Chapter One - The Little Screeching Raptors

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"Yeah, I get it Libbie, but I still don't see why you absolutely need to get into the basement." I say as I stack cups and bowl on the kitchen counter. The demonic eight year old Libbie lets out a heavy sigh as she grabs my sleeve. I look down at her only to be greeted by her puppy eyes. "Okay, you're stupid. I don't have a soul to plead to so what are you trying to get at?"

    "I want you to unlock the hatch to the basement so I can get all the barbies and stuff." She says as she smiles innocently. This little caterpillar thinks it's that easy to get into the basement.

    "I have barbies and all my dolls upstairs in my closet. I can get them to you tomorrow." I said as I turned to look out the window. She sighed and released my sleeve, to signal I have won the battle. Just as I look up to the window, I catch a glimpse of Amanda skating down the block on her brother's board that was prominently pink.

    If you knew Amanda, you would know from the get-go that this was her brother's. Only because she steals everything of his, hoodies, snap backs, money, and she hates pink. Before we even get too far in, I just want to let you know that if you ever call Amanda anything other than Mandy out loud, she will sock you straight in the jaw. Trust me, it happened to her brother, but instead of socking him she stabbed him in the lip with her nails. Right as I'm about to turn I feel a smack on the back of my head.

    "Why are you always looking out the window you freak?" My mom laughs as she walks by me. I look at her and raise my eyebrow, as if to say 'really' extremely sarcastically. She took a clip off the counter and pulled her curly hair into the clip. My mom might not be as normal, but what're you going to do about it?

    Then as if on que my little brothers, Kyle and Devon run out the door with their Nerf guns. Now, you may think this is a phase, no! It's not a phase. The neighbors have started calling them 'The Little Screeching Raptors' of the neighborhood. We have even had the cops called over here before, just because of those turds screaming at the top of their little lungs while shooting each other with their Nerf guns.

    Just as I think I can finally be left alone, my phone alert goes off. I look at my main screen to see I had five notifications from one of my online friends, Sage. I scanned down the notifications, to which were all her reposting funny posts scattered on my page. I sighed and shut down my phone. I threw my phone up the stairs and snatched my hoodie off the coat rack.

    I slipped it on and picked up my skate board from on the couch and walked out the open screen door. "Hey Mandy!" I yelled as she flew by. She smiled and drug her feet across the asphalt and waved to me. I threw down my board and skated down the block towards her where I nearly died on Devon's plastic rifle. Mandy lent backwards against Mr. Blackwell's Jeep with a sly smile on her face. "What's going on?" I asked as I hopped off my board.

    Mandy ran a hand through her straight strawberry blonde hair and began to fiddle with her thumbs. "Well, Alec is pretty pissed at me for taking his board, so I had to lock up my room." She said as she let a small laugh. "He threatened to mess up my room whenever I left, so I locked it. Nice try Alec." She says. 

    "One for Mandy, zero for Alec." I said as she high-fived me. "Anyway, let's go check out the new people of the block." I said as I plopped my board down and hopped on. Mandy copied and we raced up the block the old Canter house. A moving van and a white convertible was parked out in the drive. 

    "Who in the hell would move into this dump?" Asks Mandy as she crinkles her nose. Just then the front door creaked open and a girl about five years old ran out and down the porch steps. "Shit, go!" Yells Mandy as she turns down the block. I quickly speed my board down the street after Mandy, after our embarrassing encounter of being caught staring at somebody's house.

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