Chapter 3

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A/N This one will probably be really short sorry. I just wanted to update because I haven't in a while but I can't really come up with anything.


I woke up to find Jack on the phone, standing by the window.

"I don't know yet she's asleep. Ill ask her when she wakes up and let you know."

His back was to me as I got off the couch and walked up to him wrapping my arms around his waist from behind causing him to jump a little until he saw it was my arms around him and he relaxed into my hold.

We both laughed softly as he turned to face me, my arms still around his waist.

"Good morning sunshine" he whispered, still on the phone.

"Morning," I laughed "who're you talking to this early?"

"Early?! It's 11:00" he replies smiling

"Seriously?!" I shout laughing and turning to see the clock that sure enough, displayed the time 11:00

"Why didn't you wake me?" I ask snuggling into Jacks hug.

"You looked too adorable" he replied kissing the top of my head

"Oh so just because I'm cute I get to sleep my life away?" I laugh

"Basically" he added laughing

"Oh and it's Alex by the way. He wants to know if we want to go hang out with the guys today. Would you want to?"

"Yeah sure, whatever you wanna do is fine with me" I smiled

"Awesome. You'll love them." He said before telling Alex we'd be over in two hours and ending the call.

"You can just get ready here, obviously and then we'll stop by my house so I can get changed. Is that ok?" He asked

"Yeah that's fine." I smiled up to him before walking to my room to shower and get dressed.

Once I got showered and dried off I put on some black skinny jeans and a white v neck and a black cardigan.

I straightened my hair and grabbed some socks before walking back to the living room.

I sat next to jack on the couch as I put on my socks and then my black boots.

"Did you want breakfast or anything before we go?" I asked rising from the couch and making my way to the kitchen.

"I think I only have cereal though" I added laughing. Jack smiled and followed me to the kitchen.

"Cereals fine." He said and pressed a kiss to my cheek.

I got him a bowl and let him pick which cereal he wanted and showed him where the milk and spoons were as I went to the end of the counter and poured some food for the dog.

I got my own cereal and finished it quickly and grabbed my purse before we made our way out the door.

I was kind of, how should I say it....well, horrified to meet the guys. I'm not good at talking to people or making friends. At all. By some off chance I'm able to be 100% myself with Jack. Don't ask me how because I have no clue it's like he just gives me confidence I never thought I'd have. So here's hoping that he can give me enough to talk to the guys too.

Thankfully I don't have to meet either of Jacks parents just yet because they're at work already so that takes some stress off of everything.

When we got to Jacks house we went to his room and he got some clothes before telling me he was going to shower and he'd be right back and pressing a kiss on my cheek.

I was sat on his bed just looking around at all the pictures taped to his wall. Some of him with family but most of him with the guys. I couldn't help but smile at how cute all the pictures were. I'm assuming some where going to be used on flyers for the band and for promotional things like that because they had All Time Low typed in all different fonts on them.

For a new band it seemed like they had a pretty good idea what they were doing. They new how to get people's attention with the pictures and fonts and the music was amazing.

My thoughts were cut off when a shirtless Jack appeared in the doorway with wet hair. He was wearing only black skinny jeans as he entered the room.

"Like what ya see?" He asked winking. I hadn't realized I'd been staring until his comment snapped me out of it.

I blushed slightly and looked down before shaking it off and looking back up to him.

"What if I said I didnt?"I asked jokingly

"I'd probably cry a little bit. At least on the inside." He laughed.

"I'm kidding. Of course I like it." I smiled.

He returned the smile before putting on a t shirt and grabbing my hand and leading me back out to the car.

On our way there I couldn't help but think about how nervous I was. I was starring out the car window just thinking, biting my lip as Jack drive us to Rians house.

"What's wrong?" He asked looking quickly in my direction.

"Nothing really, just kinda nervous. I'm not good at talking to people or making friends I'm just so awkward. It's a miracle Im able to talk to you." I laughed lightly.

"What if they don't like me?" I added

"Danielle don't say that they'll love you. You'll fit in with us perfectly. And if you can talk to me you can talk to them because I'm the weirdest of us all." He laughed and grabbed my hand, lacing our fingers together and pressing a kiss to the top of my hand.

"Thanks Jack. I've only known you for a couple days and we're already dating and some people might think that's crazy but you're the only person I've ever met who makes me feel confident in myself. It's literally like you complete me. That might sound cheesy but its true." I smiled at him

"I could say the same to you. I told you things the first day we met that I haven't told anyone else. It's like we were made for each other." He smiled squeezing my hand slightly in a loving way.

When we arrived at Rians Jack got out and opened my door again like he did on our date.

"My lady" he said and we both laughed as I took his hand and got out of the car.

I started biting my lip again as we made our way to the door.

"Stop doing that." Jack said placing his finger on my lip "you'll hurt your pretty lips" he added

I smiled and pressed a kiss on his lips before he knocked on the door.

I took a deep breath as the door finally started to open to try and calm my nerves.


Sorry it's kind of a cliff hanger I just want the next part to be good and I have like slight writers block right now so if I try to write it ill just end up hating it.

Thanks for reading :)

Bye <3

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