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"You walk in, and my heart beats different

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"You walk in, and my heart beats different."

It had been hours since they left. Since he left.

I had been pacing around my room since I heard the front door shut and I couldn't shake off the anxiousness racking through my body.

My mamma used to do the same thing when Luciano went on a mission. She used to stay up worrying until he came back home safe. Luciano's always telling her not to wait up but my mamma always replies 'sono tua madre, è il mio lavoro preoccuparmi di te (I'm your mum, it's my job to worry about you)'.

I knew Mr De Campo was good at his job and there were many trained fighters alongside him but I still felt nervous.

The clock read 03:37 when I finally heard the door open.

I couldn't stop myself from running down the stairs to check if the mission was a success and that everyone was alright.

I could hear him before I even reached the bottom of the staircase. His arm was wrapped around his stomach and he was groaning in pain. He was leaning against the banister for support as he slowly peeled off his jacket.

"A-Are you ok?", I stuttered out, unsure how to approach the situation.

"I've been better tha-", he started before letting out a painful grunt.

"Where's your first aid kit?", I quickly asked, wanting to get him patched up before his wound got any worse.

"Upstairs in my room", he gritted out in pain.

Just as I was about to run up the stairs to go grab it, he had already started making his way up the stairs.

Seeing how stubborn his is, I stayed a step behind him to make sure he got up safely and then he showed me to his room.

His room was strangely exactly how I pictured it; big but scarcely decorated. There was a huge bed at the back wall of his room with a desk opposite it. A massive flat screen TV was mounted on the wall and that was about it. The curtains as well as the flooring was dark to match the vibe of his room and as expected, there were no photographs or personal touches in sight.

I followed him to the en suit bathroom where he hauled himself on top of cabinet next to the sink.

He signalled towards the cupboard to the right and I assumed that's where the first aid box was.

I quickly grabbed it and opened it up, making sure everything I could need was in there.

"Um...y-you need to take off your top so I can get to the wound", I said rather awkwardly, my hand fiddling around with my bracelet.

With a look I couldn't decipher, he managed to pull off his top whilst maintaining pressure on his wound.

His large tan body was making my small figure seem even tinier and I could feel the heat radiating off his chest.

Looking up, I could see small scars littering his stomach. Faint white lines were engraved in his body.

"Where did you get these", I asked, carefully tracing a few of them.

Snapping out of the trance I was in, I quickly startled out an apology; "I'm so sorry, that was really insensitive and inappropriate for me to ask."

He shook his head slightly and gave a weak smile in return. "I got them a long time ago", he said quietly.

I didn't know what to say, so I let the silence wash over us. I took a quick peek of his wound so I could see if it needed stitches, which it didn't, and I distracted myself by taking out what I needed from the box and setting it onto the counter.

I washed my hands with soap and water and then grabbed a clean washcloth and dabbed the wound for a few minutes.

"This may sting slightly", I said whilst grabbing the pack of antiseptic wipes.

I then cleaned the area around it with an antiseptic wipe. He winced a couple of times but he seemed to handle the pain well, or he was just good at hiding it.

"Do they still hurt", I whispered out, breaking the silence.

I could feel his eyes looking down at me but I refused to look up and meet them.

"Not anymore", he whispered back with a small smile.

Grabbing a clean gauze swab, I patted the area dry and then began to put on a sterile plaster.

"All done", I said quietly as I began to pack up the mess that was made.

"How did you learn how to do all of this?", he questioned.

"Luciano would sometimes come back home with gunshot wounds or cuts so I started learning how to do stitches and patch up wounds to try and help out", I replied, silently thanking past self for learning the basics of first aid.

Before I went to put the box where I had found it, his warm hand touched mine.

"Thank you", he breathed out. I gave him a small smile in return and then went to put the box away.

"I'll let you get some sleep and we can talk about the mission tomorrow?", I said, wanting him to get some rest.

He gave a nod and said goodnight before I turned around and headed to my room.

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