3. the start of something new

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The four of you settled on just ordering pizza for dinner. One cheese pizza, and one half pepperoni half veggie.

Waiting on the food delivery, you sat down in the living room and sat by the TV for well over thirty minutes deciding on a movie to watch. It'd been between Pitch Perfect decided by Weston and Kalynn and Spiderman 1 (with Tobey Maguire) decided by you since Aisha didn't care much.

After too much time spent going over the pros and cons of each movie you simply suggested another idea.

"How about we just watch High School Musical."

"Oh my gosh yes. I haven't seen any of them in a while." Weston's eyes almost lightened at the idea.

"But which one.." Kalynn interrupted.

Weston grabbed the remote and switched the TV onto Disney+.

"First and second are the best, third has the best songs." You proposed.

Aisha nodded, "Agreed on the third movie, but I'm gonna have to go for the second."

"The first is so perfect though!" Weston whined, searching up the series on the TV.

You looked to Kalynn sitting on the chair next to you to see what she thinks, but she was zoned out looking at you first.

She saw your glance and looked away, a crimson blush creeping up her cheeks. Yours cheeks unfortunately did the same thing.

"Uhm, yeah, let's just watch the first." Kalynn shifted in her seat, crossing her arms over her stomach and settling down.

The movie rolled on, and the four of you were basically in a trance, silent, until the doorbell rang. Kalynn hopped up to go receive the tip on the counter for the pizza delivery guy.

You watched her figure move towards the door, unlocking it to grab the pizza.

"Ugh, finally." Aisha sat up from where her and Weston were laying to grab a slice.

Everyone else retrieved their own slices and continued watching the movie, silently, until the first song came on.

Weston immediately put his pizza down to break out into song, matching up with Troy and Gabriella's version of the Start of Something New.

Eventually you, Kalynn, and Aisha joined in but remained seated since it wasn't that fast of a song to where you could dance.


For most of the other songs in the movie, the four of you jumped up and down on the couches, singing and dancing with fake microphones. You were able to keep it up for a majority of the songs, but as soon as Bop to the Top came on you were winded.

"I can't keep dancing guys. It's too late for this shit." You giggled, glancing over at Kalynn who was fidgeting with her necklace.

"Same, I might honestly have to head to bed soon." Aisha agreed, flopping down on the couch.

Kalynn groaned, lifting herself up from her seat while Weston and Aisha stayed on the couch, eyes half shut as they both tried to finish the remainder of the movie.

"Do you wanna come with me or do you wanna try to finish the movie with the lovebirds?" She giggled as she walked slowly past you.

"Mmm, I'll come with you. I've seen this too many times already. It's imprinted in my memory." You stood up behind her, accidentally touching her waist from behind while hoisting yourself up.

You felt Kalynn grow alert for a second at what you'd just done, but she didn't say anything about it.

"Night!" You both whispered to Weston and Aisha who were basically asleep now, cuddled up on the couch.

The girl in front of you guided you to her room before flopping down on the bed, patting it so you'd sit down as well.

"Ugh, I'm not taking off my makeup, I'll worry about it in the morning. I'm actually about to fall asleep." You mumbled, falling face first into her sheets. They smelled just like her, which was amazing to you.

Kalynn nodded, moving herself further up in the bed to actually get under the covers.

Both of you layed there a few minutes, decently far away from eachother, but subconsciously enjoying each others presence. You both stayed awake, waiting for the other to say something.

"It's hot as fuck in here." You groaned, sitting up to remove the sweatshirt that you'd been wearing all night. Now, you were in a comfortable set of a tank top and boyshorts.

Kalynn looked you up and down for a few moments before looking into your eyes.

"That's weird, I feel like it's cold. I mean, the fan is on the highest setting." She half-whispered back.

"Yeah, I grew up in a house where it was always freezing so I get hot really easily."

"Mm, I was kind of the opposite, I'm always cold." She sat her head back down, nestling it into her pillow. "Actually, can I just borrow your sweatshirt right now since you took it off? I don't feel like getting up and getting one from the closet."

You nodded, handing the hoodie to her. Watching her slide it over her brown waves, you knew she'd look so cute in it.

"This smells so good. I mean, you smell so good." She giggled, blushing, and laying back down one last time. This time, she was only inches away from you and you were facing eachother.

For the next few minutes, both of your eyes fluttered open and shut every now and then, studying each others faces. You picked up even more on her freckles and deep brown eyes, as well as the way her lips almost naturally curved up into that pretty smile of hers. Just when you'd been staring for too long, Kalynn opened her eyes back up.

You shut yours quickly, hoping she wouldn't notice the way you were observing her.

"What are you staring at me for?" She chuckled, sleepiness taking out of her voice.

"Nothing." You responded, looking back up at her.

A few moments passed of you two simply looking into each others eyes. 

"Okay, I just like your face, I don't know." You admitted, reaching a hand up to move a strand of hair out of the way of her lips.

Kalynn let a small smile and blush slip, draping her own hand over your back.

"Okay, well who doesn't love my face." She whispered, just before the drowsiness pulled her asleep.

Despite how tired you just were, the events that took place in the last minutes kept you up for a while after. You couldn't get rid of the blush on your face, or the butterflies in your stomach. It just got worse everytime she moved in her sleep and her cold hand would move across your back under the blankets.

hi guys! sorry for not updating recently and how this chapter is a bit shorter than my other ones. i just started school and have just been super busy 😭 i also literally think i wrote this in like ten minutes so excuse it if it's not the best 💓

love u!

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