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I did something...and you may not like it.

But hey, you guys already know I'm the slayer of lesbian-loving hearts. If you didn't know that, you may come across them in the comments in either of my books. That will show how much of a sadist I am \m/

Anyway, here's the last chapter.

Enjoy! <3




"Riley, sweetie, can you please come out of your room?" Poppa's voice was muffled behind the door, waiting for an answer or any sort of movement from me but there was none.

            I remained laying there on my bed, staring at the ceiling, tracing the outline of the glow-in-the-dark stars and planets. I didn't want to leave the comfort of my room and see the sympathetic looks on my parents' faces. I hadn't talked to anyone after the bonfire – humiliated. Ever since I kissed Lacy, that night went downhill and all I could utter out to her was my apologies before I walked away with my head bowed and her horrified expression burning in my mind. I shouldn't have done that. I was stupid to hold onto to that sliver of hope that she might return my feelings. That kissing her would somehow be the best way to tell her I had feelings for her. Unfortunately, it ended with her pushing me away and every one of our friends became silent when she scolded me.

            I remembered that night so perfectly.

            I remember the way her soft lips felt against mine before she pushed me away and scattered to her feet in fright while I sat there, running my fingers through my hair. I couldn't look at her after that but I risked it and soon regretted it. The horror on her face mixed with sorrow would torment me to the day I die.

            "Riley, why would you do that?!" She said, her voice rising, as she covered her mouth her hand. Her wide eyes burning my skin as she stared at me.

            I sighed, feeling this sudden hollowness inside.

            I didn't answer her though. I was afraid of what she might say afterwards when I revealed to her that I had fallen in love with her since high school. I couldn't do that not when she was looking at me like that. As if I destroyed everything that she loved and taunted her afterwards.

            "Is everything okay, Lacy?" Daisy had asked then, approaching the frightened girl who never took her eyes away from me.

            She shook her head, "N-no. Riley...she..."

            "What did she do?" Marcus intervened, his hazel eyes sent daggers to me. I saw the way his mind was working, conjuring up different scenarios of how I hurt Lacy. He still held the grudge of what happened in middle school between us; I could see it and I knew he would never forget it.

            I gritted my teeth and stood up, glaring at my friends who were closer to Lacy – including Mila and Benji. Of course they would all be near Lacy in a protective stance. Heck, I would do the same. She – along with Daisy – were the ones we would never want to see hurt. We would protect them with everything we had. But they didn't realize that I didn't hurt Lacy. I could never hurt her. I don't think I'll have the strength to hurt a single hair on her head.

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