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𝐁𝐥𝐲 𝐦𝐚𝐧𝐨𝐫

I was staring at myself in the mirror again, yet this time i was making sure i looked like a whore for Miles, well, so i could scare his girlfriend off, she hadn't seen me yet but i'd heard Miles and her enter his bedroom and could hear the bed frame hitting the wall. Fucking dirty bitch, when i get my hands on her she'll die, that's on the devil.
I wore a grey t-shirt but had nothing on my bottom half apart from a white lace thong i'd brought yesterday. Okay, i was ready.
"I'm going to kill this girl..." I laughed but covered my mouth and bit my skin to try contain myself.
I left my room and headed to Miles' before banging on the door.
"Miles can i talk to you?!" I exclaimed through the door.
I heard some shuffling about before the door opened to reveal Miles shirtless with some pyjama trousers(pants) on. There were bruises on his stomach and wrists that i hadn't noticed before as they'd obviously been covered up, but i choose to ignore it as i looked behind him, and there she was in the background, covering her body with the quilt, hair scruffy and breathing heavily.
"What?" Miles smirked down at me, knowing his girlfriend couldn't see him.
"Oh, who's this?" I pointed to the most ugliest girl i'd ever made eye contact with, she was basically crosseyed with ginger hair and buck teeth.
"I'm Jo, his girlfriend, who the fuck are you?" She snapped as i made myself visible in my underwear.
"I live here, and watch your mouth," I said back passive aggressively, "Miles,"
"Pandora," Miles followed me out the room, leaving the door cracked open, and as expected we heard Jo walk up to the door, most likely peaking through.
"What did you want little lady?" Miles all of a sudden pulled me closer by my waist, yet gently as to not hurt me.
"Just wanted to see you, you didn't tell me you had someone over," I wrapped my arms around Miles neck before clenching my jaw as i tried not to laugh.
"Well, thought i should give you a rest, you know, because of earlier..." Miles pressed his forehead onto mine and i felt his hands travel down to my ass to pull me in even closer. He reeked of alcohol, weather that was just from being around Quint or if he'd been drinking.
"Mhm," I hummed and smiled.
I was slightly confused as i didn't expect Mikes to be this...close? I guess he really just wanted her gone. But i liked it, i think. I don't know it was weird, i didn't expect it to be like this. The. out of nowhere Miles started to kiss me, he tasted of fucking vodka. It stung the cut on my lip but i endured the pain.
Fuck. Why was it so good. I placed my hand on his cheek to deepen the kiss, i wanted more. What was happening to me. It was so good though.
"Miles what the fuck!" Jo slammed the door open.
Oh yes, this was going to be better than the kiss.
"Woah, Jo, relax..." Miles laughed, stumbling back from me. Miles was definitely drunk.
"Why are you kissing this whore! I'm much better than her, look at her she's bandaged from head to toe, and her face! What the fuck do you fucking cut yourself you psycho!" She continued to scream at me.
I began to laugh oddly. Now i was fucking angry.
"Will you shut the fuck up," I spat through gritted teeth, "You'll wake Flora,"
"Don't kiss my fucking boyfriend then!" She continued to shout.
I rolled my eyes and slapped her straight across the face, "I told you to shut the fuck up, look at Miles, he's fucking drunk, you think if he loved you he'd be drunk whenever he's with you?" I laughed in face before spitting at her, "And what the fuck did you call me? A psycho?"
"Look at yourself, you're fucking insane-" I cut her off by punching her.
"Shut the fuck up! Get up and get out before i fucking kill you, don't say i won't because i will with my bare fucking hands, no one can hear you scream from here. No one will find you!" I shoved her back into Miles' room before turning around to be faced with Miles, "When she's gone give me some of whatever you've drunk,"
"I don't think i should give you alcohol..." Miles tripped over his own feet before holding onto the doorframe for support.
"What and you should? Look at you, you're a state," I snorted, looking Miles up and down.
"You're the one that looks like a slut," Miles laughed before Jo stormed off down the hall, "See you, you ugly bitch!" He shouted down the corridor, hearing the front door slam.
"So that drink?" I pushed.
"Yeah, yeah, come in," Miles huffed before passing me a half empty bottle of vodka as he searched through his draws for what i'm guessing was cigarettes and his lighter.
I closed the door behind me as i slowly entered Miles room, observing it. He had a single bed on a mental frame, a drum kit and an electric guitar along with some posters with musicians on them.
"Can you actually play these?" I asked, pointing to his drums.
"Yeah, i can't now though," Miles spoke while holding his cigarette between his teeth as he took at seat on the stool behind his drums, "Flora's asleep," Miles looked me up and down and smirked, "You buy that with my money?"
I nodded, "Yeah?" Question in my voice.
"Slut," He scoffed.
"Oh shut up, i got it for you," I took a big gulp of the acidic liquid.
"Yeah? Bend over then," Miles told me playful, standing up from the stool to lay on his bed.
"I'm not gunna do that," I told him sternly.
"Pfft," Miles waved me off, "Boring girl,"
"I just punched your girlfriend in the face, when my whole body is fucked up, and you think i owe you?" I raised my eyebrows and laughed.
"Hm-yeah-" Miles blew smoke from his mouth, "You owe me still i'm doing you a massive favour and i did give you a lot of money to spend," Miles pointed.
"Still i'm not bending over for you," I told him, going to sit cross-legged at the end of his bed.
"I'll have you bending over for me soon enough," Miles teased, offering me his cigarette in exchange for the bottle.
"I'm not easy, like Jo," I chortled with a grin.
"You sure about that? You're sat in my bed, wearing a thong, i've touched your ass and kissed you, and how long have i known you? Four days," Miles playfully tapped my leg and laughed at me.
"That was to get rid of her," I argued.
"I was going to break up with her anyway," Miles shrugged.
"So why do you give me fifteen hundred dollars and get me to punch your girlfriend in the face and dress like a whore?" I sat up straight then felt the alcohol hit making me dizzy.
"Because it was interesting, and maybe i just wanted you in my room, dressed like this..." Miles looked over to me with a menacing gaze.
"You're drunk," I looked away from him annoyed at his comments.
"Yeah..." Miles giggled and kicked his feet, bouncing the bed, "But i hate you,"
My heart dropped, i'm not sure why, but it did.
I laughed it off, "I hate you too,"
"Nah, you don't, let's be honest, little lady," Miles bit his bottom lip and stole the cigarette off me to give me the bottle back.
The room fell silent and i stared into the liquid inside the glass bottle.
"Um- Miles, how did you get those bruises?" The question that had been bugging me for a few days now, and now new marks had caught my attention, "and someone keeps coming into your room i can hear them,"
"I have hickeys from Jo, and it's just Flora having nightmares, she saw our parents die, you know?" Miles changed the subject.
I didn't want to piss him off so decided to leave it, i'll find out eventually, "Oh, how did they die?"
"They got into a car crash out side the gate, she saw the whole thing..." Miles clenched and unclenched his jaw in a pattern as he continued to take drags of his cigarette as i sipped the vodka.
"Oh, is she like, okay?" I didn't know how to give people sympathy especially when it came to parents dying.
"Yeah, i mean she has nightmares about seeing our parents but she's fine, doesn't like to talk about it, neither do i, i guess you don't like talking about your parents?" Miles looked down at his lap, messaging with the strings attached to his bottoms.
My head twitched at the mention, "No, not really, i mean she would like lock me anyway for weeks, starve me, other stuff..."
"Is that why you hurt yourself?" Miles wondered.
I shook my head, "No, i didn't hurt myself because i was sad,"
"You did it for satan?" Miles looked up at me and grinned devilishly.
"Yeah...but it wasn't him i was tricked," I told him.
"By who?" He furrowed his brows.
"I don't wanna talk about it," I rubbed my temples, "It makes my head hurt,"
"Don't worry, i get it especially if it was recently," Miles made a popping sound with his mouth as he crushed his cigarette.
"Why did you let me stay here? You found some looney girl in the woods and thought it was a good idea to let her live with you?" I chuckled, snapping my sock against my ankle.
"Because i'm just like you, and what are you going to do? You're beat up and can barely hold a glass to drink water let alone commit mass murder in my home," Miles claimed.
"What if i was possessed," I joked, dropping my head back as i laughed.
"Nah i think i would've been able to tell, i mean you did try worship satan but like you said it wasn't actually him so..." Miles laughed with me as he stretched his arms out.
"Hm-yeah, well, thank you," I smiled.
"Yeah whatever, you're good looking and shit, i wasn't just going to leave you there," Miles shrugged closing his eyes.
"Right, i'm going bed, so i'll see you tomorrow," Mikes announced, rolling over.
I sighed and stood to my feet, "Night."
What is going on with him.

"All around the mulberry bush
The monkey chased the weasel
The monkey thought 'twas all in fun...
POP! Goes the weasel..." I giggled to myself, rolling around in my bed, "Penny for a spool of thread
Penny for a needle
That's the way the money goes...
POP! Goes the weasel..." I felt as though i was being suffocated.
The alcohol had hit me like a brick, it had been a long time since i had been drunk, it was kind of relaxing i guess.
Tonight i had not heard the footsteps go into Miles' room, it was a relief to me for some reason, because the last time it happened Miles was screaming, so whoever it was going in there, i assumed it was Quint i could not be sure, this house was weird, for all i know it could be a ghost terrorising him or i'm just having lucid dreams again, but normally i can feel if i'm dreaming because of the time...anyway.
I could not stop thinking about Miles' hands on me, i wanted more but i also didn't, i mean i felt as though i wanted it so bad i hated it at the same time, hated the fact it had happened at all...because i wanted it to happen again.
"Ugh!" I groaned, flopping my head back onto my pillow.
Should i go see him?
What is wrong with me?

mOkay girls
also i ran out of weed so what the fuck do i do bc i don't want to buy more it's a waste of money i don't even like being high tbf

𝐁𝐞𝐲𝐨𝐧𝐝 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐩𝐚𝐫𝐤 𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫𝐞 𝐰𝐚𝐬 𝐚 𝐬𝐜𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐦 | 𝐌𝐈𝐋𝐄𝐒 𝐅𝐀𝐈𝐑𝐂𝐇𝐈𝐋𝐃Where stories live. Discover now