4. dreamer

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Rays of morning (basically afternoon at this point) light filtered into Kalynn's room through the blinds above her bed. You struggled to open your eyes until realizing where you were once more. The unfamiliar surroundings confused you for a moment, just until you flipped around to see the girl next to you in the bed. Your cheeks almost immediately flushed at the sight of Kalynn sleeping next to you. One of her legs overlapped yours, as well as one hand resting on your hip. The memories of the night before flooded your brain and you couldn't help but cheese to yourself for a moment.

One thing you hated was waking up first at a sleepover. But this time, you didn't care as much. Usually you disliked it when you'd be the first awake at someone's house and would have to wait even hours sometimes for them to wake up, but with Kalynn it felt different. You didn't want to get out of the bed this time, let alone move to risk her touch go away. The feeling of her warmth next to you was comforting, as well as her scent lingering in the sheets. For some reason, you were nervous for when she would wake up.

What if you looked bad? Or your breath stank? You didn't wanna get up to go brush your hair or anything so you did the best you could. Licking your lips, brushing your hand down with yours hands, and trying to curl your eyelashes by tucking them into your upper eyelid.

Just then you felt a small movement next to you. Looking over, you noticed Kalynn's arm stretch out to the right, as she scrunched her face up. Not wanting her to catch you staring, you closed your eyes and turned your head slightly the other way. Kalynn sat up and went to reach for her phone, and you decided to pretend she woke you up by moving.

"Morning-" you muffled, turning over onto your side to face her. She somehow looked perfect even after just waking up.

Kalynn whipped around, scared for a second by the sound of your voice. "Oh, goodmorning." She groaned. "I didn't think you were awake." She tucked a hair behind her ear and licked her lips as well.

Her voice was slightly groggy and sounded so alluring.

"Do you wanna grab some coffee soon? Weston texted me and him and Aisha already are out. Like at some diner."

"Oh, yeah, sure." You responded, scratching the back of your neck.

Kalynn pulled the comforters off herself and stumbled out of the bed.

"Do you want something to wear for the ride? It's hot out today."

"Mmm, I think I'm good with these shorts but could I borrow a t-shirt or tank or something?" You followed her up and towards the closet, taking in your options.

She pulls out an oversized sublime shirt from the back of her closet that you've seen before in a video. "This good?"

You nodded, taking it from her and walking toward the bathroom to change quickly. You yelled out a quick thank you which she responded to with almost a hum.

The shirt smelled of dryer sheets and laundry, with a hint of Kalynn's perfume. Taking a good whiff of the scent, you went back to her room and slipped on your sandals. 


It had been an hour since you returned to the hotel after grabbing coffee with Kalynn and saying your goodbyes. You filmed a bit of content for your vlog, dreading having to sit down and edit it now. As much as you loved recording and posting your videos, the editing was always rough. One thing you were planning to enjoy though was watching back clips of you and your new little crush.

After throwing out the remains of your watered down iced coffee, you layed down on the hotel bed and pulled out your computer. Emma was gone, and it was good timing to get some work done, maybe to even take a quick nap. 

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