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A new chapter for this story and I hope you guys like it.




I was finally home. 

That thought brought the biggest grin on my face as I walked out of the terminal and let it all sink in. No more rainy and gloomy weather - that I dearly loved might I add. I was in a state that the sun never disappointed to brighten one’s mood. For once, I was glad it was sunny  because it seemed like a good omen for me. Maybe this summer would be memorable. Hopefully. I began to make my way towards the baggage claim where I knew my best friend was waiting for me. 

I could practically imagine her vibrating with excitement, anticipating the moment we see each other. It put more of a stride in my walk as I clutched my sweater in my hand and nearly barged my way through the throng of people to get to my assigned baggage claim. Just knowing that I was close to seeing everyone made me feel nervous. Far more nervous as I realized that I was gone for two years. People could change in that amount of time. The ones who stayed here were probably closer than ever while I drifted apart. That didn’t settle well on my mind. 

It brought more guilt to lay heavily on my shoulders. I was a horrible friend and daughter. I could at least visited one summer between those two years but I didn’t. I missed my parents’ birthdays, my brothers’, and my friends’. I hated myself even more for choosing my studies over my family. I shouldn’t even have the grateful support of my family and friends after choosing the selfishness of staying in school.

Before, I had thought Skype calls were the best to interact with everyone here but instead, they were just insufficient. They were an unaffectionate way to tell my parents happy birthday. As much as I wanted to beat myself even more, I’m going to make it up this summer. It’s the least I could do. I don’t want to miss anything anymore. Once I’m done with school, I’m coming back home. With that set in mind, I continued with the same pace and descended the escalator.

My heart thumping wildly in my chest and I couldn’t help the smile that was plastered on my face when I saw a familiar blonde head who was jumping animatedly holding a sign over her grinning face. 

Riles Miles’ it read and I chuckled at her as I grew closer and enveloping her in a tight hug. 

Oh, how I missed my best friend. 

It had been a long time since I hugged this girl and I couldn’t help but hug her tighter. The guilt hit me again and I did my best to hold back my tears. Just hugging Mila made me know that I was closer to hugging my parents. 

“I missed you, Riley,” Mila choked, embracing me even tighter.

“I missed you too,” I whispered.

After our moment, we separated and I gazed at my best friend. For once, I wasn’t looking at her through my computer screen but in the flesh. A few stray tears streamed down her cheeks and she hastily brushed them away. She was grinning like the Mila I always knew. I had never seen her without a smile even through dark times. She put up a brave face and faced the world with her beautiful smile. Oh, how I missed my best friend. I knew we would be spending most of summer together and talk about everything that’s happened in our lives. 

“You know, I’m truly the best friend you could ever have,” Mila began her little praise of herself as she followed me to the baggage claim for my luggage. “I woke up super early, dodged my mom’s questions, and drove through L.A. traffic to just pick your bitch ass up. I mean, I don’t mean to brag or anything, but that needs to be noticed and rewarded with Starbucks and Krispy Kreme.”

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