Jojo's Bizarre Playdate Part 1

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(Helloooooo! to just a note that this story will in no means be exactly like part three, I haven't watched all of it yet [I still haven't seen Iggy yet, just as an example] so please don't expect everything to be accurate! TwT [also this hasn't been revised yet so if it sounds rough, I apologize, I just wanted to get it out so you guys didn't have to keep waiting! TwT])


Jotaro- 4-5

kakyoin- 3-4

Polnareff- 6-ish??

Dio: 1-7 (biggggg range)


Joseph, Avdol , Holly

(that's all for right now!)

As they waited at the airport, Holly explained to Jotaro why Joseph was coming to visit, "his grandfather's brother would like to have a playdate with you, doesn't that sound nice Jotaro?" Jotaro swings his feet back and forth as he stares out the window, watching the airplanes land and take off. "Wouldn't that make him an older man then Gigi?" Holly sighs and hugs Jotaro's arm. "Jojo you know it's ok if you want to regress here, it's completely fine!" Jotaro plants his feet on the ground and covers his face with the brim of his hat, "heck no, that's embarrassing.." Holly smiles, "aw Jojo, mama doesn't care when you regress! and as for Dio, let's just say he never ages, he's kind of a vampire, isn't that neat?" Jotaro's face turns bright red as he tries to pull the brim of his hat further down, "m-more like creepy- a-and would u stop with de talk? it's stupid." Holly giggles and pats Jotaro's arm that she's still holding onto, "ok!"

After awhile of waiting, Jotaro starts to get restless, and so he huffs. "I know baby, but he should be here soon!" before Jotaro could comment on the nickname his mother used, there's a loud booming voice from across the airport "HOLLYYYYYY!" holly stands up and runs after the voice "papaaaa!" Joseph hugs Holly, lifting her into the air and quickly putting her back down. "and how is my little grandson?" Joseph goes over to jotaro and pats his head, "m' fine.." Joseph chuckles before backing up, "Well, I have a friend I'd like you to meet Jotaro." Avdol walks over to Jotaro, "It's very nice to meet you Jotaro, I've heard a lot about you" Avdol gives Jotaro a warm smile. The slightly regressed teen stands up, "w-well- I still have to go to school today- b-before we leave"Holly tilts her head, "oh? you've haven't been set on going to school in awhile Jojo.." Jotaro turns away, "y-yeah well I'm going today.." and with that, the group walks off.

So, once they get home, Jotaro starts getting ready for school, "Jotaro are you sure you want to go to school today? you where really close to re-" "yeah. now shut it." Holly smiles, "ok!" Holly gives Jotaro a kiss on the cheek before he leaves the house. It doesn't take long for a swarm of girls to follow behind Jotaro. "jotaro! you look so handsome today!" "hey don't say that to him! he's MINE!" "no way, he looked at me yesterday at lunch!" "he did not! we was looking at ME!" "no me!" "no-" Jotaro turns to face them "WOULD YOU ALL SHUT THE HELL UP?!?" the girls stop for a split second before awing "ooooh he said that to me!" "no me!" jotaro turns back around "yare yare.." Jotaro manages to take enough turns that he looses the group of women long enough to rest. but before he could catch his breath, a young man bumps into him. "oh- I'm so sorry!" Jotaro sighs, "it's fine- just watch where you're going.." Jotaro studies the man, a red head? huh, that's interesting.. as the young man walks away, Jotaro notices something on the ground. Jotaro picks it up, upon further inspection,  he finds it's a pacifier, green with little red cherries on it. 

Jotaro runs over to the man who he assumed dropped it. "Hey! is this your's?" the red head looks at the pacifier before blushing, "n-no- uh- that's my baby sisters! m-must have brought it with me on accident!" he quickly snatches it out of Jotaro's hand. "that's way to big to be a baby's pacifier." the man looks away, "I-I-" Jotaro reaches into the pocket of his jacket, "hey, it's ok, I have one too" Jotaro slowly pulls out his own pacifier before putting it in his mouth "u don' gotta be so nervous bout' it.." the man looks back at Jotaro, "y-you regress to?" Jotaro huffs "nooo I jus' keep a pacifier in my pocket cause it gives me good luck, wat do u think??" the man chuckles, "yeah- sorry-" he puts his own pacifier into his mouth. Jotaro looks at him, "so do u gotta name?" the man nods, "ya, is Noriaki Kakyoin, bu' u can call me Nori if u wan'" Jotaro takes kakyoin's hand "Ok Nori, my name's Jotaro.. b-but u can call me Jojo, if u wanna" kakyoin giggles, "oki jojo!" Jotaro thinks for awhile, "u wanna go to my house an' do stuff?" Kakyoin shakes his head, "we gots ta go to school Jojo!" Jotaro nods slowly, "ya but I got goldfish at my house" Kakyoin gasps, "goldfishes?!? ya ya les go!" and so both littles go back to jotaro's house.

Once Jotaro's back home, he shows Kakyoin the inside of his house, "woah, ur house so cool!" "dank u.." Holly enters the room the littles are in "Jojo? I thought you said you where goi- awww, who's the little friend you brought?" Kakyoin blushes, "m-my name is Nori, m'am" holly kisses kakyoin's head, "well aren't you adorable? can I get you two anything? a snack? something to drink?" Jotaro nods, "both peas" (jotaro is much more polite when he's regressed). "ok honey, you and you're friend just hold tight and I'll get you something fixed!" Holly leaves the room, letting kakyoin and Jotaro entertain themselves. Kakyoin pulls out his little journal from his bag and shows Jotaro. "u did all dis?" kakyoin nods, "mhm! u like?" "ya, is real cool.." Kakyoin smiles. After awhile, Holly finally comes back with the littles snack, which includes goldfish, apple slices, and some peanut butter to dunk it in. She also brought them both sippy cups with apple juice. "dank u mama" "ya, dank u miss jojo's mama" Holly chuckles, "holly, dear, and you're both very welcome!"

After snack time, and some more playtime, Joseph wanders in, "I heard you decided to stay home after all Jotaro." Jotaro nods, "mhm.." Jotaro keeps playing with the plush shark he's holding, "then we can start packing for Egypt!" Kakyoin looks from Joseph to Jotaro, "u goin to Egypt?!?" "ya, we godda go see my great uncle for a playdate" kakyoin looks back at Joseph, "can I go?!" Joseph thinks for awhile, "I dunno, are your parents gonna be ok with it?" kakyoin looks away, "dat won' be an issue.." Joseph bends down to the little's level, "why not?" Kakyoin tears up, "I-I don' live with dem no more, dey foun' out bout dis and dey don' like me!" Joseph hugs Kakyoin, "oh I'm sorry bud, I didn't want to upset you, of course you can go." Kakyoin sniffles, "really?" Joseph smiles, "sure, but first I gotta know your name" kakyoin giggles, "oh ya! m' Kakyoin! but u can call me Nori." Joseph pats kakyoin's head, "alright then Nori, how would you like to go with us to Egypt?" "I'd really like dat!" Joseph looks at Jotaro, "how about it Jotaro?" Jotaro nods, "ya, we can go now." Joseph stands up, "alright! that settles it then! we're off to Egypt!" 

<---To be Continued----

End of part 1

(1266 words TwT I'm oki! anywho, I hope u all like dis so far, I hope I won't get too procrastinaty with de next part! anywhooo, see u thennn!)

(I tried to find a paci with a cherry but I couldn't :( )

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