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Mary and Maeve were standing backstage at Joker Out's 'fare-well' concert in Ljubljana, both dancing to the songs. "I have no idea what the lyrics mean but the song is catchy as hell." Mary said to Maeve during Carpe Diem. "It's about partying and dancing all night basically." Maeve laughed. "But I agree, it is catchy." She said. 

During the boys' guitar solo, Mary was mesmerized by their performance. "I'm so curious how they will do this on the Eurovision stage." She said. "Me too, they didn't want to spoil anything." Maeve smiled. "Except what they tell all interviewers of course. 'We want it to be a three minute Joker Out concert.'" She imitated her friends. "I want to know what they will do with the camera's." She grinned.

"Patience has never been your thing, huh?" Mary laughed. "You know it." Maeve pointed at her best friend, and their friends walked backstage. "I'm so proud of you guys!" Maeve jumped to hug Kris. "Me too, it was a great concert." Mary smiled. 

"Will you now finally tell us what you will do on the big stage?" Maeve begged. "Never." Bojan shook his head. Maeve sighed, making Mary laugh. 

The seven of them were walking towards Kris's apartment. Mary and Jan were walking at the back of the group. "You look really good today, by the way." Jan complimented her. "Thanks." Mary smiled, "So do you." She quickly added. Jan chuckled. "Thank you." He nodded. 

"You're an amazing performer." Mary said. "Thanks." Jan laughed. "Are we going to be this awkward forever?" He asked. "I hope not." Mary blushed. 

"Anyways, are you any further with your story?" Jan asked. "Not yet, Maeve was showing me around the city to distract me the past week, so I haven't been able to finish it yet." Mary smiled. 

"That's a bummer. Is the story based on a real life experience?" Mary smiled. "No." She shook her head. "Anyways, enough talking about my story. Do you have any pets?" Mary asked. 

"I do. I have a cat, named Igor." Jan answered.

"Igor? That is an adorable name for a cat." Mary laughed. "Well, the cat is adorable too." Jan said. 


"Did you have a good time talking with Jan?" Maeve asked Mary, who nodded. "Yeah." She said. "Do you like him?" Maeve asked, a hint of a smirk around her lips. "Mae, I just broke up." Mary shook her head. "You can like someone." Maeve shrugged. "I don't like him. And if I did, he wouldn't like me anyway." Mary said. Maeve narrowed her eyes, obviously not agreeing with her best friend.

"I'm going to write. I've been putting it off for way too long." Mary said, and she stood up. Maeve nodded. "Do you want me to bring you dinner, or are you coming out of your room when you want some?" She asked. "Bringing me would be nice, thank you." Mary smiled and walked into her room.

She sat down at her desk, opening her laptop. She looked at the last words she'd written and started writing. Last night she couldn't sleep, so she had thought out half the story, and luckily she remembered most of it. After she had written down everything she already had, she looked at her notebook. She had a basic plan of where the story was going to go written down, but when she saw what was written in her book she thought for a second.

Mary had no idea how she was going to put her idea on the paper. She grabbed her phone for some distraction, quickly seeing a notification from instagram.


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liked by janpeteh, krisgusti and others

maevalentine Fare-well to my friends, hello to my queen

janpeteh 😍
maevalentine Who, you or Mary? 😏

marydups <33

krisgusti Great choice of picture Mae
maevalentine You kinda look like a sassy bitch
krisgusti Thanks, i can always count on your sweet opinion

Mary laughed at the interactions in the comments, and put her phone away. She grabbed her pen, tapping it on her lips. She had an idea of what she wanted to write, but the words would just scramble as soon as she tried to write them down. Mary groaned in frustration and threw her pen across the room. 

"I hate this!" She exclaimed. She heard a knock on the door, and Maeve opened the door. "Dinner." She smiled, holding up a tray. "Or do you want to eat with me?" Mary smiled. "Yes, thank you." She said, following Maeve into the dining room. 

"I don't know what I'd do without you Mae." Mary said, and Maeve smiled softly. "I'll always be here for you," was all she said, but it was enough.

Lovers Rock -- Jan PetehWhere stories live. Discover now