2.|Love Or Money??

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Don't jump to the conclusion without reading. Reminder..This is just a fictional work. Nothing to do with real life or real people.

Shashank Agnihotri- 21 years
Mira Khanna- 20 years.

Shashank and Mira were bestfriends. And both are so happy in their until corona virus entered their life to just destroy their bond.

After first lockdown...

"Shashank...I can't continue" Mira slowly said and I just cut the call immediately. Anger bubbled inside me. So the Rumours were true but she didn't think it was necessary to tell me before. Yes, We both are not in a relationship but we are best friends. She should tell me this.

We were playing lead roles in "Alladin ka Chirag" but shooting stop due to lockdown.

I was excited to meet her, but she dropped the bomb that she can't continue the serial anymore. Is this easy for her to leave? I am not talking to her until she pacifies me.

I was lying on the sofa and thinking about her behaviour from one month. She is behaving weird with me. Is there anything am I missing?

I checked the phone...why she didn't call me?? Oo God why I cut the call without listen to her.

We both were working together for the last 4 years continuously. Our hastag #misha was very famous among youngsters. They all see us as a couple but we didn't announce anything officially.

I slept on the sofa while thinking about her.

I woke up suddenly and quickly find my phone to see...if she called me. But no there is no call or any message.

This is weird but maybe she is busy. I sighed then my mum called me for dinner. I slept too much I guess.


On social media...

MiSha Fans get dishearted after listening this. They started appealing Mira to come back in serial. She didn't reply to any comment.

The week passed swiftly and shooting again started with a new cast.

Mira congratulated Aishwarya Rathore who cast in the serial as her replacement.

Fans started trolling Aishwarya and said they will not accept as her Jasmine. They want only Mira as Jasmine.

Shashank never wanted Mira to get ill due to corona. So he respected her decision and said the same to their fans. He started his shooting with new co-star Aishwarya.

When Mira didn't listen to their fan, they started trolling her too. Shashank was supporting Mira and said in interviews that this is wrong. Respect her decision and spread love.

Soon new hastag of Shashank and Aishwarya #AiSha started trending. A new audience started loving them.

#Misha and #Aisha started fighting with each other. Solo fans were trying to hype them individually. And their idols didn't interfere because fans were not listening to anybody.

Another bomb dropped when Mira went on shoot after few days. And they got to know that she was working with DWM (dance with music) moreover with Ryan Khan.

Shashank and Ryan were not enemies but not less than. Ryan is always so jealous of him. So Misha fans never wanted her to work with them.

Shashank listened to this news and called her. She picked up call while eating. After asking her about her health and all.

"You are shooting with Ryan?" He asked her to confirm.

"Haa...it's very a peppy song" she said while eating.

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