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"How do I look?" Mary asked Maeve. It was her first time meeting Maeve's friends, and she was really nervous. "You look amazing Mary." Maeve looked her best friend up and down. "If Max doesn't get turned on when he sees you I think he's blind. Wait, let me take a picture of you." Maeve smiled.

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liked by maevalentine, janpeteh and others

marydups Fit ✨

maevalentine Hot
maxxxxzzzz Agreed

maxxxxzzzz My girl 🔥
marydups <33

janpeteh Your shoelace's loose
maevalentine You're late so stop scrolling and start riding that turtle
janpeteh wait what
marydups ahahahahahahahah

Mary and Maeve arrived at the restaurant. Mary took a deep breath and walked in behind Maeve. "Hi, I'm Mary." She introduced herself as she sat down besides Maeve. She looked around, and her gaze ended on the empty seat next to her. "Aren't there five of you?" She asked, and Kris snickered.

"Good observation." He nodded. "That's Jans seat. He's basically always late." Jure explained. "Sometimes I really think he's driving everywhere on Nace's turtles." Bojan joked, making all of them laugh. "You have turtles? That's so cool! I had turtles when I was younger." Mary said to Nace.

"Really? What were their names?" Nace asked. "Fred en Guus." Mary laughed. "They are very basic Dutch names." She explained.

Mary was getting to know Maeve's friends, making jokes with them, when a guy rushed in. He sat down next to her and introduced himself. "Hi, I'm Jan." He brightly smiled. "Mary." She returned his smile.

"So, you're from Belgium, right?" Jan asked her. Mary nodded. "Yup." She said. "How did you and Mae meet?" Jure asked. "I lived in Amsterdam for a few years in my teens." Mary explained. "We were in the same school, so we became friends." She shrugged.

"I have no clue how you could become friends with her, but sure." Bojan muttered. Mary raised her eyebrows, but didn't say anything.

"So, you guys are going to Eurovision, huh?" She changed the subject. The guys around her smiled. "Yes, we are." Kris nodded.

"I heard your song, it's a great song." She complimented. "Thank you." The guys said. "What do you do for your job?" Jan asked.

"I'm an author." Mary smiled. "Really? Are you writing a story right now?" Jure asked. "Not right now Jure, she's not on her laptop." Maeve joked. Mary laughed. "At home, I am." She nodded. "It's an enemies to lovers story, and it's called 'Not Important'." She smiled. "So when can we read it?" Jan asked.

Mary chuckled. "I'm not totally done with the story, and when I am I'll have to reread it to make it fully to my liking, so not yet." She said, taking a sip of her wine.

"I didn't know you liked reading Jan?" Maeve smiled daringly. "I thought we were friends Maeve." Jan said dramatically. "We are!" Maeve said.


Maeve and Mary sat down on their couch. "What did you think?" Maeve asked. "They were great!" Mary said. Her phone rang. "It's Max. I'm gonna..." She pointed to her room and picked up.

"Hi baby, how are-" She started. "Who's Jan Peteh?" Max interrupted her. "One of Maeve's friends. I met him today, why?" She said, sitting down on her bed. "Why did he comment on your post?" Max growled. Mary sighed, soft enough for her boyfriend not to hear.

"Because we're friends." She explained. "You can't be-" She heard slamming on the other side of the phone. "No guy friends." Said Max. Mary swallowed. "Well, he's leaving soon, anyway. He's going to participate in Eurovision-"

"Oh, so now you're friends with gays?" Max scoffed. "What? He's not gay, I think, and why would that matter?" Mary asked. "That sort is contagious Mary." Mary raised her eyebrows.

"This is the last straw. You know that's not true. I-" She started, "I'm breaking up with you." Max said before she could finish her sentence. "Oh, so now you're too much of a pussy to let me break up with you? You are a sad little man." She shook her head and hung up.

Mary fell on her bad and started sobbing. She heard a knock on her door and Maeve entered. "What happened?" She asked, and Mary told her the story. "Well, you were right to tell him that. And for the record, I always thought he was an asshole." She said, making Mary laugh.

"And now we're both single again!" Maeve cheered, and Mary let out a sniveling smile. "I have some ice-cream, what do you think?" Maeve raised her eyebrows, and Mary laughed. "Amazing." She said.

Lovers Rock -- Jan PetehWhere stories live. Discover now