Chapter XII

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"Lady Edris! Lady Edris!" She looked at the door, she was currently sitting on her study table and Adela went inside "What?" she furrows her eyebrows "There's an attack at the Silva household! please you have to go there immediately!" her eyes widened and immediately stood.

"How do you know about it?" she asked Adela while they were walking at the corridor "I was out in the market and I heard the news!" Adela explained while walking beside her and her hands were clasped, worry was painted on her face, Edris almost jumped at the staircase just to go down faster.

As soon as she gets out she grabs her broom and rides on it, her heart beatings faster and can't help but to feel worried about the Silvas.

When she arrived she found the other magic knights "Nozel!" she ran towards him who was currently sitting at the front stair "Edris" he stood and she saw his large wound, she covered her mouth and gasped "Where are your siblings!?" he held her shoulder "They are out in the mission and I was about to go out to do some reports for Wizard King Julius" she clenched her fist "Edris! Nozel! look what I found" Fuegoleon approached them and showed the same necklace "The hell!" she grabbed it and glared at it "They will never stop! I'll show them what hell looks like!" she gave back the necklace to Fuegoleon.

Nozel told them the whole story while he was mending by a healer they are currently in his room "A few days ago, while I was on my way home from your house I could feel strange magic nearby. I did rounding and found no one so I thought I was just exhausted" Fuegoleon nodded "I Don't think it's safe for you to stay here, Nozel. I think it's better if you stay at my Castle for the meantime" Edris offered, Nozel noticed the anxiety on her eyes even if she denied it they are aware that she's scared to lose another person "I'll be okay. Besides, I can't just leave this house while Solid and Nebra are currently out" She sighed "Alright then I'll leave Phoenix here for awhile so in case something happens she can assist you" Nozel took a deep breath "I really love your idea but I Don't think it's necessary" he looked away "But Nozel-" she gasped when he held her hand, Fuegoleon frowned "Edris, Don't worry about me" Nozel smiled a little as assurance that he's gonna be okay, Edris stared at him and still worried about Nozel, Fuegoleon cleared his throat and simply took her hand away from Nozel "I can check on him and also the surroundings so please relax, okay?" Edris looked at him and nodded, he leaned her on his chest and the corner of Nozel's lips curled up he knew that Fuegoleon was being territorial.

Noelle heard what happened to their house and she immediately ran there to check on her brother "Lady Edris!" Edris stood and gave way to Noelle who ran towards her brother who's currently sitting on his bed "Brother! thank goodness you're alive!" she hugged him, Nozel blushed a little and cleared his throat, Noelle let him go and she was crying "Noelle, Don't cry. Everything is okay now" Edris watched Noelle and she remembered herself to her....


"Brother!" she held Blaze's hand as she cried, he was on the brink of death already and laying on his bed "Edris" he smiled at her "Are you crying? I thought you were a tough girl? haha find me on the after life and spar with me once more, okay? I love you little bastard!" she kissed his cheek "I will find you rascal and will choke you!" he chuckles but he coughs "Don't worry about anything. Everything is okay now" he wiped hee tears and that's the last thing happened.


'I'll be back'- Blaze
'Take care and I love you'- Mr. Feuer
'Mama loves you, Edris' -Mrs. Feuer
'You are my pride and joy'- Mr. Feuer

Those are the words that keep ringing on her head at this time as she is having flashbacks "Edris" Fuegoleon shook her gently and patted her cheek while holding her shoulder, she blinked and looked up at him "U-uhm...sorry I just remembered something" She cleared her throat and look over to Nozel "Nozel" he stared at her "I will find the culprit please hand me the map" Nozel took a deep breath "I will hand you the map but in one condition...." she pressed her lips into thin line "I think I know what you want, You want me to be a magic knight and join your squad, right?" Nozel smiled "You never failed to amuse me with your intelligence" She took a deep breath "I oppose" She looked over to Fuegoleon.

Nozel frowned "This is a deal between me and her, Fuegoleon. I Don't think your opinion was valid" Fuegoleon raised his head and looked over to Nozel, Noelle sat on the edge of the bed while looking at the two "As a magic knight Captain, I want her too on my squad" Nozel narrowed his eyes "It's not for you to decide"Nozel replied,  Edris sighed and put her hand on her face while shaking her head "How about a spar after you fully recovered let's do it at the square" Nozel raised his hand "Deal" Noelle gasped and Edris just remained silent, Fuegoleon accepted Nozel's hand "Deal" Fuegoleon said in serious tone.


Edris was seating beside Julius and the other squads are also at the square "This is ridiculous" she said as she crosses her arms "At least you wouldn't have to choose" Julius smiled at her "But I Don't have much time! the enemies are keep attacking us like shadows!" Yami looked at her "I Don't even know what's the point of this" he said, she nodded "Exactly" she took a deep breath.

Nozel and Fuegoleon stood on the middle "Everyone you will witness the challenge duel of this two mighty Captains! From Silver Eagle Captain Nozel Silva and From Crimson Lion Captain Fuegoleon Vermillion! the one who will win will be the squad of Lady Edris Feuer!" she closed her eyes and shook her head because of embarrassment, Fuegoleon looked at her and smiled, Nozel noticed it and smirks "Let the battle begin!" when Julius said it, that the que for the two.

They picked up their grimoires, everyone gasped when Fuegoleon used his salamander, Edris stood and watched as he flies with the majestic salamander "Woah" Julius smiled seeing how amusement played on her eyes but of course Nozel won't let his pride to be stepped on, he release his eagle and rode on it.

The two fought "Fuegoleon!" Edris shouted unconsciously when she saw that he had been trapped inside Nozel's Silver star of Execution but she immediately covered her mouth, Fuegoleon smiled and he controlled his fire to melt Nozel's magic.

Fuegoleon uses fire magic and almost defeated Nozel "No! I will never give up! not to you or anyone!" Nozel shouted, Edris noticed that the two are getting in real fight "Stop it! please!" she shouted, Julius held her shoulder "They know what they doing" She shook her head "N-No! please stop them!" Julius stood "Stop it I said! PHOENIX!" Everyone gasped when Phoenix came and stood between the two to stop the fight!

She held Fuegoleon and Nozel on using her chains, Nozel was trying to resist it but the more he move the more the chains tightening "I Don't want you to hurt each other because of me. I hope you understand" Yami smirks secretly, Nozel and Fuegoleon looked up at her and the people who's watching got stunned, Julius smiled "I declared this duel as draw. Since no one won, Edris has her right to chose which squad she'll be joining" Julius declares.

Everyone was waiting for her answer and every Captains was hoping to get chose, Edris turned around and walked towards Yami, Fuegoleon and Nozel gasped "Let me join your squad" Everyone gasped and surprised that she chose the worst squad, Rill smiled at her and William looked down a bit.

Yami stare at her "Huh? wait what!?" Julius laughed and Edris hugged him "Captain" she said while smiling, he gasped and he was surprised by her sudden action "Wait! okay I'm letting you join my squad" she smiled brightly.

After that she approached the two "Edris why? we have a deal!" Nozel said, she cleared her throat and held his hand "Nozel, I hope you understand how I feel. I Don't want to chose between the two of you because I know it will cause trouble" Nozel looked down, she looked over to Fuegoleon and she saw disappointment on his face "Fuegoleon" she carressed his cheek "I just expected that I will going back at the base with you" she smiled and held his hand "I know you understand me. At least, I'm already a magic knight..." she tiptoed and hugged them both "Thank you for the two of you!" Nozel blushed and patted back.

"The guts you have to make me wait!" Yami furrowed at her, she raised her eyebrow "I just said goodbye to them! come on I'm excited to meet my squadmates!" she chuckles and ran, he smiled and followed her.

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