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"Because he is the reason for every misery. Samrath married me for him and his daughter only. Sanvi is not Even his biological daughter. My husband and husband's first wife adopted her. Even after the birth of Mohak, he doesn't love my son like Aarav and Sanvi. He only considers my son as his responsibility. He even never loved me. His day Started with Aarav and Sanvi and ended with them only. He married to look after his first children and that his so-called daughter who died a few years ago. He named everything on Aarav nothing was left for my son. He died but not before seeing his favorite son Aarav but never looked at my son like that. I hate Aarav so much" she said while shouting that she hated him from the core of her heart.

Kavya was so shocked to hear that he had an elder sister too. And saw Malini is going mad to kill him.

Malini pushed her and went to her room furiously While kavya wiped her tears and came back to his penthouse.

Kavya really wants to tell him everything. But how? There is no safe place where she can talk to him.

She laid down on bed while crying.

At night

Aarav came and saw her sleeping which is weird because she used to cook dinner for him.

"Kavya" he called but she didn't reply. He changed his clothes and laid down beside her.

They are used to cuddling but today she didn't even see him or ask him about his day. His hands were itching to hold her close but he controlled himself and tried to sleep. Yes without eating dinner because they used to eat together at night.

Kavya was not feeling good but she was thinking of any way to talk to him. She wiped her tears and decided that she will tell him everything.

The whole night she was awake. After struggling so much she turned towards him. Her eyes were still close but she kissed his cheek. While keeping her head on his chest. She finally slept for a few hours.

Next day

He woke up and didn't found her. His mood turned more sour. At night she behaved weirdly and today also she woke up early.

What happened to her suddenly? He thought and get up but saw her clothes are scattered everywhere.

He got scared that she left him.

He hurriedly checked everywhere but she is not in his penthouse. He is on verge of crying. But remembered that he didn't check the guest room.

He knows she is not there but hoping that maybe she was there. He is scared of losing her but opened the door to find the room.


Malini was calling her on phone call but kavya is not receiving.

Malini is getting angry at her because she saw Kavya go out but with nothing in her hands.

"Is she trying to run away from me??" Malini thought and break the jug which was on night stand.

Kavya is right, she is keeping eyes through CCTV camera in his whole penthouse.

Malini saw him entering the guest room and scoffed.

"Your so called wife is outside not inside your house" she said seeing him on screen. And called his security head.

"Hello Mr. Patel"

"Mrs. Malhotra" he said after recognising her voice.

"When his wife comes, don't forget to inform me" Malini ordered him arrogantly.

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