2. caramel cold brew

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"Morning." Emma groaned as she stretched on her bed.

"Ugh, morning." You respond, picking up your phone and opening up snapchat. "Fuck, I didn't wash my face last night." A couple fresh pimples littered your forehead and nose due to the poor removal of your makeup.

"Neither did I. A little scared to look in the mirror. Anyway, I'm gonna need some coffee so we're gonna go to my favorite coffee spot around here."

You nodded, limping out of bed to go wash your face. Your undereyes were puffy and discolored, accompanying the new pimples.

The two of you got dressed, only putting on a bit of makeup to freshen up. After putting on a pair of low-waisted sweatpants and a tiny tank top, you threw your hair up to keep it out of your face for now. You'll deal with makeup and hair later when you go see Kalynn and Weston.

The walk to the coffee shop was short, plus it felt good to stretch your legs. You and Emma ordered the same coffee and sat outside because it wasn't too hot this morning.

"Dude, this is amazing. You know your coffee so well." You uttered after a big sip of your drink. "Mm- I forgot to ask you. Kalynn texted me last night when you were asleep and asked if you and I wanted to hang out with her, Weston, and Aisha today because it was so fun last night."

"Ugh, I wish I could. I have to head back to my place and edit a podcast episode today, I'm so sorry. I can drive you if you still wanna hang with them though." She responded, tilting her head as she drank.

It would be fun with Emma there, but one less person gives you more time to talk with Kalynn. Plus, Weston and Aisha might chill by themselves for a little.

"Aw, okay. I'll text her and ask."

Reaching for your phone, you smiled when you realized that Kalynn liked your story. It was just a picture of the coffee you got, but somehow just the like from her made you blush.

y/n: hey kalynn! emma has to edit an episode today and isn't free to hang out but if it's cool with you i'm still able to come.

Your finger hovered over the send button. Was it too formal sounding? Or was it annoying that you were still asking to come? Rereading the message a couple of times, you sent it.

After a couple minutes, another notification from instagram popped up on your lockscreen.

kalynnkoury: aw okay, tell her i say hi though.

Was she just ignoring the fact that you could still come? Even though she just sent it, you started worrying about if she had only invited you because you were with Emma.

One more notification came up after seconds.

kalynnkoury: so glad you can still come though! aisha is coming over to me and weston's place at like 4 so you can just do the same. i think we're just ordering food and hanging out here ◡̈

y/n: okay perfect! see u guys then

The way she typed to you set off butterflies in your stomach. The little smiley faces she uses in some of her messages were adorable.


Slipping a huge sweatshirt over your tank top and boyshorts, you clicked your phone screen to see the time.

3:21 PM

You were already dressed, showered, and your hair had been washed. The only thing you still needed was a little bit of makeup. You were just hanging at her place, so you wanted to keep it casual but also needed to look presentable.

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