T

Y/n: I could never U-U

Chin-Sun: Oh yea? Then why haven't u texted me for 3 DAYS

Y/n: It's because there is this guy who keeps bothering me, and I beat his @ss.

Chin-Sun: Way to go Y/n and what boy 😏.

Y/n: A smart @ss 😁

Chin-Sun: I hate when ur sarcastic 😒.

Y/n: But u love it also ♡♡

Y/n: Also, your English is getting better.

Chin-Sun: Why thank you. I have been practicing.

Chin-Sun: Aish.. I have to go y/n my eomma is calling.

Y/n: Dang, tell ur mom I said hi.

  Chi-Sun: Alright, bye y/n 👹

Y/n: Bye Chi-Sun 👺

I smiled. I really do miss her she was the world to me.

Then I heard a knock on the door. I wonder who it is.. probably mom.

I opened and saw Cheng and his friends.

"What do u want."  I sighed.

"We want to come in." Cheng smirked.

"That's not happening." I replied.

I was about to close the door, but Cheng held it with his hand.

"What are u doing!" I yelled.

"I said we want  to come in." He said.

"Please.." He said.

I was shook by that response, and it sounded like he didn't want to say, but he did.

I sighed and opened the door to let them in.  After they were all in, I closed the door and saw them all staring at me, and it was very uncomfortable.

"Okay, ur in now. What do u want." I huffed.

"We want to train u to train us in kung-fu. " Cheng asked.

"Do I get a point if I acted like I care? I smirked.

"He is asking u nicely, please train us." One of his friends says. 

"Sorry, I can't. u just want to beat up Dre so u can win ur turnoment." I said.

Cheng then looked up, smirking at me.

"Haha, ur right. we just tried to talk u into it so u can teach us we can beat Dre." Cheng laughed.

"I'm not all that dumb especially boys like u." I sarcastically smiled.

Cheng then grabbed my hair and pulled me down. He then kneeled down and spoke.

" You have no idea what's coming for you." He said coldly.

I glared right into his eyes, and he looked sorry, but I thought I was being paranoid.

They then left, and I just sat there smiling.

Ur wrong..U don't what's coming towards u.  I thought.

Hey, Yall, sorry for not updating 😭.I'll try better 👹. And I can't tell if this chapter was cringe 💩 but what are ur thoughts?

Face revel is coming in a few chapters 😈😈😈.

See ya 😊

- Your author 

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