Chapter 1

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Danielle's POV

Beep. Beep. Beep. Beep.

"Uggghh" I sighed loudly slapping the off button on the alarm on my bedside table.

First day of college..

Fan freaking tastic.

I finally managed to drag myself out of bed and shower and get ready and by the time I was done my phone rang, lighting up saying that my mother was calling.

"Hey mom!" I greeted.

"Hey sweetie I just wanted to say to have fun at school today"

"Thanks mom I'm sure it'll be a blast" I replied sarcastically. Mostly because I hated school in general and also because I knew absolutely no one going into this school.

She let out a small laugh and replied

"I'm sure it'll be great. Just be yourself and make some friends! You'll be fine!"

"Easier said than done but ill try. Well I better leave now so I don't hit any traffic on the way. Bye mom love you" I said

"Bye Danielle love you too. And good luck"

I disconnected the call and shoved my phone into the pocket of my dark blue skinny jeans. Realizing I was still only wearing a tank top I ran upstairs and got my Black Pierce The Veil sweat shirt.

I quickly put on and laced my boots, grabbed my bag and my keys and headed out the door and into my car.

I turned on my music pretty loud backing out of the driveway of my apartment. I hated living there all alone but it was basically the same price as a dorm and I didn't have to be stuck with some chick I don't know or follow anyone's rules, so it was kind of a no brainier to rent the apartment.

I pulled into the school parking lot and made my way to my first class after parking.

I walked into the classroom and made my way to the most secluded seat.

"I can break down my walls tomorrow" I thought to myself

I say down and took out my notebook and doodled absently to try and feel less awkward.

I hadn't noticed the kid with skunk hair spiked almost into some form of Mohawk sit next to me until he spoke.

"I doodle a lot too." He said sort of quietly

"Oh" I said softly laughing. Smiling like an idiot. Turning down to my notebook again to hide my blush.

"GOD WHAT IS WRONG WITH ME?!" I thought to myself "why am I blushing?! Why am I's the word flustered?! He told me he doodles its not like he hit on me!"

I decided to grow a pair and look back up before it was to late.

I caught his eyes as I did. The most gorgeous sparkly brown.

"Oh. God." I thought. The one time I decide to initiate conversation it's an insanely gorgeous man.

"I usually just do it to pass time or when I want to distract my self..which is actually pretty often I guess"

I laughed.

He smiled and nodded, "same here."

Oh god that smile. I could melt.

I don't know what it is about him but I feel almost.... Confident talking to him.

"I'm Jack." He smiled extending his hand for me to shake.

"Danielle." I smiled back shaking his hand.

"I like your hair." I somehow found the confidence to say

"Thanks." He smiled blushing slightly "I like yours too"

"Thank you" I blushed and instinctively starting playing with my natural red/orange hair with the ends dyed blue.

"So do you dorm here?" He asked

"No, I have an apartment like 5 minutes away." I replied still smiling.

"Oh that's cool, I still live with my parents" he laughed shyly, rubbing the back of his neck.

"Hey, there's no shame in that" I laughed. "I would if I could but I'm from New Hampshire so I had to move out."

"Ah, I see. So what brings you to Baltimore?"

"It was the only school I got accepted to" I said embarrassed and slightly laughing

"No way?!" He practically yelled "Me too!"

"That's so weird" I replied genuinely shocked at the coincidence

We continued talking until the bell rang and the teacher starting talking.

Jack kept flicking little pieces of paper at me and I would turn and glare at him and then would both smile and try not to laugh so we wouldn't get in trouble.

I sighed in relief and put my books in my bag as the class ended.

I stood up from my desk at the same exact time Jack did and laughed.

"Jinx!" He yelled laughing at me

"Jinx is for when you say things at the same time" I replied smiling.

He replied by just sticking his tongue out and running up to walk next to me out of the room.

"So what class do you have next?" He asked

"That's it actually. I only have history on Mondays" I answered, turning my head to face him.

"Really? Me too" he laughed "We should go get lunch together. Like on a date..or not if you don't want that.. Maybe like a friend lunch?" He asked rubbing his neck nervously

"I'd love that." I smiled

"Ok cool!" He smiled an indescribably huge, adorable smile"

"I'll pick you up at 1?"

"Sounds good" I said as we stopped walking so I could give him my address and we could exchange numbers.

When I got in my car a did a little happy dance before I made my way home.


YAY the end of chapter 1!!

This is my first ever actual fan fiction other than one shots so sorry if it sucks

Please vote it and comment and let me know what you think. I should update soon. Whenever I have time. Thanks! <3 :)

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