Two / Emotional Motion Sickness

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Act One / Chapter Two

Act One / Chapter Two

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A Few Weeks Later, August 2023, New York City

The music industry is weird.

Mikah doesn't get it, why is it so hard to find someone willing to listen to her stuff and maybe even produce it? There should be some form of music producer Tinder.

What would she even put on her music Tinder profile? She's 29, graduated college only 3 years ago, just moved to New York, like, last month, and probably has one decent song.

"I'm never gonna make it at this point" Mikah groans, she's sprawled out on the couch with her brother, Ayden, sitting on a chair next to her. "Maybe I should've chosen LA or Nashville or something."

"You're acting like you can just exist in Nashville and then bam record deal."

"It sure seems like that!"

"Maybe you just gonna reach out more, I dunno, I think you've got a good shot here, Micheal." Mikah threw a pillow at her brother,

"Stop calling me Micheal!"

"I'll stop if you hit up Jack Antonoff on twitter"

"Alright, Alright."


Mikah 🦋 (@superioralbright)
@jackantonoff hey genuinely asking and totally not doing this so my brother will stop bothering me but will you produce some stuff for me i'm kinda desperate i'll pay you in those trader joe's maple cookies 🙏


"Trader Joe's maple cookies?"

"I don't have a lot of money, okay!" Mikah shouts, throwing another pillow at Ayden.

"More money than I'll ever have," Ayden grumbles. Mikah rolls her eyes. That's because you chose to live with dad, and not me. But she's not going to have this fight again.

"I'm gonna go upstairs," Mikah grumbles. It's not that she doesn't like living with Ayden, she loves him, obviously, he's her brother. But the world hasn't been kind to the Albrights, starting with their parents divorce, Mikah chose to live with their mom, and Ayden chose their dad. While their mom had a stable job and income, their dad did not, while their mom accepted Mikah when she came out as gay, their dad did not. So you can see why there's conflict here.

Anyway, back to Music Tinder. Maybe on Music Tinder you could meet other artists to collab, or start a band, or whatever. Maybe that's just Twitter. But it's not like Mikah'd know anyway.

She's never gonna make it in the industry. She's already almost 30, should've just skipped college and went straight from highschool to Show Biz.

But it's whatever, she'll figure it out somehow. Maybe.


jackantonoff (@jackantonoff)
Replying to @superioralbright
sounds like a deal


A Little Bit Later, August 2023, Mexico City

Taylor was sitting in her dressing room with her head in her hands. This was her last show before her two month break, and usually she'd feel ecstatic after a show but tonight she just feels tired, rundown, sick and gross, and she doesn't know why. Maybe it's the altitude or maybe the lifts made her motion sick or something, but she's never had problems with that stuff.

Maybe everything's just finally catching up with her.

But oh well, she's performed through worse. She runs on Advil, Pepto, and a prayer she won't puke in front of everyone most days.

"Everything alright?" Melanie asks, watching as Taylor walks up to the meds table and rummages around.

"Yeah, yeah. I'm just not feeling incredible right now,"

"Oh no, are you sure you're okay?"

Taylor shrugs, "I dunno, I'm just a little nauseous and lightheaded. It's probably the altitude or something."

"Alright....just let us know if you need anything,"

"Will do," Taylor murmurs, flashing a thumbs up. The gross feeling in her stomach is only worsening, a year ago she would've worried about being pregnant, but that's not even on the table right now. She's single, almost to an embarrassing degree.

She makes her way to her dressing room again, trying to snap herself out of feeling so shitty, she sits back down on the couch, quickly downing the Advil and moving the trashcan next to her, just in case her stomach decides to betray her.

Maybe she shouldn't have performed tonight.

About, lets say, ten minutes later there's a knock on the door. "Yeah?" Taylor calls out, trying her best to sound well.

"Hey, honey," She hears her Mom's voice and breathes a sigh of relief, "Melanie said you weren't feeling well, can I come in?"

"Yeah, please do." Taylor looks up as the door opens, revealing her moms concerned expression. Taylor tries her best to give her a smile.

Andrea frowns, "You don't look good, Tay."

"I'm sure I look just as good as I feel," She tries to crack a joke, but knows her mom didn't take it when she feels a hand on her forehead.

"Mom, I'm fine. I'm sure it's nothing."

"No, honey, you're fevering." Her Mom said, moving her hand to Taylor's back in an attempt to comfort her miserable daughter when she slumped back down, groaning and grumbling something incoherent. "Why don't you come stay with me for a bit, hmm? I'll help you feel better"

Taylor nods weakly, agreeing only because she feels terrible. But also, hey, maybe some Mom Time isn't a bad idea, might fix her up a bit. At least for the time being.


i know this feels like filler but it isn't i swear taylor being sick is like. actually very important to the plot 😭
pls comment & vote & don't ghost read pls tyty loveyouuuuu

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