𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝙵𝚒𝚟𝚎. 𝙰 𝙿𝚕𝚊𝚌𝚎 𝚠𝚒𝚝𝚑 𝙽𝚎𝚠 𝙲𝚘𝚟𝚎𝚛𝚜

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It was bright and early. The day had begun. Approximately a week has passed since the following incidents. You stayed cooped up in your room during the time. There wasn't anything interesting besides looking out at your balcony. Sleeping for the most time of the day. And reading those strange books with a story you were completely wrong about.

Maybe they thought you were brewing some kind of evil potion. You only scoffed at that silly thought. How could you, when you don't know any Dark Magic?

"Emica," you called. In a flash, the maid came scurrying to you as she listened to whatever you wanted to tell her. "Yes, your highness?" she asked, dipping the upper half of her body down to your level, with her ear close to your face. You don't understand why she did it. Maybe it was due to your quiet and spy-like demeanor. She probably thought you were going to tell her a secret. Bold of her to think such a thing.

"I would like for you to show me the royal library. I want to see the interesting books we've got here," you replied, closing the fantasy book from the bookshelf. Sure, it was interesting, but you don't need that right now.

"The Royal Library?" she repeated. "Yes, I want to go to the royal library."

"As you wish your royal highness." Turning her heels, she opened the door out of your room. Leading you out, you're off to the place that holds all the books you could think of in there. So you hoped.

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        "You may go now Emica. I'll adjust here on my own," you tell her. Before you could step through the doors, Emica grabbed your hand. "Pardon my rudeness your highness, I must say. I hope you find what you're looking for. But please, allow me to introduce you to it properly next time alright?" Emica said. You gave her a playful grin.

"Sure! Next time!" you say, and you walked right in before Emica can utter another word. Shutting the door with your back pressing against it, your grin then lowered down to a small smile. You're not going to remember anything she had just said.

'Alright, let's get this over with,' you tell yourself. Walking through the vastly big library, books you've never seen before are aligned accordingly. Perhaps by name, number, title, or genre. You just didn't know how the library system works around here.

Scavenging around the place, you look at book after book. Until you came to a stop. Something or rather, someone stood gloomily at the end of one bookcase. Stepping back to make sure you weren't seeing anything, it seems you truly did.

A boy. A young boy with formal clothing held a rather medium sized book. It looked quite old. Not new. Anything from that.

His jet black hair slightly covered his face slightly, eyes were almost a lilac that changed silver while they went back and forth through the skinny, dry pages. He was entranced by it. You want to continue staring at him. For such a young child, he sure looked oddly mature for his age. Maybe around your age. If not, then a little older. You can tell you were about the same height as him. Shorter or taller whatever makes you happy.

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