Change-o preast-o

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(so before this starts I'll write a lil sum, Bruno is chasin' after Diavolo, and Diavolo seeks shelter in his lil tunnel, only to become a lil Doppio. now Bruno has to figure out what to do with his new baby. yes I wanted an excuse to write about Bruno. no he's definitely not one of my characters along with doppio from part five so it DEFINITELY didn't get me excited thinking about this. *COUGH COUGH)

Diavolo never thought he'd be this close to death, but there he was, with Bruno hot on his trail. But before Bruno could get to him, Diavolo takes a sharp turn into a hall full of doors.*insert a comedic Scooby-Doo chase scene*. Diavolo finally looses Bruno long enough to catch his breath, and for something to catch his eye, a tunnel, his tunnel. See, it was always fun to crawl into the tunnel and come out as Doppio, it was almost like a magic trick, but now was not the time for that kind of thinking, not now, not while Bruno could be anywhere.. But maybe he could hide in the tunnel? maybe he would be safe there. Diavolo definitely wasn't thinking clearly as he crawled into the tunnel, but he could care less at the moment, he felt safe. 

Bruno finally made it to the room where Diavolo ran off to, "Diavolo! I know you're in here!" As Bruno searched the room, he heard movement from a tube? a tunnel?? he wasn't sure what is was, but he WAS sure that someone was in it, but before he could investigate, Doppio crawls out of it. "oh- well you're not Diavolo- Doppio you wouldn't happen to know where Diavolo is would you?" Doppio looks up at Bruno and blinks. Bruno studies Doppio, he's certain he's seen a look like that before.. yes, on Giorno. Giorno gets a certain look in his eyes whenever he's feeling small- could it be? maybe.. he would have to see.. "Doppio honey, are you feeling little?" Doppio hesitates for awhile before nodding. "Oh I see.. how would you like to come with me then?" Doppio simply makes grabby hands at Bruno. So the little boy is picked up and carried to the doorway, but before they go, Doppio points at a little plush on the floor. "do you want to take that with you?" once again, Doppio nods, and Bruno picks up the Keroppi plush for him.

Once Bruno gets back to his gang, he immediately shoos the gawking members (Narancia and Mista). Bruno takes Doppio over to Giorno, who is playing on a blanket with his stuffed ladybugs and froggies. "Gio gio, could you play with Doppio for awhile so I can talk to papa?" Giorno looks up and spots Doppio's Keroppi, "f-foggy!" Meanwhile Doppio is awing over the small collection of stuffed frogs Giorno has. "mhm, you both love froggies don't you baby? isn't that wonderful?" Bruno sits Doppio down on Giorno's blanket and goes to talk to Abbacchio. Leaving the two babies on the blanket to play with the stuffies together. 

"Abba? could I talk to you about something?" Abbacchio turns his attention away from his cup of wine. "yes, what is it Bruno?" Bruno looks at Abbacchio nervously, "I may have adopted another baby.." Abbacchio sighs, "Bruno what have I told you about doing that?" Bruno looks down at his feet, not daring to look at abbacchio's slightly disappointed stare, "to ask you first, yes I know, but Abba he's just a little bambino! he's so cute, and he and Giorno are already getting along! oh please can we keep him?" Abbacchio stands up, :you say that you've already introduced him to Giorno?" Bruno nods. "well then, there's no backing out of this, can you at least tell me who you brought in?" Bruno finally looks at Abbacchio again, "Doppio."

(Bruno adopts Doppio, unknowingly caring for the man he's been planning to rid of.. oh well, not like he'll notice. at least not right away. You know Abbacchio is going to have this be the last time Bruno takes someone in so quickly after they find out. oh well TwT)

[helloooooo! thank you for reading this part, I've never done three whole stories in one day, it really takes a lot out of you ya know? but I'm so happy to be doing these for you all! so thank you thank you thank you! and I plan on writing more tomorrow orrrr the day after, either way, I hope you all have enjoyed the stories so for, because they're all for you!]

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