Does it have to be Barney?

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Little: Diego (4-5)
Caregiver(s): Johnny Joestar, Gyro Zeppeli 


"WHERE IS IT?!?" the growls of the dinosaur boy could be heard throughout the whole house. He was searching high and low, with no luck "WHERE'S BARNEY?!?" it's been two weeks now of Diego stomping around the house, and all attempts from Gyro and Johnny to calm him down have been unsuccessful. "Gyro, I hate to say it, but we may have to find it." Johnny sighs. As much as they loved there little Diego, the one thing that neither of them liked was barney. At first, they considered it tolerable, but after the one hundredth time of the same dvd  being played, they'd had it. They couldn't possibly tell Diego this, so they simply hid the dvd. Hoping after a while he would forget about it, but it was now clear that he wasn't going to stop looking for it. 

Gyro smiled, "I have a better idea..." the Italian cowboy looked away from Johnny, "DIEGOOO!" It doesn't take long for Diego to come barreling into the living room where the two other men waited for him. "Did you find it?!? can I have it?!?" Diego looked up a gyro with hope in his eyes. "Well, no, but me and Johnny decided that since we can't find it, we could go to the store and buy something else to watch!". Diego frowned; did they seriously think he was going to stop looking now? "Oh come on, there may be another treat in it for you!" there was a longgg silence... "No." Diego sat his butt down on the ground, crossed his arms, and began to pout. Johnny sighed, "see you at the car mister 'I have a better idea'" Johnny then proceeded to wheel himself out of the room faster than you could say 'horse radish.' gyro knew he was going to have a GREAT time getting Diego into the car.. lucky him. TwT

*After a couple hours of struggling*

After struggling and driving, the three end up at the best shopping location located in america, Walmart. Gyro takes Diego's hand so he doesn't run off and get lost, "are you ready to pick out a dvd?" Diego growls "I want MY barney!" they finally get into the store "well maybe they'll have some barney here?" though gyro doubts they would, since barney is such an old program that- "BARNEY!" Diego runs over to the dvd section to see a small selection of barney dvds. "oh that's great Diego!" Johnny smirks at gyro, who's mentally kicking himself in the butt. "yeahhhh, go ahead and get the ones you want" by the end of the trip, diego has gotten every barney dvd that Walmart owns, along with a new plush dinosaur to add to the mountain of plushies in his room. 

Johnny and Gyro both watch Diego happily watching one of his new dvds "you know, maybe the show isn't so bad.. it does make Diego happy after all" Johnny chuckles before wiping a tear away "I wish we would have realized that before spending a fortune on more dvds" gyro thinks for a while, "yeah, but I think it was worth it" they both look at each other and smile. They love Diego more than anything in the world, and they would do just about anything to make him happy.. even if that means torturing their minds with a purple and green singing dinosaur.


aftermath notes: thank you so much for reading my first short story! I worked so hard, (and procrastinated so hard) in order to get this out so I hope you enjoyed it. please feel free to leave suggestions for future stories because I would LOVE to write some more for you guys! love you lots! 


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