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Sorry for the long wait you guyzzzzz

I'm studying day and night for Finals. As much as I want to throw my books out my window and be stress-free, sadly I can't. But I found the time to write. 

So here's the new chapter 

Enjoy.! <3




I think the stars wanted me to suffer.

During the whole night, I couldn’t help but let my eyes stray to her as she danced amongst our friends and other fellow peers from high school. The way her hips moved so seductively and the way she lowered herself before rising up. There were other girls dancing but my eyes always stayed on her. She held my entire attention and I couldn’t help but hate myself. She was dancing with the guy she used to like at the time - was his name Robert? Ah, like I give a crap about his name. All I had for this guy was anger and envy as he danced with her.

He was a lucky man to have her body pressed against his. His hands were holding her hips, nuzzling her neck so affectionately. If I was in his place, I would have savored her breathy moans whispering in my ear. I would have lavish the way her body felt against mine. I would have whispered so many scenarios in her ear on what I wanted to do to her. I would have made it known that she was mine and mark her beautiful neck with my kisses. She was my goddess that I would get on my knees and pray to. She was what made me wake up every morning for school. I wanted to see her beautiful smile and be engulfed in her presence.

I tore my eyes away from her as soon as he leaned in to kiss her. I didn’t want to see the way she deepens the kiss. I didn’t want to see something that would make me damn the stars and hate myself for chasing after a girl who would never be interested. The music continued to blare from the speakers and the crowd was getting more sloppier as I watched the people I went to school with continue to intoxicate themselves with alcohol. The cool air blew against me almost like a sad caress reminding me what an awesome night this was. My friends were either dancing, smoking pot, drinking, or hooking up with whoever while I stood in the side with a few people I knew from my Music class.

“You’re not gonna hook up with anyone, Riley?” James Quincy - the first friend I made in Music class - asked me, wiggling his eyebrows before chuckling.

“Not in the mood,” I deadpanned, taking a sip from my beer.

That was always my answer. 

I wasn’t in the mood to kiss a girl who wasn’t her. I don’t think I’ll be able to pull it off with the whole one-night stand. Anyway, I didn’t want to hook up with anyone from school. They’re all a bunch of idiotic teens who blinded themselves with a false fairytale. I gripped the neck of the bottle tighter as my eyes betrayed me and flickered towards where she was dancing again only to see her swaying with Whatshisface romantically. Her arms wrapped around his neck loosely as they spoke with one another with smiles and laughter. 

White hot jealousy clouded my mind as I chugged my beer, tossing the empty bottle to the grass not caring I was littering on whoever’s yard this was and approached the girl she hated the most. The girl who always advanced on me whenever she could to get Lacy out of my line of sight. If Lacy could hook up with that guy tonight, then I damn well can too with the girl she always hated.

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