iii ─ tension.

51 4 3

chapter threetension

chapter three ─ tension

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"Aww... cheer up, Isen!" said a teal haired boy Isen knew from the press team. "You know, some people would kill to be Wellston's Jack!"

"Yeah, this is a huge accomplishment," added another girl. "It'll look so good on your resume and your university applications!"

Isen kind of maybe sort of wanted to scream. He didn't want to be the damn Jack. He wanted to tell everyone in the stupid room that he hated responsibility so much that he would kill to avoid it.

Obviously, that's not what he did.

Instead, Isen put his head into his hands. "There's nothing to celebrate... I've lost everything!" he complained. "I'm no longer a free spirit! I'm just another slave to the system! How the hell did I end up as a Royal? I'm not even in Wellston's top 5..."

He wasn't really sulking over being Jack. He was the other day, but there were a lot of other things to sulk over. Like... Blyke. God, why did Isen do that? He could've pretended he was going deaf when Blyke 'woke him'-

Suddenly, the door to the Safe House opened. Isen looked up, confused by all the clamor.

It was... John?

"What do you want?" Remi questioned. It was Mean Remi. This was going to be good.

"I'm not here to start a fight. I just want to take a look around," John established, putting his hands up. "Can I sit?"

Remi stared at him for a few moments, before reluctantly letting out a "Fine."

Isen turned to glance at Remi with a look of confusion plastered on his face. Most people near them were freaking out, asking why she would agree to that.

"Because these are the rules we've set..." she explained. "John, I'll allow you one more chance," she stated, giving the raven haired boy a warning look. "If you show any hostility while you're here, you're out."

John walked over to an empty chair, and sat down. Almost all of the people in the Safe House were on the other side of the room. Isen took his phone out of his pocket and looked through his contacts.

Arlo? Absolutely not. Blyke? Hell no. Cecile? Probably not.

The cycle repeated until he reached the "S" row. His finger hovered over Seraphina's contact. Fuck, he was supposed to text her back. He clicked on their messages

Two Days Ago

seraphina: would you be interested in writing an article about the rowden trip?

seraphina: like after we go

seraphina: so if the safe house does something like this again maybe more people would be interested

Isen sort of felt bad ignoring Seraphina's texts, but he'd just get to it later.

isen: johns at the SH

MIXED MESSAGES ─ blyke x isenWhere stories live. Discover now