Chapter Seven - Because I Can

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"But nobody wants to go to the recital." I groan to my mother as June smacks her head off the window. Mom turns around and squeezes my hand before turning back towards the road. 

    "Well your father wants to see Libbie in the recital. I don't think anybody other than him wants to go. I'm sorry but we have to because he never sees you girls anymore, considering you are his daughters." She says and tucks some loose curls behind her ear. "I'm sorry Pattie-Cakes. It's just the way it is."

    Of course, she chooses now to use that nickname. "Can you never use that nickname for the rest of your life?" I ask with a glare. She smiles and shakes her head while releasing a small laugh. Typical mom. I turn my head and look back to Libbie, which probably has to be the most hysterical sight ever.

    There sits Libbie, miserable like never before seen in a bright white tutu, which will definitely be trashed by dinner and her hair in a loose braid. I smile in awe, look what genetics can make! An adorable, aggravated dwarf. The only reason I can't call her a dwarf aloud is because she actually does have some sort of dwarfism. It's amazing how genetics spared June and I from dwarfism. Instead June and I are just drastically tall compared to when our parents were our ages.

    Suddenly the car comes to a halt and the seat belt is the only thing constricting me from flying forward. While muttering swears under my breathe I crack my back and un-buckle my seat belt. The van door slides open, revealing my dad's face, with his ugly smile and ugh don't get me started. "Thank you dad." I say with a fake smile, which he returns.

    My feet hit the cement, yes I am barefoot, the heels hurt my feet in the car. June hops out behind me and hands over my heels, which I slip on easier than ever. Libbie climbs out, humming the Sugar Plum Fairy which is what she'll be preforming tonight. I grab Libbie by her shoulders pull a hair bow out of my purse and clip it in her hair. "I know it hurts your scalp, but you'll get used to it." I say with a smile as she glares up at me.

    I pick up Devon and hold him at my hip like a baby before grasping Libbie's hand. "Now while mom, dad and Milo get us seats I'm going to drop Devon off with them. Then I'm going backstage with you to fix you up with makeup and accessories. Is that clear?" Libbie nods and June walks beside me. I am the child whisperer. 

    Walking into the building was the easy part, but finding our parents was the hard part. Maneuvering your way between angry children, parents making business calls, and the occasional happy dog that got off the leash. Then we see it, the door to the seemingly empty gymnasium. I drop Devon off at the door and told him to go find mom with June. Then it was just Libbie and I.

    Libbie and I went up the stairs which lead to the classroom corridor and after about five classrooms, made a turn left. Now we were backstage, which was the only room that consisted of pageant moms, and quiet obedient little girls. I was basically the only girl in there that wasn't a mom or participating. I lead Libbie off the mirrors and sat her down in a chair as I sat my makeup bag down in her lap.

    I unleashed her hair from the braid, as well as I took the hair pin out. I slicked her hair back into a tight bun, which sat at the near top of her head, which seemed to bring a smile to her sweet little face. I turned the chair around and took out the mascara. "What's this for?" She asked as I twisted the cap off.

    "It's going to go on your eyelashes. Just keep your eye open and it'll be alright." I said as I swiped the brush across her top lashes. Next I dabbed some concealer under her eyes and took a step back. "You look beautiful." I say as she claps hysterically. 

    "Thank you sissy!" She squeals as her arms wrap around my waist tightly. I pat her back softly and then a feminine voice booms around the room.

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