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  • Dedicated to To All My Padawans <3

I'm getting too many ideas for new stories but I don't think you guys mind since it means I'm going to give you more stories to love and cherish.

Thank you for sticking by me especially the long waits I put you guys through.

To all my padawans either from the U.S or other countries, I love you all with my bruised and battered heart and I give you all a virtual hug to mend your beautiful souls.

I hope you would enjoy this new story and new characters. I assure you there won't be any gang related plots lol. Tell me what you guys think! :D



“Tell me your three fears,” she whispered, softly. 

Her voice was delicate like a caress almost making me close my eyes and wish for her to talk infinitely because I knew I could never grow tired of her voice. As we looked up at the night sky, the sounds of waves crashing and drunken laughter surrounded us, I couldn’t help but feel like I finally belonged somewhere. I belonged laying just next to her listening to her beautiful laughter and her voice that spoke of many stories either involving the shenanigans we’ve done in the past or her college friends had done.

I mulled over what my three fears could be yet couldn’t help but feel the fear skimming along my spine as one fear stood out the most. One fear that may bring this friendship into a rocky edge. Just that thought made me close up; guarding myself from the world. 

“I’m afraid of spiders, heights, and…” Losing you, I thought to myself as I turned to look at her to meet those brown eyes that had brought me to my knees millions of times already staring back at me.

She smiled widely and I couldn’t help it but smile back.

I don’t know what I’ll do if I lost you…


Riley Hawthorne has made a lot of mistakes.

Most had led her to the best of memories while some were swept under the rug and never mentioned. But the one mistake she regrets the most was leaving California without a bang - more specifically, leaving the girl her world brighten a little bit more without ever knowing how Riley felt. That’s not all. The most difficult part was being reminded how much of a coward she was to express her feelings each time she video chats with her crush. After all, they’ve been the closest friends since high school.

Now as summer break is upon her, Riley decides to go back home to spend summer with her family and friends in California at last. She wants to make this summer memorable but it seemed drama awaits her once she sets foot in her hometown. With her crush being on the forefront of her mind, Riley must face the old friendships that ended right after graduation along with the fear of losing the person she always cared about once she finally decides to stop being a coward and be brave.

Can Riley find her inner strength and push away her insecurities to tell the girl she had a crush on ever since high school how she really feels or would she step back into sidelines once again and be suffocated with the what ifs? 

Who knew finding love and happiness could be this nerve-wracking. 

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