Oh? You approach me?

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Holly approaches Jotaro, who's just finished watching an episode of Spongebob, "Jotaro! We're going to the park today, how does that sound? " Jotaro looks up at his mother and blinks, "de park? Oki, but I godda get my stuff n' all da-" Holly pulls out jotaro's little bag, which is adorned with sea creatures "Already packed it! I have your favorite pacifier in case you need it, some of your favorite toys, a snack for later, some juice, and a sippy cup, and your dolphin friend" Holly smiles and jotaro just looks away, slightly red in the face, "yare yare daze.. " Holly hugs jotaro before giving him a kiss on the cheek "aw! Come on now Jojo, let's get your shoes on, it's a beautiful day and I don't want to waste any more of it! " and so, Holly helps jotaro with his shoes (after awhile of him trying to put them on himself) they head out.

Meanwhile, George isn't  so lucky. "Nuuuu! I don't wanna go outtttt!" "Dio just a few seconds ago you said you wanted to get out" dio huffy, "Dat was before I knew I hads to wear de icky stuff!!" George was simply putting sunscreen on him (yes sunscreen will let dio be out in the sun because im not going to deny the baby bat sunlight). "Dio this is for your safety! If you go out there without it you'll get hurt!" Dio frowns and grumbles the rest of the process. "Can I at weast take nilla?" "Your bat? Sure." So dio runs to his room and gets his favorite stuffy. "We goin to da park nilla! Papa's  takin' us!" The regressed vampire talks to his bat about the park all the way there. George is just relieved  that it didn't take too long to leave the house. 

Finally both pairs get to the park.  At the same time.  Jotaro squints as he looks at Dio. "Wa u doin' here?" Dio glares at Jotaro, "wa U doin' heres?!" Holly and George start to think maybe this wasn't a good idea "oh looks like we came here at the same time- haha-" dio gasps, "dis was pwanned all awong! U twaitows!" (This was planned all along! you traitors!) Dio grabs  onto jotaro's hand, "c'mon Jojo les get away fum dese meanies!" So the two boys run off into the playground where they find they actually  enjoy each other's company. And after swinging on swings, sliding  down slides, and other fun things, they both stop for a snack before heading off on there own separate ways.

(After they're  first play date jotaro and dio have many more play dates at the park. Kakyoin finds that his best friend is hanging out with a mysterious  secret little.. I guess kakyoin will have to stick with sleepovers with caesar)

[Dios bat Nilla may or may not be named after  vanilla ice]

[Dios bat Nilla may or may not be named after  vanilla ice]

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