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𝐁𝐥𝐲 𝐌𝐚𝐧𝐨𝐫

My vision was hazed and there was a music type beat in my head, a heavy one. Pounding. My head was pounding. Fucking hell it hurt. I placed a cold hand on my head as my vision cleared, seeing the sun blare straight into my eyes.
"Fuck..." I groaned, squeezing them shut and buried my face into the silky pillow.
After a few seconds of rubbing my eyes i looked over at my bedside table at the clock, barely able to make out the roman numerals around the crystal face. The small hand on I and the longer hand just past IV.
one in the afternoon?
I turned over seeing Miles passed out cold next to me.
Rolling my eyes i decided to shake him, "Miles. Miles wake up!" I shoved him hard as he stared to move.
"What? What the fuck do you want?" I grumbled.
"Wake up," I pushed him once more.
"No it's too early," He argued, pulling the quilt further over him.
"It's the afternoon," I giggled.
"What?" He rubbed his eyes before looking up at the ceiling with wide eyes.
"Yeah..." I brushed my fingers my tangled hair.
Miles sat up groggily and looked over at me with half shut eyes.
"Quint's dead," He stated.
I nodded in response, trying to gather myself for the pain that was to come as i sat up, wincing.
"Good," Miles cracked his neck, "You okay?"
I huffed in aggravation, twisting about my bandages.
"I just want to take these off," I shook my arms and went to put up my hair in a bun.
"Take them off then, well, apart from the new one," Miles suggested.
I thought for a moment before shrugging, surely they'd be healed enough by now.
I began to unwrap the bandages from around my wrists and arms, watching as a pile of stained bloody fabric formed on my bed.
Gosh that feels good.
My arms, legs, hands, and feet were now free and could breath. I hated bandages they just itched and got annoying. Looking down at the half healed cuts up my arms i furrowed my brows, i could see the marks where the stitches had been before they got taken out, still red raw though i also had a yellow tint around my wrists from Miles that one time.
"Sorry..." Miles murmured, yawning.
"It's fine," I shrugged off the fact that he'd actually done that kind of damage to me and stood up, he was different now Quint was gone, now somebody knew what had happened i think we both seemed happier. Just a little, i still wanted to cut myself more though, i still saw things, heard things. All is fun when you are mad surely. Well, not surely it kind of is, feels like you have a superpower.
I dumped the bandages in the bin before turning to brush my hair as Miles continued to groan and roll over to try go back to sleep.
"Shit..." He shot up, rushing to my bathroom to throw up.
"Gross," I pulled the door shut and continued to brush my hair.
I killed someone.
What were we going to tell Flora?
The toilet flushed and Miles opened the door, "Coke isn't good for you," Miles sniffed and scratched his face, coming towards me.
"Really?" I rolled my eyes, turning away from him.
"You need to loose your fucking attitude," Miles spun me around before dropping his hands off me.
"I don't have an attitude. You do," I clapped back cheekily.
"Shut up," Miles went to walk away to the door.
"Pussy!" I bit my bottom lip and stood up on my tip-toes, excited at his anger.
"Yeah? Come here," He motioned for me to come over to him, which i did with a grin.
I swayed with my hands around my back, "Yes Miles,"
"Why do you like to piss me off so much? it won't do anything good for you, will it?" Miles got in my face which only made my grin widen.
I hummed slightly, "Because that's when you do stuff to me," I giggled.
As Miles went to speak he was cut off by a knock on the door.
I opened the door slowly to see Flora, "Oh hello Flora," I smiled at her sweetly.
"Good afternoon, Poppy, uh-" She paused, "Why's Miles in your room?" She wondered.
Miles stepped forward, "Pandora had some bad dreams," The boy answered her yet his tone was slightly unsettling to which i frowned.
"Oh-okay. Miss Grose wants to talk to us all in the drawing room." Flora nodded before walking off, Miles and I following slowly behind, yet Miles quickly dipped into his room to get a jumper, then joined me again.

There was a weird silence in the drawing room. Miles, Flora and I sat on one of the Sofas opposite Miss Grose who sat with her legs crossed. I stared through the window behind her seeing it was snowing which made me smile. I loved the snow, i didn't see snow much but it was so beautiful.
"So," Miss Grose started, grabbing my attention, "As you can see Peter is not here with us this morning," Miss Grose looked between Miles and I before I looked at Miles bouncing his knee in the corner of my eye, "Last night Quint had a bit too much to drink and fell off his horse, he got hurt quite badly then sadly froze in the snow. The gardener found him this morning, I shall leave you to morn," Miss Grose stood up, patting my shoulder, she lent down to whisper something to me, "I never liked him, vile man." I went to look to her, yet she was already gone.
Miss Grose had a tendency to disappear a lot or to be seen at the end of corridors and in doorways, also i'm not sure if ever seen her eat a single bit of food. Odd.
Flora had hugged Miles as she did not know what Quint was doing to Miles and believed that he was his friend, yet he was actually his worst enemy.
My eye twitched at the thought of Quint. Flora didn't seem too upset with the man's death yet that child had witnessed so much death in her life i think it was just something you had to deal with for her, like she had no tears left to cry.
"Why don't we go one walk, to the maze," Miles suggested, eager to leave the room it seemed.
"Yes! The snow!" Flora jumped up in excitement like she'd completely forgotten about Quint, "I'll go get my coat." She announced, running off.
I looked around the red themed room in awe, every part of this house was beautiful and i did love it and loved living here. But for a moment i could have sworn i saw Quint in the mirror, but i decided to ignore it just like i would with any hallucination i would have.
Though the house was beautiful it was hiding a dark secret, peopled died way too frequently and i couldn't help but feel that I was next, as if the house decided who it wanted to live here, using the other members of the home to kill them off, Quint killing Jessel, me killing Quint...who would kill me...

The snow had to be brighter than the sun that reflected off the white blanket like a mirror, the world was so calm, not all the time, but it was calm but so much pain was caused in this world, it was unusual but that is just how the world works, the hunter and the hunted.
"Poppy? Do you have snow in England?" Flora skipped in front of Miles and I as we shoved our way through the snow toward the maze.
I sniggered slightly, "Sometimes yes, not like this though,"
"'Tis beautiful..." The young girl trailed off staying close to Miles and I yet far enough away to no longer be apart of any conversation we were to have.
"She's a bit lost," Miles commented with a smile.
I pulled my coat closer around my body, looking down at my shoes.
"She's just young," I chuckled, bending down to pick up some snow, throwing it at Miles while he wasn't looking.
Miles gasped, "You cunt!" He shouted, throwing snow back at me.
"Owe!" I laughed loudly throwing more at him.
Miles ran over to me rubbing a pile of snow into my hair. I shivered as it ran down my neck.
"Git!" I picked the snow off my head and threw it at his face.
"Shush you," He wrapped his arm around my shoulder, pulling me to his side.
I felt my face burn red, staring back down at the floor as we walked. Miles brushed the remaining snow from my hair.
"You'll ruin my hair," I told him annoyed at his actions.
"Doesn't matter," He shrugged, kicking snow as we walked a few feet behind Flora.
"Uh-well, it does," I argued.
"Stop trying to look good," Miles joked.
I gasped sarcastically, "Shut up you cunt,"
Miles grabbed the back of my neck and tried to push me down, "Call me that again and i'll push you in the snow," He warned.
"Cunt!" I laughed loudly as Miles pushed me and i stumbled around yet didn't fall.
I jumped back at him, shoving him as hard as i called causing him to trip a few feet away from me.
Miles chuckled and then decided to pick me up and try throw me on the ground, "No! Don't!" I pleaded, grabbing a hold of his neck.
Yet Miles had somehow managed to throw me down though i was holding tightly onto him so he came down on top of me.
We both laughed and rolled around in the snow for a moment, staring up at the sky.
Miles then suddenly spoke up, "I think i love you miss,"


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⏰ Last updated: Aug 09, 2023 ⏰

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𝐁𝐞𝐲𝐨𝐧𝐝 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐩𝐚𝐫𝐤 𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫𝐞 𝐰𝐚𝐬 𝐚 𝐬𝐜𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐦 | 𝐌𝐈𝐋𝐄𝐒 𝐅𝐀𝐈𝐑𝐂𝐇𝐈𝐋𝐃Where stories live. Discover now