Special thanks

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• First, I want to thank God for saving me and curing me of a serious illness, and giving me a chance for a new life, God thank You and I Love You

• I especially want to thank my father, for never letting anything go wrong for us in these 10 years since he has been without a mother. What he separated from his mouth so that my sister and I would be full, what he provided us with the best possible education in our country, what he led us on the right path

• Then I want to thank my late grandmother Milica, who left us two years ago. To her who was like a second mother to us, the one who constantly watched and prayed over us? Who, first, selflessly gave us a lot of love, and then everything else. Some people have so much love and such kind and warm heart that they change everyone they touch for the better. Dear grandma, I hope you are now in the place where you wanted to be, with your son. Thank you for everything you did for me and my sister, for being like a second mother to us, for never being hungry or thirsty with you. What was waiting for us every day was lunch on the table, a warm word, and a hug. You were a woman with a big heart and a good soul, and your children were more important to you than anything else, thank you for that and we will forever remember you as such.

• To all neighbors, relatives, and friends who were there with us and helped us as much as possible.

• To my dear godmother Jelena for hugging me when I needed it the most

• To the mothers of all the children who were treated at the same time as me. Dear parents and children, you are proof that God gives his hardest battles to the bravest, and that God never leaves us alone or forsakes us. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for everything you have done for my father and me, and especially thank you that with the presence of some of you "I didn't even feel my lack". Thank you for every kind word, hug, and sharp, ed tear. Being a woman and being a man other is a great gift from God, and that energy with which a woman loves and caresses another being is something that heals and calms.

• Many thanks to the Humanitarian Association of Fr. Mladen Hrkać for everything they did for me and my family in the most difficult moments, as well as thousands of other people who passed through the premises of their association. I especially want to thank the president of the association and his wife, who helped my father a lot, as well as Nives, Maja, Josipa, and Ana, who at that time constantly visited me, bringing me the food I love and good energy, and finally Tomo, a guy who treated at the time, who always sent me messages of support

• Also, big thanks to Mrs. Ivančica, who established the humanitarian organization ˝Jak kao Jakov˝ in memory of her son Jakov who died of leukemia, for providing me this laptop on which I finished and published this book

• Dear mother, thank you for everything you have done for me and our family, we will always love you and remember you fondly, you are forever in our hearts. Jelena, Martina, Zdeno and Nikola

• In this way, I want to thank all the good and warm doctors and people who helped us when we needed it most, and most of all I thank God for putting them on our life's path at that time. I would also like to invite all doctors to be as cordial and kind as possible to their patients and let that be the basis of everything: a warm and cordial word because it opens all doors and makes the impossible possible.

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