A work of Art

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(with part Diamond is Unbreakable being one of my favorite parts, I decided to work on a piece for it. And I've recently been Introduced to the character of Rohan, grant it, I knew of him before, but thanks to the help of a friend, I've finally got a good understanding of what he's like as a person. grant it, I haven't seen him in the anime yet, but I hope to do him justice. so please feel free to correct me if I'm wrong with anything TwT sorry for the long note! enjoy!)

It's been awhile since Rohan had let Jotaro take care of him when he was regressed, and even longer since Jotaro had first found out Rohan even regressed. But it's been long enough that Jotaro has figured out what Rohan likes and doesn't like to do while regressed. Rohan prefers to stay home when regressed, it's not that he hates going outside, in fact, he loves being outside. Rather, he just doesn't like the people. he's not scared, or ashamed, he just doesn't like the interaction. Jotaro has found that the little is just as creative when little as he is in a more mature  mindset. After a few visits Jotaro found that bringing the small artist supplies was his best bet to win him over. 

Coloring books, finger paints, and crayons became a common item in the bag Jotaro over. On this particular day, Jotaro brought over a special activity. Jotaro knocks on the door of Rohan's house. there's some rustling from inside, "..who's there?" Jotaro smiles, see, he'd told Rohan about asking whenever someone knocked, so no strangers could bother while Rohan while he was regressed. "It's just me Rohan." Rohan cracks the door open, "and who may that be?" Jotaro chuckles, "Jotaro Kujo." Suddenly, the door swings completely open and Jotaro is met by a young boy dressed in a comfy green sweater and some fluffy yellow socks. "Hi miste' Kujo! Whatcha got in the bag?" Jotaro goes inside, "well, I thought we'd try something new today." Rohan furrows his brows, "new?" Jotaro sits down and opens the bag he brought, Rohan goes over to Jotaro and sits beside him. "Don't worry, I really think you're going to like this." Rohan sighs, "ok, if you says so."

 Jotaro pulls out some paper plates, A bag of pom poms, and a bag of googly eyes. and some  pipe cleaners. Rohan tilts his head and picks up the pack of paper plates, "what we gonna do wif these?" Jotaro lays out everything on the table, before leaving the room, not to long after he comes back with some paint, scissors and glue. "We're making butterflies." Rohan gasps before looking at the plates again, "how we gonna do that?!" Jotaro takes the plates. "well, let me show you" Jotaro takes a plate and folds it once, he then takes the scissors and cuts the plate to have a wide 'w' look. Afterwards he unfolds the plate and Rohan is in awe, "oh! it does look like butterflies!" Jotaro nods and puts the plate down on the table before setting Rohan's paints out for him. "now you get to decorate it however you want, if you need I can even get some glitter." Rohan claps his hands before getting to work painting the butterfly, "I'm gonna make it looks pretty!" Jotaro smiles, "I'm sure it's going to look amazing." 

After a bit of painting, Rohan holds his butterfly up for jotaro to see. "Hey, good job! that looks great, do you wanna watch some cartoons while it dries?" Rohan nods. thankfully the paint was quick dry, so they didn't have to wait long. "Now since it dries, we can add some pom poms to make its  body, do you want to do that?" Rohan takes the bag of pom poms, "mhm! I gad it!" Rohan opens the bag, and with a little help from Jotaro, glues the colorful pom poms to the butterfly. "awww! it looks so good miste' Kujo!" Jotaro nods, "I agree, do you think we should add some antennas and eyes?" Rohan nods. "alright then, let's get to it!" So, Rohan picks out some pipe cleaners and twists them into the pattern he likes, he then gets two googly eyes. Jotaro helps him glue them on the butterfly. "Now we let that dry for a bit, and it'll be done! what do you want to do while we wait?" Rohan thinks for awhile before walking away, it's not long before he comes back with a sketch book he's reserved for his regressed self.  "I wanna draw!"

Once the butterfly dries, Rohan insisted on making thirty more, but Jotaro didn't mind, he enjoyed watching Rohan be the creative little artist he is. In fact, it made him happy to know his craft idea was enjoyed by him. Once the day was done, all the butterflies ended up being hung in Rohan's room. And Rohan, all tuckered out from the crafting he did, was put to bed by Jotaro. Both had a wonderful day. 

(Rohan woke up to see the butterflies hung all over the walls of his room. he was both confused and astonished. needless to say they stayed on the walls)

hi hiiiiiii thanks for reading this story! I might make this into a little craft series where Jotaro and Rohan do lil crafts together :3 for anyone wondering, here's the website I got this craft from! (though I added the antenna)



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(also here's a Rohan :3)

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(BUT TELL ME WHY IT TOOK ME SO LONG TO FIND A PICTURE I COULD WORK WITH, AGH, AND A PACI?! ugh, I think the paci pics are what take me to longest to do honestly T^T)

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