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It was two days after the dinner, and Mary and Jan were visiting Maeve in the hospital. Yesterday, neither of them visited her, but Kris and his family did. Mary couldn't wait to see Maeve again, and tell her everything that had happened. She didn't want to tell Maeve over text because she wanted it to be a surprise, and she thought she could better tell her in real life.

Mary was fidgeting with her rings in the car on the way there, a little nervous to tell her. "It'll be fine, she will be so happy." Jan said in an attempt to calm her down. "I know she will. She's been shipping us since the moment we met." Mary laughed. Jan raised an eyebrow. "Really?" He asked. "Yes." Mary nodded. 

"By the way, have you heard from Bojan? He hasn't texted any of us since Maeve's been in the hospital." Jan asked, making Mary frown. "No, why would I hear from him? I don't think he likes me much better than he likes Maeve." She said. "Obviously he doesn't." Jan muttered. "Sorry?" Mary asked. 

"Nothing, it's not really my place to say." Jan shook his head. "Okay so I was right." Mary said. "Right in what?" Jan asked. "Bojan loves Maeve. It's pretty obvious in the way he looks at her. It's a miracle that Mae still thinks he looks at her like that just to tease her." Mary said, making Jan laugh. He parked the car.

"You've finally figured it out. It took Nace only a week." Jan said, clapping his hands. "You haven't told Mae though, have you?" He asked. "No, of course not." Mary shook her head. "She can figure that out by herself." Jan nodded. "Good. That was our plan. Seven years ago." He said, making Mary burst out laughing. "Social ques aren't her strongest point." She answered. 

"We should go inside though, I don't think she would enjoy us being even more late." Jan said. Mary and him stepped out of his car, walking into the building together. Mary knocked on Maeves door, peeking her head in first before walking in. She hugged Maeve tightly as Jan followed her in.

"Hi! How are you?" Mary asked, breaking the hug. "Really good." Maeve nodded as Mary sat down. "Any news?" Jan asked, sitting down next to Mary. His hand around her shoulders, softly stroking his thumb over her shirt.

"Yeah, the police arrested Nik. There will be a lawsuit, and now they're trying to find the person that called the emergency services so they can testify against Nik." Maeve explained. "That's great!" Mary said, relieved. Maeve nodded. "The police also found his DNA on my dress, so that's basically enough evidence, but my lawyer said that a witness would be best." Maeve smiled, as Mary and Jan nodded.

"Now, do you have any outside-world tea?" Maeve asked, sitting up straight. Mary looked Jan in his eyes, he softly nodded. "If she wasn't here you would've told her anyway." He said, removing his arm from her shoulder. He stood up, and Mary looked back at Maeve, who was looking very confused. "Jan and I are going on a date tonight!" She exclaimed. Jan softly walked out into the hall, allowing the girls to talk about their girl-stuff.

Maeve jumped out of her bed and hugged Mary tightly. "That's amazing! You two finally realized you like each other?" She asked, sitting back down again. Mary smiled, realizing the irony of what Maeve just said. "Yeah. Jan was really down over the Nik thing, and I was sad because you were in the hospital, so we kind of comforted each other. One thing led to another and he told me that he likes me." Mary ended, a bright smile breaking her face.

"I am so happy for you two!" Maeve said. "You will be facetiming me this afternoon to pick out your outfit right?" She said. "Obviously." Mary laughed.

"I miss you at home." Mary said, her smile slowly fading. "I miss you too.  But I'll be back tomorrow." Maeve grinned. "I can't wait." Mary said. "You could just use the fact that I'm not home as an advantage tonight you know." Maeve smirked. A blush appeared on Marys cheeks, which were turning bright red. "Maybe. But Jan lives alone so when you're back we could always go to his place." Mary smiled and shrugged.

"Don't ruin my joke." Maeve laughed. "No but, I'm really exited for you guys. You better tell me all the details tomorrow." Maeve said. Mary nodded, and she saw Jan appearing in the doorframe. "All the details?" He said with a smirk as he walked back in. Maeve rolled her eyes, making Mary smile. "Almost all the details." Maeve answered. 

The three talked about Dublin, Marys book, and a lot of other stuff for about half an hour, until Barb came rushing in. "Visiting hour's over, you two have to go." She said to Mary and Jan. They said their goodbyes to Maeve and walked out of the room, back to their car.

"That went great." Mary said, to break the silence. "It did." Jan nodded. "And now, all we have to do is get Maeve to like Bojan back." She said. "Shouldn't we let her figure that out on her own?" Jan asked. "Yeah. But we can help her." Mary shrugged, grinning widely.


I don't think I said this on here but I do have a new Bojan story for anyone interested, it's called Summer Nights and yeah if you want to read it you should 

xxxx i love you guys

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 11, 2023 ⏰

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