iv ─ communication.

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chapter four ─ communication

"So, John let this one kid win at this game," Remi told Isen

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"So, John let this one kid win at this game," Remi told Isen. The two were walking through the halls of Wellston, just having finished their final preparations for the Rowden trip. "I think he genuinely wants in, or something," she mused. "He didn't fight when I told him the ending vote was a no."

"Mm," Isen responded, looking at the floor as they walked.

Remi stopped walking. "Did you listen to a word I just said?"

"Yeah," he said, rolling his eyes. "John, game, didn't fight. Something about the votes."



She sighed. "This... thing," she started. "With you and Blyke. Be in love, I don't care. Makeout in my bathroom, I don't care." She sat down against the wall. "But whatever Blyke did– can we be over with it? You guys are my best friends, I don't like it when it's awkward between you two. And you guys have both been so distracted."

Isen sat down next to her. "Blyke didn't do anything."

"Then what's up?"

"It's just..." he sighed. "I don't– I haven't liked a boy like that since I was twelve, and that..." He sucked in a breath, looking away from Remi. His eyes were the slightest bit watery. He blinked rapidly. "You know, Cecile and I didn't break up too long ago," he stated, changing the topic. He thought about the conversation they had in the press room beforehand. "She's hard to get over."

Remi pursed her lips. Isen could tell she was skeptical. She stared at the wall in front of them. "I know this isn't related," she began, "but do you remember when I left for Rei's funeral, and you texted me that insanely long message?" she looked at Isen, who nodded slightly. "The things you said in it," she continued, choosing her words carefully. "Someone close to you died?" Her question sounded more like a statement.

Isen looked up at the ceiling, before taking a deep breath and looking back at Remi. "Yeah, okay," he mumbled. "My dad," he said. "It wasn't anything like... like Rei. I don't really have anyone to be angry at about it," he explained. "But you know when we first met Volcan? And she killed Alana?"


"When I couldn't get a mark on her– when I could tell she was dead– it reminded me so much of when–"

"I get it," she interrupted. "Sorry," she added quickly. "For this entire conversation. I was talking to Blyke, and it got me thinking about how I don't really know important details about you too. Besides you being scared of flamingos."

"I am not scared of flamingos."

"Okay, but when we went to the zoo–"

"Shut up, we're gonna be late. We need to get to the bus before everyone else does."

MIXED MESSAGES ─ blyke x isenWhere stories live. Discover now