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Thankfully to Benazira, Darvish had returned.

Their life was back to normal.
Even though usual fulfilment that Benazira showed was away, everything was still back to normal.

She would go to school, study, attempt to ignore Zubayda, then come back home.

She would cook dinner, and wait for Darvish to come back.

She missed Zubayda the most.

Zubayda had once approached Benazira, and asked her what was wrong.


"Zira..." Benazira froze in place, as she gathered the courage to turn around and face her best friend that she missed so much.

Benazira eventually turned around only to meet with Zubayda's teary eyes.

"Why are you avoiding me? Please tell me. Have I some something wrong?" Zubayda while panicking questioned in one breath.
"No...it's not you. I'm sorry Zuzu, I have to do this. Please don't hate me." Benazira tried to explain, without telling too much.

Flashback end.

She didn't want to be away from Zubayda.

But everything that her brother said had to be correct and for her own best.

After praying Isha, Darvish had sat down on the couch trying to take his mind off elsewhere.

His heart felt in somewhat peace after he prayed, but he still felt discomfort.

Maybe it was because he couldn't put his full trust in Allah.

As much as he tried, his mind kept telling him that something will go wrong.

And that this was a punishment.

But his heart wasn't only in discomfort because of all the pressure.

It was also because a certain memory of someone had returned to him.

This is exactly why he never wanted to go to Heshban again.

Because he knew that every corner, every street would remind him of Salima.

His Salima.

His first love.

Every corner of that place reminded him of what he allowed to happen to her.

Even though he didn't want it to happen, he couldn't stop it.

He loved Salima so much, but he also hated her.

He hated the fact that her fragrance wouldn't leave him.

The image of her smile would haunt the empty corridors of his mind, and make his heartbeat accelerate.

He hated how beautiful her dark brown eyes looked in sunlight.

He hated how much he loved her.

A tear cascaded down his left eyes and he quickly wiped it, not wanting to become all emotional.

He didn't want to cry.

He should only be conscious of Benazira.

She is the only important thing.

Darvish glanced towards the big hand bag, full of money.

He was just waiting to give this to Amir so he would leave and never dare to show his face.

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